
Chapter 1 - First Boom!

Narrator : This is India 2030, yeah you were expecting where's all that futuristic stuff?flying cars and shit?Well humanity is far from that we're only able to reach and start a life in Mars, due to recent conflicts and wars its not possible.

Scene cuts to a comic shop in Horwali Area of Mumbai

Time : 4:37PM

We can see a teenage looking boy with black hairs probably about to turn 18 is arguing about a product with a shop owner

Teenage Boy : So the final price, ₹24($0.30)?


Shop owner : NO! Take it or leave it, i will not pulling this down.

Teenage boy : Fine, fine, heres ₹30($0.38).

Shop owner : Thanks a lot, consider visiting our shop again.

Teenage : Yeah yeah thanks, (in his mind he says : [Who the fuck is going to visit this jerk's shop next time].

He calmly leaves , The boy you just saw who was arguing about a tiny price difference is our boy Suryavansham , yes he has this longass name or if you don't want to call him with his longass name again and again then just consider calling him Surya.

So as Surya leaves the shop and start walking towards his flat or his home.

Surya : Oh boy what a boring ass life i had i wish it was filled with fun and joy i always expe-


(The noise comes out so loudly, so Surya decided to check on WTF is going on)

Surya : The fuck was that noise? Must check

He run towards the source of noise.

Turns out its a old aged woman screaming cause his dog stuck on a traffic road and about to hit a moving vehicle.

Surya : Huh? What happened, wait the-the dog!

He runs towards the dog to save, he saved but….

Old lady : Wow , come here my little puppy, you're saved but wait the guy saved you is...DEAD????

Lady immediately calls Ambulance, hoping he is still alive.

Surya then taken to the nearest hospital named 'Green Palace Hospital'.

Elsewhere , Surya wakes up surrounded by Dark and the surface appears to be some kind of dark water. Then he opens his eyes.

Surya : What the? where am i? Is this heaven? Don't tell me i am already dead.

Surya hears some melodious peaceful music sound as if a really beautiful lady singing.

Surya : what's that?

He follows the sound and see a women sitting in a chair calmly singing.

He asks who is she and lifts up his hand and just as he about to place his hand on her shoulder she says "oh you're awake"

this kinda shocks Surya a little bit then he replies with :

Surya : Eh? I am Sur-

The Goddess : Ahh, no need to introduce yourself i already know everything about you, Im The Universal goddess of reincarnation , Anag. you know Surya, your death was quite literally useless, why you helped the lady in first place, if you just ignore her that would be better.

Surya : But Goddess Anag, I love to help the people.

Goddess Anag : Look i don't care what you love or hate, you didn't have any friends, why don't you just Reincarnate into a whole new world better than this.

Surya : NO! NO! Goddess, i don't want to leave my world, i don't care if i had zero friends i love to help the people.

Goddess Anag : Well, just as you wish boy. I don't have time to argue about this so i am just gonna do what you've asked for.

Then Surya's eyes opened in hospital bed having some minor injuries and having a bandage in his head.

Doctor See's Surya's condition and report it to the old lady waiting in the room.

Doctor : Good news Madam, we saved the boy fortunately.

Old lady : No way , I can't belive you saved him despite it was hard to cure but somehow you did it.

Doctor then guides the lady to the Surya's bed.

Surya : wait you are that lady who's dog i saved, right?

Old lady : Yes you are right, i have paid all you hospital expenses. No need to worry a bit.

Surya : Uh there's no need for that Th-Thanks.

Doctor : You're condition is surprisingly fine af, you can go home just fine.

Surya : Oh, Thanks for all your treatment.

Surya and the old lady both leaves the hospital

Old lady : Who are you? By the way im Mrs.Deepti

Surya : oh my name is Suryavansham or Surya.

Mrs.Deepti : Oh what a sweet name, by the way its pretty dark, would you like to come to my place i would like to give you a small treat for helping me .

Surya : yeah,why not

End of the First chapter

To be continued.....