
Chapter 2 : Lazybones

Life is Y. A road goes, and then gets divided into two ways. I understood early that I have to choose the right way. What is the wrong way? Laziness. If you want to stick to a strong word, that's satanism. You don't do, don't feel like doing, take the easy path, the shortcut, cannot achieve, land in trouble and you get angry. From laziness comes anger, the destroyer of self. You fail to destroy your adversary through anger, which is anyway simplicity gone wrong, and you take recourse to planning. Here comes satanism.

So you are in the wrong way and you cannot succeed.

Why am I telling all these? This I learnt the hard way, the hardest way.

As I said, I understood early that I have to choose the right way. But understanding is something and applying is something else. In fact, applying lies on that other road. That is godliness. It is from your spirit that spirituality comes. This road is practiced intuition which has gained expertise in choosing the good path, the path that heart beacons.

And the heart glows in the fit body and mind. So either you are capable, or not. But you can always drive the machine, as it is.

The problem comes when you give up and take the short route. You fail, others say words, hate you, ignore you, reject you. You get tensed in a situation, feel that you cannot do it. Even if you succeed, the world will be at a loss. Better to get defeated, here defeat is victory. I want to win, right? Let the world go to hell. My victory is the victory of the world, my development makes the world enriched. My development is the beginning of all. Charity begins at home, right? When the world will come to listen to you, know that to be the proper time to think about this vast universe and do something good. Before that, keep your universe in your heart.

Just you say, "Yes! I will do it." Your inabilities? Shoo, everybody has inabilities.

So that is what I learnt the hard way. I always tried to reach the goal. Though I knew, "Man proposes, God disposes." Success is by-product, it is always the heart, the road, not destination.

Who am I? I am Intelligence, not Application. In concentration I am next to God, rivaling angels.

Do I believe in God? Oh! yes. After all it is the easiest summed up formula, right? Ready to digest. Some call Him the greatest intoxication. Let me see - I am Failure. I fail to comprehend the complicated laws of the world. The world is - just not happening. No rule properly exist. You cannot live a simple life. Neither can you live a complicated life. You cannot live by idealism, neither you can be corrupt. If you don't steal, you die. If you steal, you die. I mean, WHAT IS THIS? God has built this world, as the greatest system of ragging. WHY? To dominate? Or to teach? If it is for teaching, why good people suffer? The world came to me as enemy, so God became my enemy.

If I take the simple path, I don't succeed. All souls - animals, people and angels alike - all chew me up. I hate to be as dangerous as animals, to be so selfish and simple predator. It is distasteful for me to be as moderate as human beings. I cannot submit as angels do. To souls - demons, people and angels - who keep faith and trust in me - I cannot deliver. When things become a little problematic, I fail to find solution. I get angry, as I said before. I am Simplicity.

I am the greatest renouncer, the greatest yogi, may be only second to God. Throwing away the inferior, I go for what is best, crossing levels at ease. I don't stay, I move. A stone remains a stone, a tree a tree, an engineer an engineer, I move on. I touch and go. The moment I appreciate a level is the the very moment I find loophole in it, and I move away.

I am Complication. For the solution I can think deep. I reach God as nobody can, in the twinkling of an eye. With deep concentration, and with almost full sacrifice and dedication, which I apply to any work, I reach God. To find the solution in any discipline I use this core knowledge, and find the underlying truth and direction at once. But solving the problem is a different ball game.

I am Deceit. Long before language arrived. Even God cannot defeat me in a debate, or so it seems.

For your information, we God and angels converse through direct exchange of ideas. For example, a teacher teaches you a Mathematical problem. You understand it. That feeling of understanding, that knowledge, will be directly channelized to you if I was the teacher. No electric current or anything of that sort. It will be plain done. I will wish, and it will be done. I do not require to look at you. You can even be at the other side of the globe. I do not require to see you. Of course I do require to visualize you. Same for multiple people. I require to visualize the group. It will be transferred at once. Same for boon and curse. Blessings and well-wishes. Same for generating spiritual power. And taking it away, making you feel tired. Same for developing emotions, good and bad, in you.

What do you think? Yes, I have super-powers. I am not human. At least, not an ordinary human being.

I am Talent. Give me a musical instrument. At once I will begin playing it like a pro. In any sporting field, I am the champion. I give you the thinking power. The ability to deduce. The first person to create a weapon, did it in my power. I can start up quarrels. Hatred. Illusion. All for the sake of the development of humans, to create a better society, to uplift the human civilization.

What does God want? That all go for Him quitting everything? Why, are they beggars? What if they fail? God created angels who are not good enough. And then humans, worse still. So God wants humans to roam on earth half-heartedly. Why? Because one or two may reach Him? So others are being exploited?

I prefer a good earth, standing on its own right.

I am very powerful. I am omnipresent. I can reach anywhere. The world is one spiritual energy. Every place is connected through spiritual bridges. If you have the ability, you can travel at will. I can draw into myself all the power of the world, by just having the feeling, or reaching the level, and then apply it. If you call it His power, then I may say I can use His power at my will, and yes, against Him too. There are so many things to say about it, but this can be said as a summed up version.

Why don't I stay in that power level? I don't feel like doing, to make a long story short. You may just call me lazybones, if I have bones. May be my intuition, or heart, or deep sense, which at the core reaches Him, stops me from being there. You see, the whole universe is a body. Think of your body. A mosquito bites you. Your left hand is attacked. Signals will reach your brain. Your right hand will be active. It will perish the mosquito. So your body acts as one entity, right? Each part cares for the other. So is for universe. Each part cares for the other.

Such is the case for souls. Your deepest sense feels for the universe. You won't feel like doing what is bad for it. You will stop. You don't know why. If asked, you will stay silent, or say something as per your ability. But you don't know the real reason. Criminals? They too stop as per their levels.

* * *

Oh! I kept on chattering. Somehow the vent has opened. Where was I? Yes, my first vision, my birth, the darkness and the feeling that I have no control even on my heart.

When I woke up, I felt I am this whole universe, utter black and nothing visible. Now what? Am I alone? Is there something to it? Are there others, though unseen? Is there anything behind? Is there any goal? Is this changeable? Umm, this is disheartening. I felt frustrated. ANGRY.

As I said, solving a problem is a different ball game. But when you are alone, it is easy. But then, the easy one is the most difficult.

I wanted to penetrate through this veil. Yeah, veil. All the levels are just levels of mind. You think it to be a veil, you wish it goes away, and it goes away, revealing the other side.

Suddenly, there was a small sphere of white light afar. I went towards it. In no time the whole surrounding broke up into what at first seemed to be dazzling white light. I was stunned, awe-struck. I looked around. First there was black. Now there is white. First there was nothing, now there is nothing.

To the one who can do it, it really doesn't seem to be difficult.

What others can't do, or do with great difficulty, I can do it in no time, as easily as taking breath. What anybody can do, including animals, insects, cells, I find hard to achieve or retain. They only come in sparkles rare. So I don't consider me to be an achiever, your opinion may differ.

It can be safely said I have great imaginative power.

So - White. Now what?

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