
Back to the Arena...

In the arena, gladiators fought for the entertainment of demons. 

Slashing and striking at one another for the chance to see and breathe another day, only to repeat the same survival mode again and again.

Another fight was drawing to a close, and the demons were ever so excited for the glorious entertainment that the chaos of fights provided.

Deep within the ground. Under the rumbling ground of the arena, so many activities happened in many of the class areas.

In a particular class area, the gladiators were training hard under the supervision of a demon instructor.

This was instructor Bodat. 

The frog-looking demon was always strict with his tutoring and even lashed his whip from time to time.

Whipping the gladiators into shape for their slacking.

At another corner, some human women were in labor. Producing more children that would serve as food or as gladiators for entertainment.