
Before The Chaos Era: Azraea's Story

The week after the Hero of Steunvik and his party defeated Devil King Ashara and his Lords, a child was born in the Sherpstal Manor. The mother was happy about the birth, but the father had a different perspective. For the child was born with a single red eye, the eye of a demon. Her hair was a bright silver, the natural colour of a witch's hair. Upon seeing this child, the father accused the mother of being a witch, and that in order to keep her life she was to be banished from Sherpstal for good. The mother was accused of bringing a cursed child upon his bloodline. She did not wish for violence however, and left accordingly. In truth, the father was afraid of her, for the mother had an inhuman affinity for magic, which was why she fought against Ashara.

The child was brought up in complete solitude, the walls of her room was the only environment that she knew. She had an adventurous spirit and often trained combat skills whilst locked away, learning the basics from books scattered around in her room and her older sister on her occasional visits. At the age of seven, she could fight on par with a medium level Warrior. It was also then that something strange happened.

During a dream, she found herself in a white void, nothing in sight except for a girl that looked like her twin. Though, she looked slightly different. This girl had two scarlet eyes and black tattoos that encompassed her body. Only one phrase could be heard from this girl.

"Kill." she said, "Kill, Destroy, Dominate."

The child was scared of this girl because of her tone and the things that she said, but she couldn't help feeling connected to her. One day, she approached this girl and smiled.

"Hi, my name's Azraea." she told her, "What's yours?"

"I have no name." the girl replied in a dark voice, "I am you, you are me. We are one."

Azraea couldn't help but feel confused at this reply. She wondered what the girl actually was. She spent three years contemplating her existence and making friends with the girl, eventually coming to call her 'Sister'. At the age of ten, she finally understood what the girl was. She wasn't some other entity inside Azraea's mind, or an invading demon. She was Azraea. Azraea was the demon herself. In her time contemplating, she learned various different magic abilities. She was able to form a black fireball and could encase herself in those shadowed flames.

At the age of seventeen. Azraea found her door unlocked. Taking the chance, she snuck out and managed to stealth past the guards. She knew that someone had helped her. Though, the only person she knew who would of helped her was her older sister.

After ten minutes of sneaking about, she made it out of the estate and onto the street. With her spirit lightened, she roamed around, looking for someone to talk to. Her search was interrupted however, when something fell out of nowhere and very nearly hit her. She looked to the ground to find a strangely clothed, black haired boy lying unconscious. Interested by this, she carried the boy off in order to question him.

From there begins our story of fate.

If I can stay above 3 stars. I will write up Before The Chaos Era: The Last Hero.

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