

A Shadow rushed through trees jumping across each branch, behind it two other shadows lighter in color followed

"This is the End Alice!"

A man with black hair and a heroic build with a towering height spoke out his white eyes radiating an angelic power

"You betrayed the Clan your only option left Is to be sealed away harvested as spiritual energy for the next generations or executed!"

The one saying this was a beautiful woman with short neatly brushed hair her face causing countless men to fight for her, if not for the fierce spirit in her eyes.

"So the Elders sent only you two? Again they underestimate me I'm not the trash that first entered White Lotus School five hundred years ago."

A woman with long unnaturally bright white hair in a ponytail and kind warm blue eyes that made anyone feel enchanted by her presence covered by pretty long lashes her only other noticeable feature on her heavenly-defying beautiful face eyes started to turn pitch red like a shining ruby in the night likewise her previously white hair did the same with a black dragon tattoo covering her entire body could be seen as she ripped off her dark cloak formerly resembling the coat of a devil.

"Come then Juniors let me show you why I gave up on that useless righteous path and following The Old Woman's teaching and chose to take the title of The Grim Reaper."

With that said a deadlock alongside silence unfolded both parties knew whoever made the first move put themselves at risk, while they were all at the same level the pair knew that a demonic path cultivator at the same stage could defeat any other righteous path cultivator at the same level.

"Humph if you won't start I will then."

The earth trembled as objects formed around her haunting images followed with screams from dead souls including even those of children before quieting absorbed into her body as intense power flew off.

"You bastard! All those innocents you killed will be revenged today!"

Alice only smirked as her kind warm eyes like nursing a child spoke to the pair; Cole in particularly.

"Cole I lied about the details of my power when I first gained it while I did say it allowed me to see the days before my own death after strengthening it with the souls of countless villagers It turns out I can see when others will die as well, think of it as "Death Watch" do you know how long you have left Cole?"

Her eyes became demonic as he spoke.

"Ten minutes, in ten minutes you'll die."

The two froze hearing this shocking news Cole personally was in disbelief as he opened his mouth.

"What the hell are you saying? You're the one who'll die here right now...argh!"

The man said this yet before doing anything he felt a stab in his very soul like a bee.


The girl seeing her hated enemy the potential killer of her brother created intense flames that gathered in her hands as she intercepted him.

"Oh attacking me from behind? Not really honorable for a member of White Lotus heh."

The girl only roared as she kept attacked her.


Again the ruby eyed woman spoke her voice becoming more cruel and demonic as she counted, this process repeated itself into something tragic occurred.

"Ah it'd be boring for you to go alone right Cole I'll give you a present."

Alice mouth curved into a smirk as she whispered.


Suddenly Cole's body grew in a harsh demonic dark light as a tattoo resembling the one on the Demonic Cultivator engulfed his entire body.

"I'll have you two fight it to the death don't bother struggling now that my Devil Seed is infused with your soul right now you have no way of disobeying my orders."

Cole's eyes turned pitch black like a demon as his fist roared towards his sister knocking her far back away from the demonic woman as he slowly walked towards her.

"Cole don't do this it's me!"

The demonic woman named Alice only looked bored as she channeled the Devil Seed in Cole's heart to seek blood and destruction for eternity

--Sometime later

In a dark gloomy forest was a brute like man he sat over his very own sisters body her blood and organs covering him like a blanket or rather scar, a reverence of the terror he had caused to her.

This man was Cole..no he could no longer be called Cole if the woman who cursed him to a lifetime of destruction was The Grim Reaper then he was the creation of The Grim Reaper a brutal killer of his own twin sister.

"Alice is gone..no even if she stayed this Devil Seed in me that keeps making me seek more innocent lives wouldn't let me harm her..AHAHA I both hate her and revere her because of this damned thing, still if you thought everything would go by your plans you're wrong! I won't let myself be a slave to your whims if I'll die it'll be by my own hands."

The killer bathed himself in blood once again yet this time it was his own he knew that if he died now he'd be cursed to an afterlife with negative karma due to the sin he committed and the demonic tint over his very soul but he cared about nothing or anyone no longer even vengeance wasn't possible for him, the only thing he wanted was death.


In an abandoned cave a pregnant woman was on her deathbed, her group was butchered and then she was captured by a powerful Demonic Beast to be used as a cultivation furnace she managed to escape but became pregnant she wanted to kill this child inside her countless times but the pills the beast fed her made it impossible for her to channel her energy and choke the abomination dead inside her.

Now she could only blame her weakness as the last bit of her life-force was spent birthing this monster as her eyelids shut close and the newborn with strength not possible for it's infancy stage had hints of demonic aura as it ripped itself out of the woman's belly

"Blood! Death!"

On that day three people died to give birth to a new creature an abomination that shouldn't have been born one who'd kill both innocents and villains alike on the path to the apex there's only one thing we can call it "Devil!"

This is not a story of vengeance nor good deeds but one composed of a beautiful tale of violence, destruction and pleasure all on the whims of one Devil born into a twisted world by an abnormal process that will harm everyone no matter if commoner, noble, royalty, powerful cultivators or Gods.

DeeperIntoDarkcreators' thoughts