
Chapter 3 Curious Case of Calling Cat

Small interlope happened 6 month before current murder scene...

Summer in indie country are always hot as hell. Temperature reaching 40-46 degrees were like normal things to see in central state of indie country. Forget about seeing humans on road during afternoon time, even dogs were scared of walking on road. However, it was a business as usual for detective.

Burman was working on a kidnapping case. Lot of children were missing and later found in a pitiful conditions near to shores of Ganges. Blood was sucked out of their bodies. Noticing factor was small claw marks on the neck of victims. But none of the missing children found dead. Doctor were astonished because apart from blood loss no harm was done to children. However, the look on children's face showed that they met the devil. They could not stopping crying. They were looking around here and there mumbling weird language. Burman recorded the video and was listening to it at slow tempo, trying to understand and decode the ancient sholka.

While listening the script slowly, he realised situation was more horrifying than what he imagined. The ancient script was related to summoning the old demon who only sucked children blood and love killing pregnant women. Unborn foetus were like delicacy for it. Fear was his attraction. It was just like old Hollywood movie "Zippers Creepers". In the movie, demon used to attract by people's fear and used to kill the person who feared most. But the situation in city was more fearful.

Nearly 30 incident were reported in 2 weeks. Local Police was running helter-skelter to look for possible direction of criminal. But apart from a small clue that all kids found near the shores of Ganges, there was nothing noticeable.

Burman loved reading indie myths. When he heard the shloka, he was dumbfounded. The shloka was non other sacrificial calling for cat demon "Manjrika" or "Catania". The demon was favourite pet of lord of hell. In "Asura Purana" or "Demon's Bible", there was a record of this creature. Unlike regular cat, this demon was special. Their eyes were like shining pearls but the light imitated by them can pull soul out from living person body. No matter how many times you slice or cut their body part, they would heal in instant. There was no way of killing them . Which made them more powerful.