
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantaisie
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100 Chs

chapter 63: Lenard Publius the rune poet prt2

" ahh... My head - what in the name of hentesa is going on here ?" Lenard who was sleeping on the lectus , rubbed his eyes as he woke up only to find a a group of ten people some seated and some standing a looking at him as he slept . Finn moved forward holding a cup full of water .

"Here you go , you passed out while you were scolding me yesterday. How are you feeling today?" Finn's voice was gentle . Lenard frowned as he took the cup and greedily drank the water

"Ahh i was so parched . Mmm so it seems I was not dreaming , you really are alive ? What do you want ?" His rich enchanting voice mesmerized the ladies , even Komoni and Elaine were not spared

Finn took a sit beside him and a long sigh escaped his lips " coming to Hentesa was part of my training for the throne -.."

"What throne ? You have started spewing gibberish again."

"Let me finish you idiot . Right where was I , oh right every generation of the Zaloz family is- "

"Wait wait wait , you telling me ? That....you... Nooo way ." Lenard interrupted Finn mid sentence , he looked at Finn with a scrutinizing gaze

Finn chuckled, amused by Lenard's reaction

" Do not act surprised I always said that I was a prince , any ways every crown prince in my family had to go survive in a foreign kingdom alone for a period of three years well not alone because there will be a royal guard watching you just in case you are met with extreme danger..... That is why i left the way i did , my time was up I had to return home and complete my training there ....uhm I apologize for all of that " Lenard had a bleak expression , he sighed and chuckled a bit

" Cursed from the womb to roam the world alone

Hopless are you , son of gold and wealth

Admired by many but loved by none

Your fate to serve the people and save the kingdom

I must say it is hard being you , being a prince . But what do you want here ,prince of Zebha?" Lenard recited a short poem , his voice soft like a cool breeze.gently brushing past their hearts .

Finn shook his head" Actually I am no longer a prince . I was crowned two months ago , i am currently the king of Zebha. And I am loved by many "

"Get out.* Lenard pointed at the door

*Listen ,I need your help-"

"Out . Now!"

"My kingdom has been invaded by La'faura , I have no where to go . Please my friend , I can leave but I need a place for them to stay ." Finn begged Lenard , he was about to get on his knees when Carolyn screamed

"Stoooop!" Everyone turned to look at the princess . Carolyn approached Finn and helped him up with tears on her face .

" You are king , you don't kneel to no one . It doesn't matter how desperate you are , I won't allow my king to humiliate himself like that . Especially not Infront of a drunkard ." Carolyn shot a disgusted look at Lenard who had a wronged expression on his face

"Hey tha is not nice you know , plus he's asking me to commit treason . Do you know what they will do to me if they find out I'm housing the king of an enemy nation ? "

" Nothing , they won't do anything to you and we both know why ." Finn answered him .

"Well yes they would not dare to do anything to me but ..but still you do not expect me to help the king of Zebha for free now do you?" Lenard had a wry smile on his face

"A life time supply of wine and I will repay you wahat you owe to bellicus , deal?" Finn extended out his hand

"What do you take me for? A drunkard? But of course we have ourselves a deal " Lenard shook his hand

"Oh and you people will sort yourselves out , there are plenty rooms here but do not and I'm saying this again do not enter my study " Lenard's expression changed as he spoke to the rest of the group. They all nodded .

" Good , me and you let us take a stroll to the market but first you need to change into something common to Hentesa. We cannot have you walking around here looking like the king of Zebha." Lenard dragged Finn up the stairs . The rest of the group stared at the stairs where Finn and Leonard had went up

" Uhm I suggest we share the rooms , you men will be in the same room and us too ." Komoni suggested . Everyone agreed with her and they followed up the stairs....

Finn and Lenard were walking side by side , Lenard looked lazy and bored while Finn had a domineering presence. He was dressed in a white toga and his long blonde hair fell down his shoulders , complimenting his wheat colored eyes . Creating a great contrast to Lenard who had shorter messy blonde hair and blue eyes . Finn had a princely charm while Lenard's charm was otherworldly, it was as if he was taken staright out of a tale .

The two men walked in silence for a while , both seeming as if they were lost in deep thought up until Lenard spoke up.

" Brings back memories right? "

"Yes it most certainly does bring back a few good ones" Finn answered

"Why ? Why Did you not tell us you were leaving ? Do you know what your 'death' did to us mentally ? To me ? To Theodora? To Aurelius? To Zoe?" Lenard asked his voice calm hiding the fury in his heart

" I thought of you guys every single day , not a day went by where I did not . I cannot reverse what happened but I can try to make amends." Finn's words were sincere but Lenard was not having it

"Make amends ? Finn , really? You want to make amends right now when the whole world is in turmoil ? Stop the nonsense finn " Finn kept quiet not knowing how to respond to Lenard

"Where are the others?" Finn asked

*"Aurelius died in attempt to conquer the deep , Zoe is married to a rebel and Theodora is betrothed to the prince of Nesa'i and me? well as you can see I'm doing perfectly fine." Lenard answered his voice even

" Theo is betrothed?" Finn's question was barely a whisper

" So out of everything I just said , you only heard that part? But yes she is about to get married soon and luckily for you we are invited" Lenard smile

"We ?"

"Well they invited me to the wedding ceremony so I'm taking you and your little crew along" Lenard continued smiling

Finn did not say anything else and they both kept quiet until they reached the market , Lenard brought Finn to this eerie looking merchant , the woman looked frail , wrinkles covered her face. Some teeth were missing from her mouth and a head full of grey hair.

" Lady Euphrosyne , how are you this morning? Is your back feeling better yet?" Lenard said her greetings to the old lady with a smile

" Lenard my boy , I'm feeling better today thank you . Who is this handsome young lad you have with you?" Lady Euphrosyne smiled back at him

"This is my friend Finn , he will be staying here with me for awhile" Lenard explained

"Oh Finn my boy take care of Lenard would you now?"

Finn smiled and nodded

" Alright , erm I was wondering if you have 'It' ?" Lenard asked whispering

"Two jugs , one god coin" the old lady had a wry smile

"Yes it ls perfectly fine after all I'm not the one paying" Lenard chuckled looking at Finn

Finn mumbled something but he reluctantly took out the coin and gave it to the old lady. The old lady stood up and left them standing by her table going to her cart . She came back holding a chest and she hand it over to Lenard .

"Thank you lady Euphrosyne , we will be on our way now " the old lady smiled again revealing her missing teeth

Lenard looked at Finn and smile " could you be a gentleman and carry this chest for me?"

"And what is stopping you from carrying it yourself?" Lenard frowned and mumbled

"I hate you" Finn laughed

"I heard that"

"Whatever let's return before your group of children burn down my library"

On their way back to the library they encountered the woman with guards surrounding her again , she stole a quick glance at Finn . Finn noticed her and so did Lenard

" A friend of yours?" Lenard asked

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Lenard shook his head

"We met her yesterday by the amphitheater surrounded by her guards "

"I see."

lectus was a wooden frame supporting criss crossed leather straps that held a matress stuffed, originally with straw, and later with wool or feathers. to simplify it it's a goddam ancient couch

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