
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantaisie
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100 Chs

chapter 52: Aetheric soul


Aether seemed to move towards Timothy , entering his body at a fast rate . The aetheric aura surrounding him got denser and denser , making it hard to breath for the three women.

"Ge-get bbback" june pulled back moraine who seemed like she was about to pass out

Timothy's mind was seeing things , infact to him it was like the aether was trying to communicate with him . At first he was afraid and closed up not daring to listen to the aether but it only got worse and worse until he decided to slowly openup and accept what the aether was relaying to him , he saw it , heard it, felt it .

"The life force of the universe " Timothy spoke as he was being dragged to one dimension after the other up until he was dragged right outside of the planet looking at it from from afar , big round green and brown with a little bit of blue here and there . Concilia had more land than water ,many weird and eerie sounds could be heard all around this empty space but then his eyes moved to the sun that was far away and instantly he was floating Infront of it as if he had just teleported to it but Timothy knew that's not the case . The heat from the sun was no problem for him since he was not in his physical body , standing up close to the sun that's when he noticed it

"It's true , this sun is a steam artifact? " Timothy asked him a rhetorical question outloud

"Uhh yes beautiful piece of work won't you say?" A soft male voice spoke in his ear and Timothy turned around so quick to find an old man with glasses and a head full of grey hair and his body was slightly ethereal ,and he also had a slight resemblance to june 

"Sir Nimuor? How?" Timothy looked at the old man Infront of him with wide eyes , not daring to believe his eyes 

"You seem surprised to see me Bellanour or should I call you Timothy now?" The old man had a wry smile on his face , looking at Timothy's bewildered reaction . Timothy's mind raced at the mentioning of his real name but the old man spoke up

"You don't have to be so surprised , you predicted that this would happen after your attempt to merge your soul with aether . And I'm glad to see that everything went as well as you foresaw my friend ,come I'll show you " Graham held out his hand , Timothy's first thought was to run away but then he noticed where he was and he dropped the idea .

Timothy looked at it for a long while as he was not sure he wanted to see what Graham wanted to show him but his curiosity ended up getting the best of him and he held the old man's hand

" Hang on" the old man closed his eyes for a bit

Timothy was about to channel aether into his eyes but as soon as he thought of doing that , it's like aether heard him and it instantly rushed to his eyes making everything around him turn purple but this time it was so different , his aetheric vision was so clear he could see how the tears in space open up and he could also see all of their pathways and where they led even though they were interlinked . He could sense and see even a miniscule amount of aether coming out of a tear . He examined himself and he saw that his soul was covered in aether or better yet his soul seemed to be completely made out of aether and as he expanded the aether in his soul , the aether around him replaced it instantly . It was as if he was one with aether. 

"Aetheric soul?" He asked himself but then Graham's voice brought him out of his thoughts

"Some of the things here might be disturbing , so brace yourself" graham let his hand go after a door appeared infront of them, Timothy stepped into the door way leaving graham floating alone in space with a smile on his face , turning to look at the artificial sun his eyes peered deep inside the burning steam artifact and he shed a silent tear ..

40 years ago

Two men were standing over a body of a man with aurbun hair wearing glasses . The taller one of the two was wearing a medieval victorian retro coat and victorian military pants with retro platform boots ,the shorter one was wearing a gray cropped victorian coat and men's formal pants with dandy boots and an elegant hat with goggles .

Both men had distinct facial features , the taller one had grey eyes and jet black hair with a very sharp jawline while the shorter one had charming blue eyes with blonde chops on the side of his handsome face , the sky was dark and stars could be seen all over but it was still daytime .

" Is he dead?" The short one asked 

"No he's not dead ....yet" the taller one answered and placed his hand on the man's chest , a purple light emitted from his hand as it made contact with the man

. The light seeped into the man's chest and within a brief moment the man's eyes snapped open , his heart beating loudly in his chest . The man place a hand over his chest , before looking at the people who stood quietly by his side staring at him the other with an amused expression and the other had a blank expression. Feeling shy the man slowly stood up his face facing the ground 

"Uhm hello travellers my name is Graham Nimuor , don't mind me I was just taking a nap hehe" he scratched the back of his head shyly

" Huh ? Napping ?but elder brother said you were about to die human , or is this another one of the strange things you mortals do ? I have to write that down , your species behavior is truly fascinating." The man with blond chops spoke with his feminine voice , but the strange way he was talking caught Graham's interest that he ended up not noticing the fact that he had almost died 

"What do you mean mortals?"graham asked


"He means we should be on our way " the grey eyed man started walking away , followed by the short one who waved his hand at Graham before following 

"Wait ! You can't possibly leave me here can you?" Graham called out .

"Actually we can and that is what we're doing" the short one laughed 

"Please don't leave me behind , I have money "Graham called out once again but this time he was met with silence as he saw them getting further and further away

'guess I should just run after them' he started running after the two 

"Wait for me!" He ran with all his might until he eventually caught up with the two who seemed to be fine navigating through the darkness unlike him who could barely see anything despite the help of glasses

"You two are pretty fast "graham spoke trying to catch his breath 

" What are your names ?" Graham asked as they walked 

"None of your concern"