

Staring at the nail sized blue pill lying in his coarse hands, Ren's body slightly trembled while his eyes turned red.

To obtain this pill, he had to do all kinds of miscellaneous jobs for three whole years while constantly enduring scorn and bullying, but now, he felt all the suffering had been worth it.

''You're in the way.''

''Scram, don't waste our time!''

''Get lost already!''

Impatient voices sounded from behind him, pulling Ren out of his daze.

''Ah, y, yeah.'' Ren slightly bowed to the elderly outer court receptionist, who was getting more and more impatient by the second according to his souring expression, kept the pill close to his heart and scurried away with elation bubbling in his small heart. He didn't take notice of a few peculiar glances his fellow servant disciples shot him discreetly on the way...

With this Qi gathering pill, he could finally sense Qi and start on the path of cultivation!

Until now, he had been unable to sense Qi, as his talent was low. His meridians were too thin and fragile. Not to mention cultivating, he probably couldn't live a day past four decades.

Even as he failed to join the sect, Ren firmly decided to stay as a servant disciple in order to seek an opportunity for himself.

He had to sweep floors, butcher livestock, take out the trash, wash clothes and do all sorts of miscellaneous jobs in order to scramble a miserable amount of Points each month. in order to save up for this pill, he had been living thriftily, spending bare minimum for himself, just enough to get by and survive.

Now that he finally got his hands on what he's been longing for all this time, Ren just couldn't wait to bolt to his shack and start cultivating.

Sadly, a man proposes, but God disposes...

Ren had to halt his steps, seeing a few familiar sneering and mocking faces appear in his sight, blocking his way.

Ren's face turned cold as he growled with gritted teeth. ''What do you guys want?'' He knew they were up to no good when they put on such expressions.

''Yo, Ren, you seem to be in a hurry.'' The squinty-eyed servant disciple in the group scowled at him, his eyes covertly shining with greed.

Ren's heart sank to the bottom as he realized what they were after. 'They know...'

He had underestimated their persistence and ruthlessness...

''Haha, what's with that sneaky expression? Did you get something good?'' Nero, a slightly good looking man in the lead smiled mildly at him. He had short, brown hair, a straight nose and a pair of crafty green eyes.

With a friendly smile on his face, he gazed at Ren, but if one thought he had friendly intentions, they would be sorely mistaken...

Ren's expression turned ugly. ''You guys are going too far with this!'' Understanding what they were after, a subtle feeling of despair sprouted in Ren's heart, but he couldn't show a weak front, else it would be over. Years of his effort would have gone to waste. He would have wasted 3 years of his precious youth, a time when one's vitality was brimming and was the most suitable period for cultivation and growth...

In response to Ren's retort, Nero appeared hurt as he sighed and shook his head. ''Junior brother, that's not appropriate now, is it? To haul all the good things to yourself while forgetting your brothers who took care of you...I couldn't imagine you were that kind of person.''

Seeing his shameless hypocritical reply, Ren had an urge to vomit. He knew exactly what kind of 'care' he had been under for the past three years. His life was made miserable. Every passing day was hell for him. Few times, he had even thought of taking his own life.

Now, not only was the other side who was wholly responsible for his suffering not showing a glimmer of remorse, but he even had the audacity to accuse him. 'They really don't consider me a human.' Ren understood bitterly.

''Tsk, tsk, you forget us as soon as you see some benefit. Shameless!'' The ugly, short youth standing by Nero's side chimed in.

''You and your cronies beat me, humiliated me, ruined my works and made me live in misery...is this what you call taking care of your junior brother?'' Ren shouted with eyes full of grievance and hatred, which startled the smiling youth.

He had never seen Ren showing such expression. Coldness flashed by his fake smiling face for a second as he secretly made up his mind to never allow Ren to ever raise up. 'Go ahead and hate me. I will always have you squashed underfoot like a bug you are. You can never be a threat to me.' He thought coldly.

The commotion attracted a lot of people. Ren hoped they wouldn't act too excessively in front of the crowd. He didn't have faith in people who chose to avert their eyes from his suffering. He didn't hope for a helping hand to come his way. He knew all too well...what kind of people they were.

What he hoped for, however, was to limit Nero and his gang's movement. He knew they were hypocrites, who had no qualms over doing atrocious stuff but still cared about their reputation and keeping up public image.

Of course, people weren't blind, but as some things weren't done in the open, they chose to avert their eyes for the sake of their own safety.

Not everyone could see through such a complicated web of relations existing around them, but how could he not? As Ren had been through a lot of hardships, he had matured early.

Joining the sect at the tender age of 13, he had been a naive youngster, who sought to become an immortal and fly into the sky. Sadly, the reality was ugly. He didn't have any talent...

For the first time in his life, he had to make an important decision, which would later determine his future. He chose to stay...

''I feel hurt, Ren. You are accusing us, brothers of misconduct, while in truth, you are the one in wrong, but it's okay. I will forgive you as long as you hand it over. You will thank me later. You might hate me now, but, sigh...it's your senior brother's job to set junior brothers like you on the right path.'' Nero continued acting. If a stranger chanced upon their conversation, he would have surely misunderstood and thought Ren was in the wrong.

''Over my dead body!'' Ren fumed in fury as he listened to Nero's nonsense. In the end, he lost his composure and fell for his provocation. No matter how mature and intelligent he was, Ren was still an impulsive teenager, who was unable to bow to someone who was so blatantly stepping over his head.

''Ais, you're being so stubborn. Seems...we have to do it the hard way. Guys, teach him a lesson.'' Nero waved his hand. His cronies responded instantly, charging at Ren with ruthless hearts and greedy eyes.

Suddenly, Ren laughed in madness as he raised his hand, revealing the glowing blue pill in his palms. ''You want this, right?''

Nero's eyes showed greed for a moment. He coldly laughed in his heart, thinking Ren was finally giving in, but soon, his expression changed. ''Don't let him!'' He shouted, but it was already too late. He watched in horror as Ren swallowed the pill with a crying smile. ''If I can't have it, neither will you.''

Nero's face fell. ''Cough up, bitch!'' His expression twisting, he screeched and dashed at him, his temper exploding. In a fit of anger, he revealed his fangs.

People watched in horror as Nero darted towards Ren and mercilessly kicked his stomach. Ren's lungs were emptied of air as his abdomen concaved. Coughing mouthful of blood, he dropped on the ground. Unable to regain his breath, Ren clutched his stomach in pain.

''Senior brother, why are they being so cruel to him?'' The young girl was unable to watch on as Nero and his group began brutally beating him up, without holding back. Tugging on tall youth's sleeves, she begged for an answer with her clear, watery eyes filled with sadness.

''Sigh, you're still new here, aren't you? See, this is what happens when you offend someone. Sometimes, even if you're wrong, you have to bow your head. Without strength, we aren't qualified to demand justice.'' The senior brother replied solemnly, almost whispering.

''B, but...'' The little girl thought it was wrong, but looking at how miserable Ren looked, she shut her mouth in fear.

A dozen meters away, a fat middle-aged man was hiding behind the tree, coldly watching the unfolding scene. He was Grey, one of the Outer Sect Elders.

''Humph, you should have taken my advice when you still had time.'' He shook his head, not feeling pity for the youth. Instead, he was feeling quite proud of his judgment.

He had clearly warned him of his low talent and hardships he would face due to his personality, yet he chose to disregard his kind advice and determinedly joined the sect.

He had seen many stubborn people. They didn't last long. Even the nobles and royalty of the mortal kingdoms had to lower their heads and act humble in order to survive here.

''Sigh, I knew it would turn out this way for you.'' Mumbling this, he turned around, heading to his residence.

''Why are you not helping?'' The cold voice rang from behind, interjecting him. Grey's expression fell as his body trembled. Turning around, he saw a beautiful young girl dressed in fluttering white robes staring at him coldly from behind her white mask.

''M, miss Ares, I apologize. I will immediately...'' Grey stuttered in horror, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by her melodious voice.

''Don't babble. I just want to know the reason.''

Grey wiped the sweat from his forehead as he secretly sighed in relief, noticing there was no anger in her tone. ''There were two reasons, my lady.'' He replied, regaining his composure. He had heard a few things about this famous beauty. He had an idea of how to handle her.

''Oh? Go ahead and state them.'' Ares replied in her usual cold voice.

''He has no value, my lady. Even if sect invested in people with no talent like him, they would still never amount to much in life.'' Hesitating for a moment, he added. ''The sect doesn't run a charity. It was their choice to remain and fight for the resources, but since they have no talent, they are subjugated to unfair treatment from the start, but the world never was fair in the first place.''

The young lady's eyes shone in understanding. Nodding, she said. ''In short, it's like a parent raising their children, wasting their time, energy and money on them, only for children to turn out useless...a waste of efforts.''

Grey's eyes brightened as he nodded like a chicken pecking on rice. ''Miss Ares is wise. It's exactly like that. As they can't be of use to the sect, they aren't worth our efforts.''

''What's your second reason?'' Ares asked again. Grey shouted in delight in his heart, thinking he had left a good impression on the Core disciple! If he somehow managed to garner the other side's respect, his future might no longer be as 'grey' as he had expected and imagined.

Thinking for a moment, he replied. ''The second reason is my heart, miss Ares. We, the cultivators live a life separate from mortals. Being overly sentimental can be considered a weakness. Look at that boy, my lady. His predicament can be considered the model of our world - strong bullying the weak, stealing their belongings and getting even stronger.''

After a short break, he continued. ''While it looks unacceptable, we can not change how the world is. I could help him now, but I can't help him forever. His life is ultimately his so he has to depend on himself to survive. If he can't, then it means he wasn't strong enough. Many exits competition this way. Sure, I could help him this time, but my lady, have you ever wondered how many people are in need of help, with no hopes of ever getting it?''

Taking a deep breath, he finished his long spiel. ''We can only accept the heavens, else they won't accept us and then, sooner or later, we'll be just like him.'' Once again, he looked at Ren, whose thin body was constantly beaten while his tattered robes were dying in his own blood.

Ares also stared in that direction, her eyes fluctuating with emotion.

Grey nervously stole a glance at Ares. He had poured his heart out, squeezed his brain for every bit of knowledge and insight he had had just to leave a good impression on her. He tensely waited for Ares' response.

In the end, she took her gaze away from Ren, retrieved a pen and a small pink booklet from her spatial ring and noted something.

''So we shouldn't go against the flow of the river, else we might drown.'' She muttered. After finishing writing, she slightly bowed to Grey, her long, silky black hair falling from her shoulders dazzlingly. ''Thank you, elder, for your guidance.'' She replied and took off, leaving the dumbfounded elder, who now had fragrant looking red pill in his hands.

Grey almost jumped in happiness. The value of the pill he had received was immense for him. With its help, his chances of breaking through Houtian realm would drastically increase. However, there was something else he valued more - As a mere Outer Sect Elder, he had received an acknowledgment of the Core disciple!

While Elder Grey was drowning in happiness, Ren was curled into a ball, enduring a merciless barrage of attacks from Nero and his gang, who no longer cared about face.

After consuming the Qi gathering pill, one had to sit down, concentrate and attempt sensing the heaven and earth energy as the pill would aid them by attracting surrounding energy. With this method, even if the person had low perception, they could still use this opportunity to get started on the path of cultivation and begin refining their bodies with Qi.

As Ren consumed the pill in such circumstances, he didn't have time to relax and perceive world energies. He knew if he didn't eat it, eventually, it would be snatched from him. He refused to benefit his enemies from the blood and sweat he had spilled.

Nero and others were furious as they thought they had his pill in pockets. Seeing Ren eating it right in front of their eyes made them furious to no end, as they started beating him to death. Even if the servant disciple died, there wouldn't be many consequences, as they weren't important for the sect, so there was nothing to worry about. Ren was a loner. He didn't have any influential friends or any form of backing, while they did...

''You dare cheat me, bitch? Die!'' Nero shouted as his kick hit Ren's bleeding forehead. Ren cried as his flesh was bruized and bones were broken, but nobody seemed to hear his voice. Nobody helped.

Coughing another mouthful of blood, Ren felt his body was losing strength. His eyesight was getting blurry while excruciating pain wrecked his body. Still, Nero and his gang didn't stop as they mercilessly beat him, ignoring his tears washed in blood.

'They might really kill him.' The disguised figure panicked. She decided to finally reveal herself. ''Stop!'' She shouted coldly. Hearing her voice, Nero and others were startled.

The servant disciples put on fearful faces as they split ways for a proud beautiful young lady. She wore a thin blue blouse, which revealed her snake-like waist and lean, white belly. Her long cyan hair was wildly scattered across her shoulders.

''She's the one he offended, right?'' Someone whispered with tone laced with fear.

''Avi, the outer sect disciple at the 2nd stage of Qi Condensation, yeah it's her.''

''Eh, how did he offend her?'' Someone asked bewilderedly. Not to mention outer sect disciples, he wouldn't have guts to ever antagonize Nero, who was just a servant disciple with no cultivation base, just like him.

There was a reason why Nero and his gang were this unbridled, though. Unlike others, they had found good backing and even if they hadn't reached the first stage of Qi condensation, they weren't far from it, so they were much stronger than normal people like them, who sold themselves to manual labor for few points and always tried to impress and show their worth to Outer disciples, sometimes even putting up with unreasonable and excessive demands.

Seeing them mercilessly beating Ren to death, servant disciples shuddered in fear. Their brazen actions proved their confidence in getting away with it. It was all because they had the backing of the young lady, who was splitting the crowd while coldly gazing at Ren's beaten down figure. It was a hard truth.

Servant disciples were disciples only in name. In reality, they didn't have any status. Outer disciples were different. Their status, power, and position far exceeded them.

It was common for girls to sell their bodies to outer disciples in hopes of getting some resources. People would do anything to raise from the mud of worthlessness. Meanwhile, guys would do all sorts of dirty jobs for outer disciples, who disdained personally staining their hands. This way, by showing their loyalty and doing all sorts of unseemly things, they were building up trust in them, hoping to receive some benefits.

Not everyone was that corrupted, but those who were, unless they were caught redhanded, weren't punished. The reason was simple. The sect authorities wanted their disciples to get used to the lawlessness of the cultivation world earlier.

Of course, as soon as one became an outer disciple, they could no longer be exploited so easily, as they were a valuable asset to the sect. Between servant disciples and Outer disciples, a deep, invisible chasm existed, separating them. The name of this chasm was 'value.'

In the end, out of hundreds of servant disciples, only a rare few managed to reach the 1st stage of Qi condensation every year, which was the requirement set for becoming an outer disciple. Still, they would start at the bottom of their class...

Not everyone had to start from a disdainful position of servant disciple, though. Some talented people, who passed the tests were instantly accepted in the outer court and so, they were set apart from others. Their prospects were much higher than that of others.

Ren was one of the rare, more honest, stubborn people who refused to throw his pride for some benefit.

Hearing Avi's screeching voice, Ren, who was curled into a ball slightly raised his bleeding head, hatefully glaring at the woman who was responsible for his misfortune. Her reason was petty, funny even, but he couldn't laugh, as his defiance had cost him dearly.

3 years ago, he refused to become her servant. This was the reason for his atrocious treatment for the following years...

Looking at his eyes full of hatred, Avi frowned slightly. 'Humph, let's see for how long you can play tough.' She snorted in her heart.

She couldn't forget the day it had happened. She would have never thought a little beggar like him would refuse her publically, which made her feel like she had lost a great deal of face. 'It's time to retrieve it.' She coldly laughed in her mind but maintained indifferent look in reality.

In her eyes, a mere slave like him didn't have the right to speak about pride and dignity!

Suddenly, she smiled at Ren as she said. ''Now, do you regret refusing me?''

''Never!'' Ren growled as he spat blood on the ground. Seeing his attitude unchanged, Avi fumed in her heart, but she kept her smile and retrieved 3 Qi gathering pills. ''I'll give you another chance. As long as you apologize to me and become my servant, I'll give them to you. As long as you nod your head, I'll heal you and never mistreat you in the future. Think about it. There won't be another chance.''

The expressions of many people changed as they subconsciously looked at Ren in envy. Standing to the side, Nero's face turned green from jealousy as he regretted not having killed Ren when he could.

'So, what will it be?' Avi giggled in her mind venomously, waiting for his reaction.

Ren's expression fluctuated as he was swayed. He refused to be someone's servant, especially someone who had put him through so much misery, but in the past few years, he had regretted many times. He had wondered...what would have happened if he hadn't refused...

Had it been worth it?

''I...I'm sorry.'' He finally gave in as tears flooded his bloodstained face.

In the end, he couldn't control his emotions any longer as he broke down and constantly apologized, repeating 'I'm sorry,' as if wanting to pour his heart out. No matter how he forced himself, no matter how mature he was for his age, he was still a young boy who just wanted to have a decent life. He didn't want to suffer anymore...

Needless to say, even if his emotions exploded, his apologies couldn't be sincere. His 'I'm sorry' contained an immense amount of mixed feelings, but it was also painfully dripping with anguish and sarcasm. The undertone of his apologies was 'What did I do to have deserved this...' It was similar to a kind of complaining a mortal would utter to the god because of their cruel reality and unforgiving hardships they had to face in life.

His apologies also contained blame towards Avi and frustration of justice's nonexistence along with self-condemnation for his own weakness.

Everything he worked so hard for had gone to waste. He couldn't lose 3 more years. He believed, as long as he held on to his conviction he would be able to overcome all difficulties, but not anymore. He finally realized how insignificant his worthless belief and persistence was, with nothing to back it up.

The onlookers' hearts shook as they watched the scene in silence. Nobody commented as they felt how much suffering he had endured, how many grievances he had locked away in his heart. At the same time, they felt pity for themselves. No matter what, they were only better off than him.

Of course, most people didn't care about him, or even worse, envied him as he was bound to have a better future with Avi taking him in as a servant. Such was human nature - jealous of others' success; happy over their misfortune...

A few minutes later, only Ren's light sobbing could be heard.

Watching him grovel at her feet and break down in tears, Avi couldn't hold back anymore, as she started giggling. Hearing her soft laughter, Ren froze as he raised his head blankly.

''Ha...hahhahaha~'' In a few seconds, Avi was holding her stomach, laughing uncontrollably.

''Oh, I'm sorry, you only had one chance...and that was three years ago,'' She smirked at him while cruelly staring back at his eyes, then continued laughing. She had already achieved her goals. Not only did she retrieve her face, but she had also done it magnificently.

''Let's go.'' She ordered Nero and her gang who immediately chased after her, leaving the dumbfounded crowd behind.

''See ya, loser.'' Nero kicked Ren's bleeding left flank one final time as he left after her. He was scared for a second, thinking Avi would really recruit him. He had underestimated her vicious heart...

The crowd slowly dispersed, leaving frozen Ren behind. Nobody went up to help him. Nobody came to console him.

Blood and tears were frozen on his face. Sometimes parts of his body convulsed from pain, but he didn't seem to feel it as he lied in the mud in his pitiful state.

He didn't know for how long he had been lying there like a dead fish. When he got up, it was already evening. Only a few people were in sight, shooting him peculiar glances. Ren dragged his beaten body to the broken down shack he had built.

Silent murderous thoughts emerged in his head. Nothing was left in his mind, except for deep-rooted hatred, spreading its roots further in his heart.

At this moment, he didn't care about anything, not even his life. A demonic grin cracked across his face as he made up his mind to, even if he had to exchange his life for it, he would drag her down with him. Behind his peculiar grin wasn't an ounce of positive feeling, only seething hatred.

In that instant, something seemed to click in his mind.


His head exploded from pain. Clutching his head, he fell on his knees and screamed himself hoarse. The passing onlookers hurried their steps, avoiding him, thinking he had lost his mind.

The moment seemed to last forever, but when he came to be, his murderous thoughts were gone.

From that moment, he knew, something had changed inside of him, something major.

The people appearing in his sight seemed to be subtly surrounded by colors, mostly gray and blue.

'What do these colors mean?' He pondered absentmindedly.

From that day, he started perceiving the world differently...

Thanks for reading!

If you like the story, don't forget to stone me to keep me motivated. :D

Also, let me know what you think in the comments.

Leave a revi...oh, it's still early for that, isn't it? Haha

About schedule...I hate schedules, but just this once, I'm gonna set it up for myself.

So, I'll update the story with a new (Most likely long) chapter every week, the day when the power stones are reset (It's Sunday, I think)

Yeah, sounds like a plan...

silverwolfcubcreators' thoughts
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