
The Last Day for 2019

Dingggg, the hallway bell went off, I closed my locker and walked calmly down to my next class. "Hey Clara did you see the new FNF youtube special" Grace asked "Yes!! it was so cool and scarily great" said Clara May. "That animatronic gave me the creeps", they said in unison. Giggling they both entered the classroom and took their seats. Over the loud speaker the superintendent, sometime through class we were all told that school was going to have to close. The virus Covid -19 was spreading at an alarming rate and for everyone safety we were to go home and stay safe. We finished our days lessons then everyone was asked to clean out their lockers. We would not be back this school year. As I got on the bus I realized I didn't say goodbye, to anyone, not even my very best friend Grace. a sadness filled my heart as I sat on the bus waiting for my stop.

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