
Chapter Sixteen

"Well, you certainly handled that" Alex said and shook my hair. "Yeah, you really are picking up our crap...that totally sounded like something I'd do!" Jill exclaimed and stared at me proudly. I turned to face my sister. She just smiled and saluted me, but I could see what's going through her mind, and it most likely went...

~When I get my hands on that asshole, I'm gonna drown that sonofabitch all the way ta hell!~

When in reality, she'd simple give him the pleasure of losing everything to a girl and besides, some people are better off without him breathing.

"So, anyone find anything useful from Audrey's fun day at school?" Alex asked, "I got the message last night, it just said 'You're all invited to the grand opening' so I ignored it. It came in our assistance page" Maurie said with furrowed brows, "we have an assistance page? what's it for?" I asked, this is the first I've heard of it. "The assistance page is a platform...its like an online group chat i made on the dark web so we could do business. people want something done, they find the link and tell us, we name a price and if he agrees, we do the job. i know it seems like stress but we were all getting a bored with the robbing banks thing. you used to be the one to alert me when my computer starts blinking, though you were tiny then" Maurie said, smiling fondly at me.  "Yeah, he'd run around the house in his diapers yelling-", "Wedwhite, wedwhite!!!" everyone yelled and burst out laughing.

I felt myself turning redder than Eve.

I turned to look at my big sister, but even she was laughing and smiling, I'd say she looked cute...if she weren't laughing at me.

"Alright guys, that's enough. Back to business" Kim said, trying to hold back a smile. At least SHE's helping! .  Alex squeezed my shoulder softly and crossed his legs, "Audrey will definitely be going to this event as this Eve's escort to the opening. I'm guessing he plans to use everyone inside the building as hostages or collateral damage. Either way, it plays out in his favor, if we happen to consider hostages, it means he'd have the upper hand...he's sensible enough to know that couldn't happen, considering he doesn't know much about Audrey at least. 

Then there's the possibility of a shoot out within the building. That would inadvertently cause casualties that would result in the police sticking their noses in our business and that's not good. Also, I'm sure you'd all be dead if a stray accidentally gets Audrey...I'm just making sure you don't forget" Alex said. I looked at my sis, she seemed to have already spaced out, probably hatching her own plan, she does have a reputation to live up to anyway. I smiled at my doughnut, Sweet and murderous, just like sugar, who knows, she'll probably get rid of that annoying Nate guy on her own... but, from the way she looked at him today, I highly doubt that.

"... so the only option is to get him out of the building"

My attention snapped back to uncle Alex, then the rest of the gang. They seemed just as spacy as my sister, so I decided to think too. Lets see, how to turn the tables on an airhead...with slightly less air in the the head. 


"Just so we're clear, we plan to assassinate this guy right?" Malik asked sounding a bit confused. "yup!" Jill answered popping the 'P'. 

"Okay...so how exactly does a prank call...or text fit into our assassination?" Chris asked mirroring Malik's confused expression. "Do you boys even need to know? Maurie and the little man are gonna handle it, its pretty much non of ya business" Jill said and slouched in her seat. Uncle Alex silently  stared at us with raised questioning brows and, my sister stared at her nails like it were the only interesting thing to look at... other than when she glances at me with silly faces.  

Kim who had been silent most of the time had suggested a prank call or text to lure Patrick out of his territory. What's more confusing is that all the girls agreed without a second thought, even Donna... not that I'm actually surprised ... also adding that the prank call will be in the name of KING, which we guys think is a little bit extreme, I mean, King seems to be some kind of god to these guys. After that, Kim pretty much lost herself in thoughts of the outfits she'd be putting them in, and that led to the confusion all the guys are facing right now.

"you're kidding right?" Malik asked, Donna stared at him blankly. "Have any better ideas?"

"uh yeah? tons!"


"We could have Audrey and the girls family removed before we blow up the place. it'll be fast and efficient!"

"Of course, though you seem to forget we'd be going on invitation, don't you think they'll expect that already?"



"We could set the stage for the shoot out. have something cause the alarm to go off, have people evacuate and then shoot the bastard to oblivion"

"Ohhh, that sounds good, really good. except, you'll be confined to the space of the restaurant, which you shouldn't forget is their turf, not yours. a weapon could be anywhere, trap doors, trap floors, pretentious waiters ... worse they could lock us in and burn the place down... or gas us, which may ultimately lead to our deaths, so yeah, not that great a plan"


"sore loser"

"I have an idea!" I said and raised my hand.

"shoot kiddo"

"We could send messages to the people we don't want to get in the mess, saying the events been shifted to next week. Maurie could override their system and lock them in, gas them or bring the building down on them! even if he somehow survives being smashed, he can't come after dough- my sister anymore, he'd at least be hurt pretty bad, don't you think?" I told them. The guys seemed to consider it... Chris and Malik nodded in approval, but...

"Brilliant plan sweetie, but of course, we're sticking with the call or text. as crafty and efficient as your plan was, you're still missing our point. we don't know the building, the layout, the cameras, hidden rooms and there's not enough time for infiltration. We don't know the guests they'd be having, heck Alex might not even be aware he's invited yet. Those of you with jobs may have very important people you really won't want to kill carelessly, each and every one of you has someone at the top you're waiting to see, a new face you want to remember? you can't kill all of them blindly with the exception of a few. considering the professions you guys choose, you can't start lighting you're bosses on fire could you?. so no, we aren't using Audrey's plan" Donna said with an apologetic smile at me.

"Could you girls at least explain how you intend to send that message or call, 'cause last I checked, neither of us knows what King looks like, nor have his number to hack in, or even Rusoe's!" Chris whined.

"True but all that's hardly the issue here, that's Audrey's job" Maurie said, I blinked, "Wait, what?... me?!" I asked and pointed at myself to be sure. "of course Mr. Price, do you see anyone else here with an enemy for a lackey?"Maurie asked. I felt a grin creep up my face. "Don't you worry! my obedient doggy will get you whatever you need!" I said proudly, "yunno, its when he says stuff like that I remember he's only 9" Kim said and smiled at me. "Hey! what's that supposed to mean!" I yelled. they all laughed and looked at my sister expectantly.

"What?" she asked once he noticed all eyes were on her.

"how about you start by telling us how this going to go down boss?" Malik asked smirking, everyone was really. "Alright, y'all better listen carefully, 'cause I don't plan on repeating it".

Doughnut's amazing isn't she?.

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