
chapter Eighteen

Audrey's pov

It didn't take long for the blondie dressed in a shiny black dress to flutter into my arms out of nowhere...jeez you'd think I'm her boyfriend.

"You came!"she cried and snuggled into my dress shirt. "Get off me blondie, you're ruining my shirt!"I yelled and attempted to push her away, but she managed to move around it and hug me tighter. " Jeez lady, what's with all the stickiness?, I told you I'd be here early and here I am... early... and, you're late"I said and gave her a thorough once-over.

Dress... black as agreed but unnecessarily shiny.

Hair... wild and curly, cute I guess.

shoes.... .....

accessories?..... .....

"where's the rest of your girly stuff? or is this a part modern - part cave man kinda party?"I asked seriously.



"that's rude!",

"Yeah, what's your point?"

"ughhh! do you like the dress or not"she whined and her face turned that usually shade of pink. I sighed, "I like it, what I don't like is that your barefoot, meaning your probably not even ready yet". She jumped away from me and blushed again... she's like some kind of toy that lights up with sound I think.

"Uhmm I-, I'm almost done see!, I'm dressed it's just hair and shoes, I'll go do that right away!"she said and looked about as though she was lost in her own house. "Don't touch your hair, just get your shoes and the driver ready"I told her as I took in the living room.

It was huge alright, and white. The couches and sofas were pretty long and comfy, with bright tiles and lots of portraits hanging on the walls. Every face had bright blue eyes, and a blonde mane. Every one of them looked alike, mostly the sisters, surely this mansion was too big for just four people right?.... right??

"Uhm, uh, before I go... I wanted to properly introduce myself to your sister, if-if that's okay?"Eve asked. I raised a brow at her.... "Eve this is my older sister, Miss Madonna Price, Doughnut, this is Miss Evelyn Watson, the blondie you warned me about"I said and gestured at the both of them. Donna slapped her hand on her mouth to prevent her giggles escape, Eve stared at me with a mix awe and confusion.

"You-you already knew about me?"she asked... maybe it's my imagination, but I'm sure I saw her eyes dilate...or get bigger?..well she has that look that says someone's in...

"This means we were meant to be together!!!, I knew it!"she squealed and jumped on me.

.... love.

We crashed to the floor instantly, with her on top of me. I snuck a peek at my sister... only to catch that doughnut taking pics!!! Does this look like something worth remembering!

"What on earth is going on here"I heard a womanly voice say.

I tried to turn to see where the voice came from but apparently, a certain blondie wasn't as curious as I was... rather more interested in using me as her favorite mat. "Get off me, now". Grumbling and yet mumbling weird things about kids and houses, she finally let go of me. I slipped out from under her and looked around for the strange voice, then my eyes landed on a big blondie in a red dress talking to my sister.

"So you're his older sister, Eve talks about him so much our ears bleed. I take it he's a fine gentleman then? she always talks on and on of how desired he is and respected so much so he's almost feared by the academy, especially since he's been around for just a few months"the blon- err, Mother blondie asked.

Uncle Alex was right, it's amazing how people read the meanings of situations. I mean, Eve didn't lie, Momma just don't get it.

"Let's just say he's an interesting specimen ma'am" Donna said with a sickly sweet smile.

That's one way to put it.


Time passed and Donna and I were introduced to the entire Watson family. All gathered around the unnecessarily huge island table, I got to discover a few things about the Watsons.

They are... interesting people. The Father- Mr. Allen Watson has an obsession with sweets and wine which led to the creation of the winery, The mother- Mrs Janet Watson was unnecessarily clingy to him which I suppose led to the making of the sisters, The older sister- Miss Cara Watson is simply a typical barbie... except the Barbie's Donna forced me to watch were a lot more caring, considerate, intelligent and over all less prideful than this Barbie. The last one needs no introduction, however, it did led to mine... pretty much an interrogation led by her father...

"Do you mind explaining just how you got my Pumpernickel to get so attached to you?"He asked seriously....well as seriously as someone saying ~Pumpernickel~ could.

"Yes sir, I do mind"I replied,

"Excuse me?" he said and his brows bunched up and then made an intense glare at me. I waved him off,

"All I know is, One day she was partly afraid of me and before I knew it, She's jumping out on me out of nowhere, most times trying to turn me into a pancake and then a teddy while she's at it"I told him honestly.

He didn't believe me ,and he promised to watch me like a hawk so I don't get into any funny business with his Pumpernickel.

Within seconds, Donna had the whole family convinced we were simple, sweet parentless-siblings surviving on our uncle and her non-existent job as a mover and that I have a thing for being independent, I assume that part was her excuse for my glaring at the head blondie from time to time. Some how they believed that, I watched the weird look Mrs. Watson gave her with keen interest, it even had Cara feel a bit uncomfortable.

"You poor thing, you probably had to watch it happen" she said sounding sad, "I'd rather not talk about it, I'm fine now, we're happy and well off on our own, so there's no need for that look Mrs. Watson, we're perfectly alright" Donna said with a smile... It's hard to tell when she's faking it 'cause it looks the same all the time, but she can't fool me, when my sister's actually smiling, it's contagious, it's way more beautiful than anything else, her fake smile just makes people know their talking too much. Not everyone gets to notice that easily though... especially this pack of blondes.

"But really sweetheart, If there's anything you need, just let me know" said Mrs Watson, "The Watson house will provide you support in any way you might need it Miss Price" said Mr. Watson. Donna smiled that fake smile again and simply nodded.

"Okay... so... that got a bit too intense for me... yeah... so like, when's this party starting? Eve and I are ready now"Cara said. I caught my sister sigh in relief and smirked at her, she winked at me. You'd think we were doing some sort of communication, but we were just being silly as always.

Finally, we were all packed into the Watson's limo, which I agree was pretty cool, and were finally transported to our destination... Patrick Rusoe... or I guess his new restaurant.

Patrick's P. O. V

They aren't here yet.

Sending that invitation to them was my only way of getting to them. Still, I knew it's possible they wouldn't show up, they know I want them dead. So, I've made it interesting for them... well, Polka.

"Sir, its all set up, will there be anything else?"someone said to me.

"Have the diamond put on display, make sure it catches every eye tonight or you're dead".

"But sir... uhmm...yes sir, excuse me".

With that, I heard footsteps leaving. 30minutes from now, those pests will walk right in here, and I'll be just around the corner to squash them like the bugs they are. Charlie wasn't smart enough and got himself killed, leaving me with all the dirty work, pfft, idiot.

"No one tangos with a Rusoe and escapes with their feet".

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