
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Unknown Devil

The academy was constantly plagued by disasters, causing fear among its inhabitants. The Unknown Devil, a presence that instilled terror in anyone associated with the academy, was like a lingering breeze. Its existence was feared by all, especially during the midnight hours.

Under the vast night sky, with its glowing constellations, silence reigned, the darkness only pierced by the moon's light. The chilly wind and the distant sounds of crickets created an eerie atmosphere as if predatory creatures were lurking in the shadows. But it was the presence of the unknown devil that frightened the most, as its motives remained a mystery.

After all, fear arises from the uncertainty about the future. It stems from our lack of knowledge regarding what lies ahead. The unknown nature of the future is what gives birth to fear.

As the sun rose, its warm glow illuminated the entrance gate, where families of the victims of mass murder in the dorms of Duskwood Isle gathered. Duskwood Isle is one of the ten cities in Aetheria, known for its reputation comparable to Burge. The city is famous for being the birthplace of many talented individuals in the field of air magic, making it a hub of freedom and enthusiasm.

On the meeting.

It was a wide room, with a large round table, colored in dark wood.

"Tell me! Where is the killer?!". The mother of George's bully conveyed her dissatisfaction with a piercing glare and a tone as vehement as a charging bull.

Continuously, she pounds the table with her elegant hand fan, each stomp echoing a declaration of frustration or displeasure.

"Please calm down... regain your composure". Aquinosevee's words flowed serenely, his demeanor mirroring the tranquility of the ocean. Seated, he clasped his hands together, exuding charm with a patient gaze that captured attention.

"How dare you...asking me to calm down when one of my kids' life was gone. This academy is a mess!". The mother's words cut through the air as she directed a pointed finger at Aquinosevee, her gaze sharp and unwavering.

Draped in opulent attire that outshines the sophistication of the other mothers in the room, Isabelle Evergreen is a vision of elegance. Her clothing, adorned with prized items, sets her apart. Identified as the mother of the first-class child who bullied George, her name carries a weight of influence.

A brunette, with pale skin along with brown eyes.

"I lost 2 sons in the blink of an eye". Another presence in the room emerges as Emily Indigosky, hailing from a 2nd-class family. Her attire, a floor-length green dress with puffed sleeves, reflects a distinctive style, distinguishing her within the gathering.

Having blonde hair with bangs that twirl like a spring.

Seated with a quiet demeanor that blends calmness and sorrow, the woman is none other than Ava Rainblue, George's mother. Her attire, a simple blue dress, contrasts with the opulence in the room, emphasizing her understated presence.

A black long hair woman, with blue eyes.

30 minutes later.

Michael Moonshade strode into the room with a steely glare, his heart filled with discontent. Accompanied by his assistants, he maintained a frosty demeanor.

Seated on a wooden chair, his words resonated in the room, contrasting with the dark, polished armchair adorned in luxurious velvet fabrics. The intricate designs on the armchair showcased a blend of floral patterns, scrolls, and mythological motifs.

adding an air of opulence to his surroundings.

"There is no further information to add about the death of the disciples from Duskwood Isle. Their death will be an honored death".

Michael spoke with formality, closing his eyes and intertwining his hands, placing them on the table, his chin supported. His charming yet potent aura radiated, accompanied by a serious expression that underscored the gravity of his words.

"I don't need to hear your nonsense!".

Isabelle stood, closed her eyes, and drew a deep breath, her hand resting on her chest as she sought to collect herself and maintain composure. However, beneath the surface, it was evident that her patience was on the verge of wearing thin.

"I need the murderer to confront me, NOW!".

While the other mothers maintained silence, Isabelle found herself growing increasingly frustrated with the unfolding situation. Unbeknownst to her, she had never met Michael before, leaving her in the dark about his identity and the complexities of the situation.

"Please, give us a space and time to plan a strategy to capture this murderer. Also, we understand the feelings of the mother as they lost their meat and blood".

Michael responded with a stern expression, his gaze fixed ahead without meeting Isabelle's eyes, conveying a sense of detachment that treated her presence like a mere nuisance in the background.

Isabelle impulsively hurled her hand fan towards Michael's face. Despite him seeing it approaching, a sense of guilt prevented him from dodging it, allowing the fan to land uncomfortably close.

Does he?

As the fan hit Michael's face, he was in silence, patiently repressing his anger.

"Such a pathetic person, to capture a single person...a killer...you need more time?!... It has been two days since the tragedy happened".

Isabelle tightened her grip, clutching her dress, and pointed at Michael with a stern look, her expression conveying a mixture of frustration and disapproval.

"To get here, I spend a whole day in a horse carriage, and now... all I hear is...a begging for a further time...where is the result?! I want that rascal head... Now!!". Isabelle's anger intensified as she spoke once more, her words carrying the weight of her escalating frustration.

Taking a deep breath, Isabelle signaled an attempt to regain composure and calm the storm of emotions within.

Michael clenched his fist, and a subtle smile began to emerge on his face, hinting at a complex mix of emotions or perhaps a hidden agenda.

Aquinosevee, catching a glimpse of Michael's expression, swiftly departed the room, sensing the tension and perhaps anticipating further developments.

The door closed.

"Seems like that lady is in trouble," Aquinosevee thought to himself, contemplating the situation. "For now, I should focus on my affairs. She's unaware of my brother's anger issues." In quiet reflection, he considered the complexities surrounding him.

"Poor lady...may God forgive my brother's actions," Aquinosevee mused quietly, expressing a sense of empathy and concern for the unfortunate situation unfolding around him.

Navigating the hallways, Aquinosevee's thoughts were consumed by the recent tragedy that befell the academy. The events of the past two days weighed heavily on his mind, prompting deep contemplation as he moved through the corridors.

The hallways showcased pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and slender pillars, adorned with stained glass windows boasting intricate tracery. Stone carvings representing the academy's symbolism decorated the walls and archways, adding an air of grandeur to the surroundings.

Aquinosevee contemplated,

"If this serial killer targets the academy, there might be a hidden intention to harm it. But, if their focus is solely on Michael, I could potentially manipulate this situation and turn the serial killer into my ally."

Aquinosevee pondered further,

"What if the murderer is among the teachers? It's a small possibility; they aren't like Michael. I can't detect any ominous presence or scent associated with a killer among them."


Aquinosevee froze, his gaze fixed on the ground. Tremors coursed through his body, sending a shiver down his spine. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and his breath became heavy, revealing the intensity of his internal turmoil.

"This sensation... just like Michael... the scent of a murderer, yet strangely calm," Aquinosevee mused quietly, lost in deep introspection as he grappled with the enigma of the tranquil yet ominous aura he sensed.

A slight tap on his shoulder snapped him back to reality.

"Aquinosevee?...excuse?" Lunar spoke, her words accompanied by a gentle tap on Aquinosevee's shoulder, seeking to bring him back from his thoughts.

"Argh!...you startled me..." Aquinosevee exclaimed, taken aback. He scanned his surroundings, still unsettled by the mysterious presence he had sensed earlier.

"Lunar... was the presence I felt before coming from Lunar?" Aquinosevee wondered, getting lost in his thoughts once again as he tried to make sense of the mysterious aura he had sensed.

Lunar tilted her head slightly, displaying a curious expression.

"Excuse~," Lunar spoke, waving her hand in front of Aquinosevee's eyes, gently pulling him back to the present moment.

Lunar's annoyance was palpable, evident in the subtle shift of her demeanor as she observed Aquinosevee's distracted state.

Aquinosevee snapped back to reality again.

"P-pardon me...what is it, Lunar?" Aquinosevee inquired, his attention now fully focused on her.

"There's no way the presence I felt earlier is from Lunar," Aquinosevee pondered silently, grappling with the mystery of the enigmatic aura that had unsettled him.

Aquinosevee's sighed.

"Have you seen that kid?... umm...the kid from yesterday...the one with black long hair," Lunar inquired with curiosity, seeking information.

"That kid...that unfortunate kid...".

Aquinosevee's realize.

Aquinosevee's realization struck him; he had just passed Lucian moments ago while lost in contemplation.

"So... the presence I felt earlier must be coming from that kid... wait... isn't he powerless... It's highly unlikely for him to become a serial killer harming multiple children with blessings... yet those children were in the 2nd grade, some of them prodigies," Aquinosevee reasoned, attempting to reconcile the seemingly contradictory aspects of the situation.

"There is something... I'm missing... a piece of the puzzle slipped through. I'll conduct a more thorough investigation later," Aquinosevee concluded, determined to unravel the mystery that eluded him.

Aquinosevee appeared lost in thought.

"Again? Sighs... excuse~," Lunar sighed, expressing her annoyance at Aquinosevee's recurrent moments of distraction.

Aquinosevee once again snapped back to reality.

"Ah...yes...I just walked past him in the hallway near the meeting room". Aquinosevee gestured towards the direction he was referring to.

"Thank you, dumb glasses," Lunar expressed her gratitude to Aquinosevee, though a hint of annoyance lingered in her tone.

As Lunar walked away, Aquinosevee once again fell into a deep silence, lost in thoughts.

"I need to inspect the kid's background. Yesterday, Michael didn't provide his family name during the introduction... The child also mentioned his first name only."

"Lucky me... I found the missing piece of the puzzle." Aquinosevee's lips slightly curled into a smirk. He thought deeply, finger on his chin, eyes glowing with joy.

After Aquinosevee discovers flaws in Lucian's plans, he takes full control of leading the situation at the academy. He uncovers the truth behind the first mass murder and believes he has a firm grip on the situation, manipulating it to his advantage. However, unbeknownst to Aquinosevee, Lucian remains convinced that everything is going according to his original plans.

At that moment, Aquinosevee was fortunate to encounter Lucian, though it was Lucian who bestowed the luck upon him.

Shortly after Aquinosevee departed, about 10 minutes ago.

Michael stood calmly, a composed smile on his face. He picked up Isabelle's hand fan from the ground and gently blew on it to remove the dust, displaying a subtle act of courtesy.

"You know... There exists a boundary that ought not to be exceeded by individuals... Sadly, that limitation existed in mine... but, unlike others, mine was the nearest one... it only takes two steps to reach those limits, One more step will determine your fate," Michael spoke, his words carrying a weight of caution and perhaps a veiled warning.

Michael approached Isabelle's table with deliberate steps, pressing down on the hand fan with measured force. He applied pressure, rotating it on her hand with a certain intensity, a silent yet assertive display of control.

"Ack!!!". Isabelle let out a scream of pain as Michael's forceful gesture caused discomfort.

She glares into Michael's eyes with anger.

She glared into Michael's eyes with anger.

Michael's face leaned slightly closer to hers, bringing them eye-to-eye. Then, he whispered mischievously in her ear, adding an element of intrigue to the tense atmosphere.

"You're just a -... so, don't act like you own the place...as a new wife for the Headmaster of Evergreen Family... your act of sympathy towards the unfortunate kid, his kid... disgusted me. If you're concerned about preserving your loved one's reputation...then, silence...," Michael whispered, his words dripping with disdain and a sense of superiority.

Michael smiled slyly as Isabelle stood stunned in silence. A creeping sense of fear began to overtake her, evident in the shift of her demeanor.

Michael clapped, returning everyone's focus.

"I hope...It would be greatly appreciated if everyone could allocate a brief period to reflect upon and devise a strategic plan aimed at apprehending the sinner responsible for this transgression".

Michael's speech was both formal and composed.

"I have no objection, as long as the murderer is captured," Emily Indigosky replied politely, expressing her willingness to prioritize the resolution of the situation.

"May I see my son...?" Ava responded in a manner that conveyed sadness, expressing her deep concern for her child amidst the unfolding events.

"Sure, I will order my assistant to guide you after the discussion," Michael replied politely, acknowledging Ava's request with a sense of courtesy.

"How about you?... young lady Isabelle Evergreen?" Michael smiled slyly, directing a pointed question towards Isabelle, adding a layer of intrigue to the ongoing conversation.

"No... n-no...n-not a problem... d-do as you like".

Isabelle responded with a sense of unease.

"Well... looks like we've reached the end of our discussion... thank you for presenting yourself today. Once again, I am deeply sorry for the loss," Michael conveyed understanding and empathy. His softened brows and a lighter smile suggested a shift in demeanor, reflecting a mix of emotions.

Ava Rainblue exited the room, her expression filled with sadness, accompanied by one of Michael's assistants. A woman in a red cloak, with black long hair.

Therefore, Emily gently guided Isabelle out of the room, offering her support and solace.

As the door closed, Michael's expression turned icy.

"Where is that kid?". Michael asked his assistants with a detached tone.

"Interrogation room... on the basement, sir," the assistant replied, providing the location for further proceedings.

Shortly after everyone left the room, about a minute ago.

"Greetings... pardon me... If I'm not mistaken, could you be George's mother?" A child with long, black hair and pale, white skin politely spoke, clad in a classic shirt.

"Y-yes... I am his mother... why do you ask?" Ava responded, surprised by the sudden approach, her curiosity piqued.

"Pardon me, for the sudden approach... I'm just here to give this letter to you. It was from George," the child replied, presenting a letter with a demeanor of politeness.

The mother began to weep uncontrollably.

"So...this is the emotion of a person when their heart is absent... I see...worth of the scene". Lucian spoke in his heart.

"George...having time to write a letter...well...as long as the mother kept the letter, there is no suspicion toward you...having a letter before dying, looks like someone about to kill himself...risking his vulnerability over this scene?". As Lucian smirked, he silently articulated his thoughts within the confines of his mind.

"Pardon me...I should take my leave now...I'm sorry for the loss". The child walked away at a leisurely pace, his tranquil gaze affected the mother, leaving her feeling swept away like a gust of wind.

As he walked down the hallways and reached the end, his gaze shifted towards the sky, contemplating the profound beauty of a mother's emotion.

As he observed the serene beauty of the clouds and the radiant brightness of today's sky, he finally made his next move, eagerly anticipating the decisive play from his opponent.

"This elemental core...to whom does it belong?... I seem to have forgotten the name, no...from the beginning, I never mention his name...after all, he merely serves as a pawn in my quest for empowerment...".

Lucian continued to fix his gaze upon the sky.

"Aquinosevee Moonshade... I await your move...feel free to roam on my playboard. After all, your actions are expected to result in me taking identical actions".

Thus, with a wry grin, Lucian surrendered to the tender dance of the wind and the sun's warm embrace, his eyes delicately closing, immersing himself in the poetic symphony of nature.

"The class was delayed for 3 days...and tomorrow is the final day". Lucian shook his head and let out a small sigh.

"No...a day is enough for him". Lucian's lips curled into a smirk, a subtle dance of mischief, while his hands gracefully clasped behind his back, exuding an air of casual confidence.

"Live up to my expectations...Aquinosevee Moonshade". Lucian pondered silently.

Lucian smiled and gazed at the sky, captivated by its beauty.

Lucian's plans progressed smoothly as he allowed Aquinosevee to briefly experience the truth behind the massacre he orchestrated.

Therefore, Lucian granted Aquinosevee a wish to possess a secret piece of truth without Michael's detection. This desire of Aquinosevee's was fueled by his longing to surpass Michael. Unbeknownst to Aquinosevee, Lucian discreetly fulfilled a desire that he never anticipated.

For Lucian, this act marks the culmination of his plan, and the forthcoming action taken by Aquinosevee will determine his fate - whether or not he will ultimately sign the enigmatic contract with the Unknown Devil.

"Michael Moonshade...kept on wasting your time with my pathetic brother, while your brother slowly danced freely on the palm of my hand". Lucian chuckled ominously.

Have a great day:)

Whoami_creators' thoughts