
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Defying Destiny

"We should find the murderer as soon as possible, or not...our image, reputation will ruin".The voice of an elder man.

"Huh...so boring~ I wish the time passed quicker". A young woman's voice with a playful tone.

"Hey! Lunar, can you take the situation here more seriously?". Another voice of a woman, but the tone was indeed a bit different as this woman's tone moderate, neither too high nor too low. Thus, exudes confidence and warmth, reflecting a sense of experience and authority.

"Hey! I'm talking to you... wait.. You hear me? Are you sleeping?!". Still the same voice of a woman, but now it's turned a bit furious.

"Quite!.. Tch". Another tone of voice, but it sounds cold, the pitch isn't hoarse, but it is surely a tone of voice from a man in his 20s.

"Isn't that dorm under your control? Isn't it Mr. TEMOSE REDTHORN?". A calm voice yet aggressive as it was aiming at a person, triggering the person's heart, it was a sharp approach.

"If that dorm was under my surveillance? then... Does it matter for you, you had a problem with me?". An old man's voice sounds unsatisfying and a bit personal.

"Hm...then, why don't you use your head to think about the solution... After all, barking here doesn't make a solution float from nowhere". The same guy with a calm tone of voice spoke once again.

"Tch! What a rascal". An old man's voice.

A hoarse voice shouted, accompanied by the sound of the table being stomped.


"You may enter".

The room grew quiet as the headmaster addressed the crowd, creating a calm atmosphere. A large metal door swung open, revealing a figure entering with light steps. The boy had pale skin, and long black hair, and wore a pristine white shirt. His gaze exuded beauty, resembling a delicate flower in a field.

As Lucian enters the room, he exudes a calm and confident demeanor, capturing everyone's attention.

"an arrogant brat...".

"He's cute... No, I mean... she? ".

"A kid...is it a girl?".


Lucian found himself in a spacious room surrounded by seated teachers, all positioned on a higher level than him. He turned slowly, his gaze sweeping across the room, meeting the eyes of each teacher. Eventually, his attention settled on a particular individual, whom he suspected to be the headmaster. This person appeared to be around 20 years old, possessed long red hair, and wore a red-brown cloak with a lion fur-trimmed hood. The headmaster's charismatic presence commanded authority and power, leaving no doubt that they were the most influential figures in the room.

The room looks magnificent with an ethereal table hovering above, encircling a central victim below. The table is adorned with intricate symbols, pulsating with mystical energy. Enchanted glyphs illuminate the surroundings, casting an otherworldly glow. The victim stands within a mystical boundary, surrounded by a blend of shimmering lights and mystical barriers, creating an atmosphere of both wonder and tension.

"Despite we never met, you seem to understand me, you observe me greatly".The guy speaks politely.

"As you can see, a boy that everyone witnessed now, isn't blessed with any magic, even a single drop of mana. As we can call a failure".The man calmly described the situation to all the teachers present, with a stern gaze directed towards Lucian and a displeased expression on his face.

Everyone shocked.

Then, Temose Redthorn, an elderly man with short black hair wearing green glasses and a dark green cloak with a green snake logo on his back, spoke. "A rascal? Why are you bringing such trash to this saintly place? He smells like a pig!".

Lucian is met with disdainful looks and a haughty gaze from an elder gentleman who possesses fiery magical abilities.

"Tch!..such things existed? This kid is worth even less than a commoner". Dean Blackburn spoke.

Dean Blackburn is a man who has short brown hair, and brown eyes, and he likes to wear a purple cloak with a black bull logo. His unique persona as a rock magician has earned him quite a reputation. While Dean may come off as cold and annoying to some, there is another side to him that not many get to see.

Behind the scenes, Dean is a dedicated and diligent individual, known for his strong work ethic. However, he prefers to keep this aspect of himself hidden from others. Consider him a secret hard worker, who rarely shows the sweat and effort he puts into his endeavors when in the company of others.

"Is it true?...he's had a good look though... Hmm~ such a waste". Sylph Blackburn, Dean's older sister, is a fire magician with long brown hair and bangs. She is an attractive and mature woman. As she looks at Lucian, she wears a pink cloak with the golden Phoenix logo on the back.

"I'm curious...with this uncanny situation he got into...wait?is it he or she? ".

A blue-haired man named Aquinosevee Moonshade calmly adjusted his glasses while speaking. He wore a white cloak with a hood adorned with wolf fur. Also, he had a silver wolf logo on his cloak.

Despite his calm demeanor, his eyes betrayed another emotion. Lucian, skilled in reading people, easily detected his true thoughts through his eyes, microexpressions, and tone. Additionally, Aquinosevee possessed two magical blessings, making him particularly fortunate, as we call it the auspicious.

Lucian got suspicious of Aquinosevee as he had another world that no one knew. "I see...".Lucian silently contemplated his thoughts.

There was a girl who was known for her extraordinary skills in air magic. She wore a silver cloak with a red falcon logo.

She was named Lunar Yellowsea and had recently been promoted to the rank of a magical teacher. Despite being just 20 years old, she was already considered a prodigy in her city, achieving the Elite ranking amongst magicians. With her beautiful face and white short bob haircut, she appeared almost doll-like. Currently, she was deeply asleep.

"Lucian Cunnington, from a noble family, yet your information was restricted. But, isn't it a shame for your family reputation having your existence under their name?".

The guy, Michael Moonshade, had a smirk on his face as he observed a defective puppy. Michael is the headmaster of the harbor's academy and a notable figure in Aetheria. While Lunar Yellowsea, a prodigy who became a teacher at the age of 20, showcased her talents in education, Michael had an impressive accomplishment of his own. At just 20 years old, he became a headmaster and has served under The Highness Consciousness for 5 years. Additionally, he took on the responsibility of leading the Moonshade family after his father's passing 4 years ago. With his skills in fire magic and swordsmanship, Michael is highly regarded and holds a prestigious position in Lagendary's ranking.

"A noble you say? Tch! What a shame!". Temose interrupted with an unsatisfying tone.

Lucian replied calmly. "I'm just a mere commoner with no family name. I would like to introduce myself clearly, this lowly being known as Lucian". Lucian subtly smirked as he slightly lowered his head, indicating respect and an awareness of his position at the bottom of the hierarchy.

"Arrogant brat! Know your place!". Temose interrupted again.

Lucian stares into Temose eyes with a sly smile.

"Dogs". Lucian expressed his thoughts silently.

Michael laughed and by a sudden, his facial turned into a furious expression.

As he spoke,

"Your existence shall no longer linger in this world".

"The world created by God is remarkably artistic and beautiful. Living beings are gifted with magic, which vividly portrays this beauty. Yet, your existence is simply a mere scratch to this beautiful world".

"It seems that your background and the royal family do back up you strictly".

"But, remember this...accept this as a warning from me".

"In this academy, my academy...I'm the top of the food chain, even in this city where this academy is located...I am still the one in charge of it".

"Your fate was in the palm of my hand".

"You may dance freely, but I won't tolerate any responsibility".

Michael was displaying clear signs of being in a negative disposition.

"Let's end this, my patience is at its limits...having to deal with a murderer, now a trash. This saintly place of mine is in its disaster today. So, if there is a teacher that wants to take this trash as their disciple...may raise your hand".

Michael inquired, displaying a dispassionate demeanor toward everyone present.

"If this trash isn't accepted under someone's surveillance...he will remain stays in this academy as a lawnmower".

Michael seemed eager to wrap up the discussion.

"He got a great looking, but I'm not into teaching some untalented brat". Sylph spoke irritatingly.

"Tch! A waste of time!". Dean spoke with an intense fervor.

"How about you, Lunar?... You had the least disciples amongst us teachers...why not, take him as your disciple?...". Aquinosevee spoke calmly.

"Hey! Lunar! Wake up you dumb!... Urghh... This sleeping habit of yours is a waste for a prodigy...that's why you had the least disciples here, you didn't even have a single sense of responsibility! URGHH! tch! ". Sylph talked furiously.

"I wasn't sleeping, I'm just taking a nap... I heard everything in this discussion...well, looks like there is no other option left for me...if-". Lunar yawned and stretched, finding a comfortable position. He gazed into Michael's eyes. "I would lose my position if I insisted on not recruiting more disciples".

Michael smiled slyly.

"Yeah... I'll take him as my disciple. Despite, having no magic... He still has a hand to wield a weapon... He isn't that useless after all".

Lunar smiled at Lucian, her gaze was beautiful, and her eyes sparkled, reflecting the cosmos' radiance.

Her smile was a sunbeam, warming hearts anew.

Her presence is an ethereal dance of light.

She was a symphony of kindness.

Lucian was caught on guard as she smiled, as she spoke, her voice was soft as a tranquil river's grace, and her pitch was like a whisper of serenity.

Lucian's eyes widened briefly in surprise at the sight of the beautiful doll that smiled at him.

Lucian let out a small smile.

"If I'm a normal person...I might fall in love with her, sadly, I'm just a boy without a blessing". Lucian pondered silently.


"That's the end, you may leave this room now".

Michael issued a directive to Lucian, accompanied by a frosty gaze and unkind manner of speaking.

Lucian bowed his head slowly to Lunar. "thank you". Lucian calmly walked towards the door and left.

The door closed.

Lucian sighed. "What pitiful beings, their existence shall no longer accepted in this current world, this existence is everywhere, lack of control in their emotions, judging as they are the most beautiful, powerful, a perfect in this cursed world. Self-esteem does devour them fully. Sadly, this monkey sees others as a mere dog! A submissive dog. Once, the dogs bite! They will jump into a judgment where the dog must be locked in a cage, isolating and giving the dog the time to restrain themselves with their guilt, their rebellion, their mind, and their emotion. A punishment, until the dog becomes a weakling that won't bite anymore".

"Pitiful... a pathetic...they created a rule, systems where the benefits are on their side and the victims will still trembling in fear, pushing aside a moral, humanity as long as they are in the superior position."

Lucian smirked." Feel free to drown in your joys of superiority, laugh at others' misfortune, judge them as they are pigs... After all, you will lose it...sooner or later. ".Lucian walked outside the academy, striving to control his emotions. He searched for a peaceful spot to relax and clear his mind.

Lucian stood in the field, basking in the sunlight. The temperature was hot, but the breeze provided a calm sensation. His hair gently fluttered in the air as he looked up at the sky, a sly smile on his face.

"People hate it when facts are spat and reality being told... These dogs are easy to be manipulated with words...".

"To talk with the dogs... Simply using a dominance... Dogs never understand the person's words but they understand the person emotionally delivered, they read the person's eyes thoroughly, and they know the cues of what that person intended them to do...".

"They are simply afraid of what might happen to them if they become rebels".

"Dogs are not submissive beings, they are kind because they stick to the rules, staying in the queue of civilized humanity, it's just how they survived in this current world where the hierarchy of it was a misfortune for a kind being".

"Dogs bite? dogs don't bite if you kill them... So kill it, don't isolate them in a cage under the name of punishment".

Lucian calmly contemplated the world's sorry state, an environment plagued by curses. In this realm, the feeble tremble while the mighty reign supreme.

Despite lacking any special advantages, Lucian resolves to defy his fate and stand strong amongst those in power.

"Although it may seem like your destiny is to be nothing more than a pig, that does not mean you have to resign yourself to that fate. Instead, strive to forge a path where you can be the wolf." Lucian's gaze was as calm as the sea.

Lucian strolled towards a large tree, seeking shelter under its shade.

"Is it summer?".Lucian exhaled audibly, his forehead glistening with perspiration.

Lucian finally found a peaceful spot under a big tree and decided to take a nap. While enjoying the comforting breeze, he heard a strange sound coming from nearby.

Curiosity awakened him from his nap, and he quickly approached the source of the noise. Peeking through, he saw something he expected to witness at the academy: Julius and other kids were happily beating up a group of commoners.

"Ho~". Lucian's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes narrowing as he was scheming something.

Minor editing...

Whoami_creators' thoughts