This novel is about a growing teen girl.
It was an evening, returning from a short walk.
The moon was figured hanging on the branch of Cedrela Toona. My phone was vibrating,
Sister asked,"Who it was?"
I replied that it was a message sent by an unknown contact. After a while, some unwanted message were sent and mention what I did with my boyfriend in the past days. I was surprised and afraid as if it was a dream.
My sister was asking me to show the messages but I think I should not as it was not good to show her. Words by words, the messages was going on and I was also eagerly asking questions. Since then, I cannot focus on books, can't eat properly, can't sleep and my tension goes on day by day.
A girl who smile, laugh ,childish everyday was her and who thought of helping others everyday, she was also a child of the God. As a teenager, she also seems like the other child, she was also the one who wants to change the society of the evils. Love happens to everyone but she was the one who did not know the meaning of 'it'.
She was grown in a happy and healthy family. Father of her was a well known teacher and has two sisters. Respect was a necessary part in growing emotionally and externally. Since a little she was known as a crybaby but everyone loves and dears her. Starting from childhood, she dreams to become a space scientists, loves to watch the stars, moons and the heavenly outer space bodies .
As time runs by her father asked her,
'How can you help people?'
'I don't know'
'Then answer when u know'
School was a place where she forgets all her evil thoughts , hanging out with her friends, learning new lessons. She was vanished in the thoughts of love as a boy confesses her. Though she cannot force herself to fall in love, she rejects him and choose a way of her dream.
One day, she was on a school van where different classes hang by but a classmate of her throw some plastic wrappers outside the road.
She was surprised to see how immature they were.
She asked him not to throw waste which can effect the environment.
Although she said,
He replied," What's your problem?"
She answer,"Nothing "
She can force him but she feel really bad if she did it. At that moment she confidently think that he would know one day for sure. She felt sorry but aim in looking forward her own dream.
After some years in the middle school, she was selected in a residential school. She was disappointed to leave her school but decided to go look for. The same year she was the captain of her class and learning new tastes of becoming an ideal captain. As the last day leaving her old school, everyone in the class cried a lot specially the girls but there was boy in that class who was crying. He always flirt and teases her everyday and he was my friends van mate. He was not too high but the wisest.
On her farewell day, she received many blessings from the teachers and the principal. In the last period there was no teacher in the class but everyone warmly bade her,
"Goodbye! Lets meet when we become successful person"
This was the message given by some of her friends
At the same time the boy who was emotionally noticed by her, walks by and ask her,
'Can you give me your school calendar?'
'I will give you later'
She remarked in wonder of what might he write but later he gave her back. When she looks into it, turns the pages, found out that some numerals were written which also seems like his date of birth. Her friend which was his van mate told her that he was going to surprise her by giving some pens. She wonders why he was crying and show her hearty emotions. Here comes the last period, emotions were rising into her every second, but she holds herself by putting down all her worries and scares of not able to meet her friends. Finally the bell rings,
'Cling, Cling, Cling,'
Hearts of her were flattered suddenly that she goes on crying and remembers what her class teacher told her;
'Come in the front stage'
( She dally walks front)
The teacher asked, 'Say some words to your friend'
She was speechless and shaken that she cannot talk a piece of word.
Everyone was silent
She told, 'Work harder my beloved friends'
After few seconds the teacher bless her to grow successfully and become a well known person.
'Go and sit in your place'
'Okay, Sir'
When the class were dismissed, she was walking to the principal's office to give the captain's badge.
'Hello dear respected Father'
' I.. I.... am here to give you the badge '
'I am transferring from this school '
... (Bowing and receiving love and blessings )
She touches father's feet and bow him with sincerity and respect.
Touching her hair, the father said,
'Do your best and show love for this school when u become a successful person'
(This words touched her that she started to cry)
On the way returning to her van, she was with her friend.
( She was searching for the boy who was emotional earlier but she couldn't find him)
'Hmmm.... here comes my van,
Okay byee'
'Please take care of yourself'
'You too'
'Let's meet again'
'..... okay'
She sit in her seat (Continuously turning her head side-to-side to see if the boy was coming)
After few minutes her van was leaving but then she saw him coming outside from the gate.
'There he is..... murmuring in her mind'
She smiled him through the transparent glass of the van (in a cloudy mood)
He was left unconscious
She was very sorry that she couldn't talk to him properly.
(The van driver was asking her if she was wishing to change the school)
(She cleared him that she was changing the school)
Then reaches her home while chatting with the members of the van.
She was quite and slowly walking into her house
(Change her dress and started crying beside a room of her house)
'Daughter come and eat your lunch'
'Okay Mom'
'How's your school today? '
'umm..... fine'
'Have u told your teacher about leaving the school'
'Yes...', she says
Few days passed by,
'Bring the suitcase and put in the back space of the car'
At this timing her father was not there, he was out of service for some days. Her sister, mother and her uncle who was driving the car got her back to the new residential school. On the way she was quite afraid that she will not be able to see her family members usually.
'The school's atmosphere is good and healthy', mother said (while entering inside the gate)
'Well it is', she said
There were many parents and students lingering around the campus fetching their roomates by the old students. Some were entering their respective dorms with their parents while some were roaming the school'
She feels a little different from her old school
'Hii sister!' 'What's your name? '
'.....I am Dazzy '
'okay then let us take u to your dorm'
(The old students help her by finding the way to the dorm while helping in lifting the stuffs and they were chatting about how the school is)
Here reaches the dorm where she is going to live. They were entering and walks by the staircase. It was the first floor, her bed was in the middle of the room. Above the dormitory, the bed was for an old student and below was going to be her bed. (They were making her bed and keeping the stuffs into their proper places)
After leaving them, they move outside the dorm and roam the school. When they reach the administrative office, they were given a form to fill up. (She filled it up and hand over it)
Meanwhile, some of her parent's friend were there whose children might be her classmate. After making over the necessary things, they head over to one of the teachers house who was friend of her father and then to the other teachers house who was an old relative of her mother.They talked to each other about their ongoing life and finished after few minutes .On returning she met a friend who goes on the same coaching center before.
They wished each other and asked about their sections. (She scored high marks in the coaching center )
'Here comes your dorm', mother said
They sit on her bed for a while and wished the other students in the room to live together happily.
'It's time to leave you'
'Call me if anything happens from the PCO '
'Live happily and learn your lessons well'
'We will come often whenever we have time, ok'
'... Sure mom'
'Take this sum of money and buy what you want'
(They left her from the room)
'Byee mom'.
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