
Demonic beast

In the year 2183 a new VRMMORPG called world of cultura its a cultivation world with Infinite possibilities follow the Mc as he climbs up the rankings in both real life and the game in order to find out the secrets of both worlds Hello Author here just gotta warn you that this isn’t going to make sense sometimes Bc I’m writing this off the top of my head with no plan laid out so if you have any ideas feel free to let me know I’ll incorporate it into the story if I feel it fits with that said let’s find out what happens together

Grey_Mortem · Fantaisie
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1 Logging in

Hello sir is your name by chance Jacob Bones

Yeah that's me you got my package

Yes sir it's right here all I need is for you to sign this form here and I can release your package to you

As he says that he hands me a clipboard with a paper and pin on it after taking a few minutes to check and make sure I'm not signing my soul away or something like that I sign it and hand it back

Alright sir that's everything have a nice day

As soon as he walks away I close the door and look at my small one room apartment its neat and tidy with a computer beside the tv and a twin size bed right by the window along with a table in the middle of the room and dresser up against the wall with a few sports trophies from my school days on top of it

Let's get this headset ready I only have a few hours until the game launches

The headset was easy to setup all it needed was to be plugged in so it could charge and a internet connection which are both easy conditions to satisfy

Now that that's done i think I should get something to eat before anything else plus I heard a new ramen shop opened nearby

As I walk into the ramen shop I see an old man making ramen behind a bar

Looks like I finally have a customer everyone is going nuts about that new game the last thing I would have thought to steal my business is a game well anyway take a seat over here at the bar and tell me what you want

Sure can I get a beef ramen

Boy you sure that's what you want I can make something better than that for you at the same price if you're worried about money

No I'm fine with that I like to keep things simple

Alright then but I must say you're a weird one

Haha yeah I hear that a lot

Alright here you go enjoy let me know if you want something else

Thanks will do

After saying that I start to dig in and begin thinking about the game and it's unique set up compared to the others out right now there are two types of races in the game the humanoids and the other being monsters the humanoids consists of humans elves dwarfs basically any being that walks on two legs while the monster races are everything else at first everyone was freaking out about the monster races because you can play as a dragon but the hype cooled down fast once the administrator's told everyone the down side of monster races first even the worst of the monster races need twice the experience than normal and the best which is stuff like dragon's need twenty times as that of the normal amount plus to take it a step further monsters start out as baby's since even a common baby monster is as strong as a level 5 Qi Gathering realm cultivator plus the admins also reminded everyone that we are humans and would need to figure out how to walk again as a monster once that was said the majority of people lost interest in the monster races now onto what really caught everyone's attention was once you pick your race you will be given a talent the talents are ranked A,B,C,D,E,F when that was released the gaming community went nuts because there isn't SSS,SS,S ranked talents which the admins just said it's a game for everyone not some lucky prick to run around with a godly ability and gain power like it's nothing

After ordering another two bowls of ramen and finishing them I head back home as it's getting close to launch time When I enter my apartment I take a quick shower and then lay down on my bed and put on the VR helmet and power it on as soon as I do I hear a voice in my head

(Welcome to the world of cultura)

(Please enter your username)

At that moment a screen appears in front of me and I decide to just go with what I always go by Bolt

(Are you sure you wish to go by "Bolt")


(Ok what type of race do you want to be humanoid or monster)


(Are you sure playing as the monster race is deemed to be at a level 3 to 10 difficulty depending on the species of monster)


(Ok please select your species)

At that moment a screen appears in front of me with thousands of species on it separated into hundreds of different types I go to bird types as I like the idea of being able to fly freely and i won't need 20x experience than normal just to level up like the dragon's do as I look at the list again it further separates into sizes and monster ranks from high to low I go for medium sized medium rank after which only three options are left

1. Azure eagle-a powerful bird most known for its azure flames which it controls to attack with in the form of fire balls

2. Silver hawk-a powerful bird known for its control over wind it's most common form of attack is to make wind blades and small tornados

3. Black fulgur-a powerful bird known for its black lightning which it controls to attack in the form of a black lightning bolt

After looking at the three birds I decide on the black fulgur because controlling black lightning just makes my blood boil and also it matches my name

I choose black fulgur

(Are you sure this species requires 10x more experience than normal)


(Do you want to customize your look or use the default look)


(Are you sure depending on how you customize the appearance it could change your species rank and your ability to do certain tasks)


As soon as I say that a screen with a model of the black fulgur appears in front of me which looks like a zapdos with its colors swapped where it's mainly black with yellow highlights different options appear next to it such as colors and body properties after going through it and customizing everything to my liking the end result is a well proportioned not to thick and not to skinny 7ft tall pitch black bird that looks similar to a raven with a red eye on the left and a purple eye on the right if you look closely at the feathers you can see small gray and blue lightning patterns on them I've modified the feathers to be strong and flexible while also capable of channeling and storing lightning I've made the beak more durable and capable of channeling lightning same with the talons after double checking everything I confirm that I'm done

(Are you sure after the modifications you have made it has been estimated that you are ranked as a medium sized high rank bird which will make your required experience go up from 10x to 15x more than normal)


(Ok do you wish to begin the talent awakening here or after you have spawned)

What is the difference?

(If you choose to do it after you have spawned the talent has a chance of taking on characteristics of your surroundings if you do it here the talent will only take into consideration your species and modifications)

I'll do it here because doing it after I spawn relies on luck and I've never been to lucky

I choose to do it here

(Ok talent awakening begins)

After that five balls of light appear and inter my body

(Congratulations on awakening B-Rank talent fast Growth)

As it says that a screen appears in front of me with the details of my talent

"Fast Growth-allows you to mature 10x faster than others of your species and cuts experience needed to level up down by 10x"

Damn is this for real if a B-rank talent is this powerful what about A-rank talents

(This is a talent related to growth the admins have limited growth type talents to B-rank and lower if you compare a growth type talent with a battle or support type talent a growth type talent is considered a rank above them in quality)

Makes sense is it possible to increase the rank of a talent

(Yes there are certain items and npc's around the world that have such capabilities)

So that means it's possible to have a S-rank or higher talent

(Yes there is no limit to how high you can raise your talent as long as you have the necessary items or an npc capable of it raise it)

After that I start to loose my vision and hear the voice say

(Good luck on your adventure Bolt the black fulgur)

Then everything just went black