

Auteur: Lie_Eater777
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Lisez le roman DEMONIC-ANGEL écrit par l'auteur Lie_Eater777 publié sur WebNovel. A 16 year old high school girlish looking boy "Asta kugarasi" enjoying his school-day life but one day he suddenly kidnapped but why?, he wasn't rich or nor he have any enemies that could kidnapped h...


A 16 year old high school girlish looking boy "Asta kugarasi" enjoying his school-day life but one day he suddenly kidnapped but why?, he wasn't rich or nor he have any enemies that could kidnapped him?. Not only he was kidnapped but tortured and tortured, even some experiments going on his body for 7 months and after that one day he woke up saw that he got turned into girl. "What they turned me into a girl? "What did i do wrong?" Yeah yeah... that's it. Webnovel said that, It is necessary to write at least 200 words so what should I do?, I have no freaking idea what to write in it, So I just mad some bullshits and wrote it. What I'm trying to say is, Rather than reading it, At least give it a try. I hope that it will worth your time. This is my first time writing and I am a complete novice. I often make grammatical errors, so forgive me for that.

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Onside love

Date: 26/03/2016. The girl is studying in sixth standard. 26th March Twilight Afternoon A boy meets a girl,,,, For some reason they had a few words,,,,while they were talking, the boy's best friend was with them,,,,. The boy's friend then starts liking the girl but can't say anything out of fear. A few days went on like this,,,,, The boy's friend loves the girl very much but he can't say that,,,,,, then the boy thinks he will tell his friend's words to the girl but the boy's friend forbids the boy to tell,,,,,,,,.. Since then the boy starts liking the girl,,, The boy and the girl meet every day but no one says anything to anyone. A year passed like this. Sometimes they talk Yet no one says anything to anyone,,,,... When the girl was studying in seventh standard the boy was studying in tenth standard,,,,,,,,, One day suddenly the boy could go his best friend Bhishan really loves that girl. Then the boy also liked the girl,,,,. Still, without saying that he likes the girl, the boy goes to the girl whose friend loves the girl,,,,.. Then the girl didn't say anything. After two days, the girl sent the boy, not the boy's friend, but the girl loves that boy. Then the boy also loves the girl,,,,,,.. The boy was happy to hear the words but he could not accept the proposal because he loves his friend girl very much. And the boy also never wants to hurt his friend because he loves his friend more than anyone,,,. The boy didn't know what to do because if he doesn't have the girl's love then his friendship will be ruined for a girl who he never wants,,,. So he says no to the girl,,,. And the boy does not tell his friend all this,,,,. But the boy's friend can go away after a few days. After that, he is a little jealous of the boy, but it gets fixed after a few days,,,,. Then the boy's friend asks the boy to love the girl because he too never wants to hurt his friend. Then the boy wanted to love the girl but could not because he was going to his friend who was in a lot of trouble then the boy's friend explained that the girl loves the boy and the boy loves the girl which is fine from both sides. And love is never one-sided. From then on, the love between the boy and the girl started,,,,. Another year passes,,,,,,,,,,, The girl is in 8th standard when the boy appeared for SSC exam. The boy leaves the school and the girl stays in that school. This is how their love story ends, but as a memory of their love, the boy has a piece of paper given by the girl and a note given by the boy to the girl,,,. Now the girl is in class 9 of that school and the boy is studying in college Now there is no contact between them because the boy is now studying from hostel and the girl has no mobile phone,,,,.. The funny thing is that the boy's best friend now has many gfs but the boy doesn't have one,,,,because The boy still loves the girl as before but the boy still doesn't know whether the girl loves the boy as before,,,,,,,,,,?

GM_Abu_Hasan · Histoire
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I was searching for a novel like this I hope this novel will become famous some day.


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