
Demon Slayer: Battles Beyond Japan

Hidemasa, one of the first demons created by Muzan Kibutsuji, had always been different from his kin. He saw the world in a unique way and possessed a powerful Blood Demon Art. Muzan had a special fondness for him, but Hidemasa foresaw the potential downfall of their kind if they achieved Muzan's plan of immortality and becoming a perfect life form. He rebelled against Muzan's plan and refused to comply which only led to a duel between the two. In the heat of the fighting, Muzan would have forgiven Hidemasa, but he was too stubborn to back down. After his defeat, Hidemasa used his Blood Demon Art to defy his demon origins and become an even stronger being, free from Muzan's curse. He fled to Siberia, where he spent 500 years healing and perfecting his skills, waiting for the right moment to strike again.

ZatyaIsten · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

The Booze, The Women, The Pleasantry! Welcome to The Red Light District!

The remaining minutes of daylight swiftly vanished as Shigeo trudged home after a long and exhausting day at school. Though the sun still glowed with a faint orange light as its lower curve sank beneath the horizon, nightfall was imminent as the sky purpled into twilight.

Shigeo dragged his weary feet along the familiar route from his high school to his house, his mind numb after the chaotic day. As class representative, he had faced what seemed an endless barrage of questions, tasks, minor crises to resolve from students, and helping out some teachers after school. His brain felt like a disorganized whirl of scattered thoughts as he struggled to shake off the frenetic pace of the day.

The chill of the incoming evening settled around him as he walked, a welcome respite after the heat of the stuffy classrooms. But the cool air did little to revitalize his tired mind and sore muscles. He longed for nothing more than to sit down to a hot meal, take a long bath, and climb under the covers of his bed... if not for the burning need for answers from his friend Jiacheng first.

"I'm home!" Shigeo called as he stepped into the entryway, rubbing his numb hands together to return some sensation to his fingertips. He quickly took off his shoes, noticing that only Eudokia's cerulean high heels. Well, it was said she would stay to inform his Father of their presence and desire to protect them... and also likely remained as Jiacheng had 'forgotten' to return with her umbrella.

"I hope she didn't cause too much trouble..." Shigeo thought to himself as he closed his tired eyes, slowly rolling the other stiff, aching foot out of its shoe.

"Welcome home, sweetheart!" his mother's warm voice called from the direction of the kitchen, filled with its familiar mix of love, and affection.

With a sense of resignation, Shigeo made his way to the living room, where he found his father and Eudokia sitting in front of each other. The woman lowered her head, a sense of deference evident in her posture. Shigeo's father regarded her with a considering look, his eyes seeming to take in every detail of this stranger...

At last, his father's gaze shifted to him, and a small smile played at the corners of his lips.

"Welcome, son," he said warmly, his tone still tinged with a hint of detachment. It was evident that his father was still processing all the information that Eudokia had likely shared with him. That's why probably none other than these two inhabit the living room.

Then Eudokia opened one of her eyes as she slightly bowed her head.

"Welcome, Shigeo..." she said, her voice soft and slightly hesitant. Eudokia's mind raced as she tried to remember the proper Japanese honorific to use when addressing Shigeo. Jiacheng had briefly introduced her to the nuances of Japanese culture and language, but Eudokia found herself struggling to recall the appropriate honorific.

After a moment of hesitation, Eudokia tentatively added, "-kun?" Her voice trailed off uncertainly, hoping that she had remembered correctly.

"Welcome, too, Eudokia-san," Shigeo said, his voice gentle and reassuring. He could tell that Eudokia was struggling a bit with the nuances of Japanese culture, but he appreciated her effort to show respect.

Shigeo gazed at Eudokia in amazement as she spoke fluent Japanese, kneeling gracefully on the tatami mat in his family's sitting or living room. Her mastery of the language was astounding, especially given the tensions between Russia, now the stabilizing Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic still in a huge civil war that was likely to win, and Japan. Shigeo's mind briefly wandered to the political implications of Eudokia's fluency in Japanese, but he quickly dismissed the thought. He knew as a demon, such trivial things held no interest for her kind... or are they?

Anyway... It shouldn't be bothered what cannot be answered... for now.

Noticing his father staring intently at Eudokia, Shigeo queried softly, "Father, you seem troubled?" His dad continued staring wordlessly at Eudokia kneeling motionless on the tatami, lost in thought.

"Please," Shigeo's mother placed a hand on his arm, completely surprising Shigeo at the moment as she was in the kitchen seconds ago, even though it was only five steps away. "Not now, Shigeo," she whispered, her eyes conveying this was about the question Jiacheng had asked that morning.

Then, his father closed his eyes, as words began to pour out from his lips.

His father closed his eyes. When he opened them again, words began pouring out.

"As I said before, the answer is no. Not only does this sound foolish but dangerous. How can we trust people who are also blinded by their stupidity?" He shook his head vehemently.

"Move to Vladivostok? Please. Russia is in the midst of a civil war. Vladivostok is a major city controlled by the Whites, and will likely soon fall to the Bolsheviks. How would we be safe there?"

Shigeo's father sighed, massaging his temples. "And that fantastical story about demons and Hidemasa person...even if I believe all you have said, and the letter seems legitimate, we cannot act based on vague threats, like attacked by demons. If this did not happen in centuries then why it would happen now?"

"To leave behind all we have built, all we have suffered to attain, only to abandon it like this..." The Father's voice broke. "It would not only be painful but heartbreaking."

Shigeo's mother squeezed his arm gently. He placed a hand over hers, moved by his father's uncharacteristic display of emotion. His father was normally calm and collected, but only the thought of leaving everything behind, all the friends, all the family members, all the memories that they made together... was tearing him apart.

He turned to gaze at Eudokia, motionless as always.

"I mean you no disrespect. But I cannot gamble my family's lives and future on the word of those I have not even met."

Eudokia, who had been silent and motionless throughout the conversation, finally lifted her gaze to meet Jiacheng's. She understood his concerns and the weight of the decision he was being asked to make. With a steady voice, she began to counter his arguments.

"Kanroji-san, I understand your reluctance and I do not take it lightly. Leaving behind everything you've built is a difficult decision, but I must stress the importance of the information I bring. Ло- I mean, Lord Hidemasa is a highly influential figure, and he would not have entrusted me with this task if he did not believe there was a genuine threat."

She took a deep breath and continued, "As for the situation in Russia, while it is true that the country is in turmoil, Vladivostok is still far safer than you might think. The city is not as deeply affected by the civil war, and Hidemasa has connections and resources to ensure your safety."

"Moreover, I must address your concern about the demons. It is true that such an attack has not happened in centuries, but that does not mean it cannot happen now. The letter I brought contains information that suggests the threat is real and imminent. Lord Hidemasa would not have sent me here if he did not believe the danger was genuine."

Eudokia spoke in a calm yet solemn voice, acknowledging Jiacheng's decision while underscoring her willingness to accept it respectfully.

"We must honor your choice, Kanroji-san," she said softly. "Thus, though we will not impose ourselves upon you further, we will remain nearby to watch over and shield your family should any threat emerge."

Her eyes held his steadily, imploring him to believe her sincere promise. "You need not worry," she assured him. "We shall observe from a distance and intervene only if necessary, not clinging to your family, as I did so today, so as not to disrupt your lives. Yet if you desire further counsel, we will be available at your call."

At The Father's query about "we," Eudokia paused, brow furrowing slightly. With hesitant care, she replied:

"My superior, Kanroji-san." She met his gaze openly, humble yet unwavering. "I have suspicions regarding his whereabouts, though I fervently hope my intuitions prove wrong."

"Well, I see no reason to object.." he began slowly, assessing each word. "So long as your presence remains unobtrusive and causes no harm, you have my reluctant approval to observe and protect as you see fit."

His fingers tapped restlessly on the table, betraying an uneasy uncertainty beneath his resigned words. Raising his eyes to meet Eudokia's once more, he continued.

"You say you wish only to guard against any threat. I cannot welcome undue influence in my family's affairs. But nor will I condemn good faith efforts to ensure our safety. You must promise discretion, however. My wife and children know nothing of... this situation completely, same with me. I will not have them disturbed needlessly."

Inhaling deeply, he concluded: "So long as no disturbance arises, do as you feel you must. But the moment your presence impacts my family in any way, you must withdraw at once, is that understood?"

"Of course, Kanroji-san!"

Eudokia spoke swiftly, her usual calm demeanor giving way to one of deference and sincerity as she bowed her head low before the head of the family.

Shigeo hearing that even Eudokia does not know where the exact location of Jiacheng is, dared to question his possible whereabouts, as some questions needed to be answered.

"Um, Where he- I mean Jiacheng-san might be, Eudokia-san?" Shigeo asked her politely, as her eyes slightly moved toward his direction. Eudokia then closed her eyes with a deep sigh.

Eudokia's eyes flickered momentarily toward Shigeo as he spoke. She met his curious gaze briefly before lowering her own, exhaling a slow weary breath.

"Where would a man spend his time on an evening such as this?" she murmured, her rhetorical question laden with resignation.

Shigeo considered her meaning, uttering hesitantly, "Perhaps drinking? Or..." Then realization dawned. "Oh... so even demons?"

Eudokia's responding nod held no judgment, only sad acceptance. "Yes," she confirmed. "Though he would claim it is to experience your country's culture."

Her words were tinged with weary disappointment as one who has witnessed such behavior some times before. Her sigh carried the burden of inevitable duty tempered by the faint hope that this time, things might be different... or at least he might only be drinking.

Well, she doesn't even have the strength to be furious at him, as she did the same all day.


The lanterns dotting the cherry trees around Yoshiwara illuminate the visitors strolling the cobblestone streets. Most come here in search of pleasure and release from the pressures of daily life in the capital city of Tokyo. The aroma of incense mingles with the faint smell of cigar smoke, creating an intoxicating blend that washes over one walking through these streets at dusk.

The murmur of conversation, punctuated by bursts of laughter, spills out of the pleasure houses lining the streets. Girls dressed in colorful kimonos lean out of windows, beckoning the passersby with flirtatious smiles and coy glances. Their radiant makeup contrasts strikingly with the darkness falling over the narrow streets. The men drawn to Yoshiwara at this hour seek more than just company for the night; they yearn for an escape into a world of beauty, passion, and games of love, however fleeting it may be.

Stepping into one of the pleasure houses is like entering a dream. The shoji screens filtering the lamplight give everything a soft golden glow. Musicians play their instruments in a corner, filling the air with soothing melodies. Geishas flit about, chatting and laughing with guests in that tinkling, merry tone unique to them. Steam from the outdoor baths drifts in through the open sliding doors, infusing the atmosphere with a relaxed sensuality. The heady scent of incense, freshly brewed tea, and perfume saturates every nook and cranny.

A handsome danna sits in a private room, waiting for his oiran. When she finally enters, gliding across the tatami mats with practiced grace, his heart skips a beat. She moves with the fluid elegance of a dancer, her exquisite features adding to her allure. The shy glances she throws his way only increase his longing for her. The poetry they recite to each other, the flowers they arrange together - all these rituals are performed exquisitely, imbuing the mundane with sublime beauty.

As the night would deepen, the sounds from outside die down and Yoshiwara slips into a state of private passion that hover just below the surface. Couples converse in hushed tones, pouring out their unspoken desires through the language of gestures and touches. Floating paper screens conceal acts of fleeting but profound intimacy, infusing the air with wistful reminders of humanity's oldest dance. And when dawn arrives, bathing these dreamers in harsh light, they remain for a little while longer - unwilling to let go of the magic just yet, before returning to a world that cares little for either illusion or reality.

But this time... The evening is too young to think of the dawn!

Amidst the crowd, our little-big friend Jiacheng is almost impossible to miss. He marches through the streets with the other people, searching for the perfect brothel house to satisfy their tastes. As he walked through the crowd, humming a cheerful tune, a small notebook clutched tightly in his hand, he exudes an air of determination and excitement.

The worn leather-bound journal contained a meticulous record of every nuance of his past travels, a litany of all he had sampled and hoped still to savor in Nippon. Numerous entries were now crossed out in ink, things attempted and hence removed from his list.

With each new sight, fresh sensation, and unusual experience in this foreign land, his anticipation grew exponentially, a feeling of childlike glee bubbling up within. He felt like a small boy set loose in a sweet shop, overwhelmed by the vast array of confections before him yet unable to sample them all.

Though eager to experience it all, he had yet to step inside the hushed parlors of the hangereden... He had whiled away the day wandering Tokyo's bustling streets, tasting what he could: attending a thrilling Kabuki performance with its flamboyant costumes and florid gestures, reveling in the meticulous multi-course Kaiseki cuisine, sipping the delicate, astringent Gyokuro tea. Visiting a tearoom amid the ritualized Tea Ceremony, and more besides.

As his pen moved swiftly across the paper, rendering obsolete the names of all the experienced delights he had jotted down earlier, the young man lifted his gaze from the notebook lying open on his lap. His eyes beheld a vista of vivid colors and lively movement, an array of sensations unfolded before him in this place called Yoshiwara. Women in kimonos the hue of the lamps beckoned from lit doorways, the clacking of mahjong tiles and murmur of eager voices emanated from pleasure houses lining the narrow alleyways, and a cool breeze carried with it the aroma of grilling fish intermingled with wafts of incense and perfume.

"So...this is Yoshiwara..." Jiacheng muttered, his voice grave and solemn like a man burdened with a heavy-duty that he had just abandoned. Which fun fact, did. Surprisingly, Hidemasa did not seem angered by Jiacheng's sudden change of actions. Then a smirk formed on his face. "Exquisite!" He, as his usual habit, adjusted his fedora hat before going into deeper parts of the lively district.

However, before he could take another step further into this fascinating realm, an unseen figure crashed against his torso, jolting him from his sensations. Though built like an unshakeable monument of stone, he could not help but turn around at the collision, seeing what caused it. His curiosity was piqued - who had blundered into him with such haste? He did not feel anger, only if his greatcoat was the one who paid the price for this figure's clumsy attitude.

As his large frame pivoted, a man came into view, his countenance etched with contrition. "Ah, I'm so sorry! I did not look where I was going! I apologize most sincerely, sir!" the man said, quickly bowing at the waist. His black hair parted in two, revealing a big forehead, a red flushed face, and a smirk that ached to be hit. The figure clad in a red haori over a green kimono that rippled with his movement while he courageously hold onto his notebook, which almost landed on the road due to the impact.

"Do not fret, no harm done!" the immense man, Jiacheng rumbled in a soothing bass tone, as he quickly checked his greatcoat just in case. "Such collisions occur frequently in places so crowded."

"Oh!" the man exclaimed, hastily setting aside the formalities of contrition. "Well, I suppose it has to be expected... Not even talking about of your," He struggled to find the words to not offend him. "Er," He scratched the back of his head, as a light bulb turned on inside his head. "Substantial stature," he remarked with a tense yet mirthful grin, deftly smoothing back his disorderly raven locks with slender fingers into a semblance of neatness, or at least the closest his own carefree and... maybe naughty nature would allow.

The man then looked the giant man up and down appraisingly, taking in his towering frame that overtopped almost everyone in the crowded pleasure district.

"Say," the youth began, curiosity overcoming caution. "Are you perhaps Chinese?"

"Oh? Finally, at least someone guessed right," the immense man replied, a hint of amusement in his resonant voice. "How did you know?"

The man gestured vaguely. "A certain air about you, perhaps. Some subtle difference in features, stance, or manner that marked you as an outsider to these shores."

The giant man smiled broadly. "You have a keen eye," he replied. "I tried to comport myself in a manner befitting a Japanese gentleman, yet it seems my efforts fell somewhat short..."

"Oh, no. It is already a wonder how well you wield your words. Only a subtle hint in your clothes betrayed your foreign origin... May I?" Jiacheng nodded in his approval.

The man's fingers reached out softly to grasp a fold of the immense man's greatcoat between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing the fabric gently.

"Such apparel," the man continued, "woven from threads unfamiliar in our land and tailored in foreign fashion, could scarcely be found within the markets of Japan."

The youth tilted his head curiously. "But then, may I ask... are you a visitor to our shores?"

Jiacheng nodded solemnly, seemingly finding a good talking partner once more. "Indeed, I came from across the sea to behold with my own eyes the wonders of your country that I had only read about." He gestured broadly at their surroundings. "You speak most insightfully... have you perhaps worked in a role that involves interacting with such fabrics?" he inquired respectfully.

"Well, I have done many things to earn my daily rations," he replied without any concern. "Working with various materials, including fabrics, was one of the ways I earned coins. But let us not speak of that."

He gestured towards it and said in an amiable tone, "I couldn't help but notice your little notebook there. Might I ask what sorts of things you record on its pages? You cling to it so tightly, as a lover would." He chuckled softly.

The man hesitated for a moment and then spoke, showing him the written letters in his notebook. "Well... I suppose it can do no harm to tell you. The truth is, it contains nothing of great importance. Merely a list of the best brothel houses in Yoshiwara where one might seek out the company of ladies of the night for the evening until I'm here in Tokyo. I assure you, that I'm only here for purely academic purposes. I'm originally from Osaka, before asking."

Jiacheng nodded appreciatively. "Ah, I see, well, I could say the same, I mean, for the educational purpose." He mused. "A useful guide indeed," He made a joyous smile. "Good sir, might I request the honor of accompanying you on your 'journey'?"

As he placed his palm to his chin, he continued, "Yes! However, in return, I would like to see the contents of your notebook. I am not so blind either." His smirk only widened as he waited for an answer.

Without further words, he extended his hand in the familiar gesture of a handshake. "We have a deal, then!"

The man shifted slightly, a look of discomfort passing across his face. "I apologize, but handshakes are not our custom here... Though the Western practice has gained some popularity of late."

Jiacheng's eyes twinkled with mirth as he let out a good-humored chuckle. His words were tinged with hints of amusement and revelation as he said in a jovial yet pointed manner, "Ah, you all deny yourselves one of the West's best customs!"

However, as he continued speaking, his tone took on a note of gravity and solemnity. Fixing the person he was speaking to with a searching look, he remarked candidly, "You know, that's when you can measure what man is standing before you, one's grip on the other can tell a lot." The man was slightly frightened, seeing the giant like that.

Almost immediately though, he reverted back to his earlier light and airy demeanor, the corners of his lips twitching up in a grin once more as he asserted cheerfully, "But a deal is a deal, with or without a handshake I suppose." His genial tone and amused smile radiated a sense of good-natured understanding toward the man, but the last part scared him a bit, nonetheless.

"Haha, yes, indeed!"


On the other side of the district, in the twisting alleys and narrow main streets, the chaotic activity and commotion remained much the same, just as the eager curiosity and naughty intentions of men seeking their ideal companions persisted in such locales. The paper lanterns glowed brightly, beckoning guests into the teahouses filled with the lively chatter and tinkling laughter of geisha and their patrons.

From within the throng of people bustling through the bustling street, the high-pitched whine of hand-pulled rickshaw carts slowly emerged. The first rickshaw to appear was gaudy and ostentatious, pulled by one runner.. Seated within was a rather flashy-looking man, the God of Festivals and the God of Flashiness, The Sound Hashira himself, Tengen Uzui, dressed in his usual flamboyant shinobi-like clothes adorned with silver beads, and golden bangles, and a red make-up or tattoo around his left eye that jangled with every jerk and jolt of the rickshaw cart's movement.

Trailing behind this braggadocios rickshaw came one more, pulled by an additional runner. These rickshaws were far plainer, and seated within them were three young boys who could hardly contain their animated responses to the sights and sounds around them. Their constant exclamations of "Oh!" and "Ah!" peppered the air as they took in the busy district with wide-eyed wonder and excitement. Clearly apprentices or rather helpers to the flamboyant gentleman in the first rickshaw, they hung on his every word yet could barely restrain their enthusiasm for the lively surroundings.

Tengen folded his limbs tightly against his chest, wrapping each forearm around the opposite bicep as he shut his eyelids, blocking out the vista before him. Soundless diction poured forth from his lips while his thoughts swirled and danced behind his vision of darkness.

"Listen, you three," he began, "Don't do anything that will make you stand out," Though he spoke gravely and with importance, his three tiny feathered charges seemed more interested in preening themselves and glancing around at the various sights and sounds, paying little heed to his counsel. "Remember that we are only here to case the joint. Whatever you do don't get out of the carriage."

As if timed to perfection, Zenitsu burst out from the cart with excitement dancing in his eyes, clearly drawn to something intriguing he had spotted.

"Don't do it, Zenitsu!" Tanjiro called out, hoping to dissuade his impulsive friend, but the words had barely left his lips before Zenitsu was already plunging headlong into the thick of the crowd. Quickly following suit, Inosuke leaped down from the cart with a chuckle, clearly eager for any potential diversion.

Tanjiro swung his head around just in time to see Inosuke running off. "Inosuke!" He called him out too, to only find out he was heedless of any warnings... as usual. Realizing his pleas had fallen on deaf ears, Tanjiro reluctantly jumped off the rickshaw, resigning himself to chasing after his reckless companions lest they cause trouble. With a sigh, he plunged into the throng, hurrying to catch up before the two got themselves into some sort of mischief. "Come back here!"

The rickshaw puller suddenly realized that the weight in the cart had abruptly lessened, turning his head in surprise to see what had happened. He came to a stop, the rickshaw creaking to a halt behind him. The first one hearing it, quickly stopped as well.

Tengen's eyes flew open at the sudden cessation of movement. "Hmm?" he murmured, slowly turning his head to see what was amiss. "What i-" he began to ask, but before the full question could leave his lips the answer was already clear as daylight - the rickshaw was empty.

Tengen leaped down angrily from the rickshaw, his movements brusque and agitated. He strode rapidly around to the back, glaring furiously at the vacant seats where the brats should have been sitting.

"Those stinking brats!" he yelled as he realized he now faced the irritating task of rounding up the reckless trio before they fell into some mischief or danger before the real deal would begin.

Stupid kids, eh?

Tanjiro ran after Inosuke, who found himself an endangered specie among the enormous crowd. He quickly catches up to him, grabbing him by his shoulder, his boar mask somehow sweating in the process.

"Settle down Inosuke!" Tanjiro said soothingly. Tengen hurried up behind them, fuming with anger.

"Get back here, dammit!" he shouted furiously at Inosuke who stood uncertainly, unsure of his next move. Then his intense curiosity took over as usual, and Tanjiro gripped his shoulder tighter.

Luckily Zenitsu did not wander far away, as he was quickly recognized by his... well bright yellowness.

"Hey, Yellow Boy! Stay where you are!" Tengen yelled at Zenitsu but to no avail. Zenitsu remained oblivious as he explored with fervor, before finally taking notice of the angry shinobi.

Tanjiro then took intense gazes at the surroundings similar to Inosuke.

"This is..." he began, "It looks like it's daytime."

Tengen strode confidently over to Zenitsu and grasped his ear firmly, pulling the boy close as Zenitsu whined in protest. He would've done that to Inosuke, too, before noticing it would be meaningless, due to his mask. "Yes, feast your eyes on the splendor that is Yoshiwara Entertainment, or as you common folk call it, the Red Light District!" Tengen announced in a booming, enthusiastic tone.

Zenitsu winced as his ear was tugged, his eyes widening at the sight before him. A sea of colorful lanterns lit up the night, illuminating the extravagant buildings that lined the streets. Men and women alike were dressed in the most ostentatious kimonos and yukatas, exuding luxury and sensuality. The air was filled with the mingling scents of expensive perfumes, foods, and smoke.

"This place thrives on excess - fueled by the vanity and desire of all who seek pleasure here. A town that truly comes alive at night, swirling with the raw and tumultuous emotions of love and hate." Tengen's eyes gleamed as he gazed over the scene, finally releasing his grip on Zenitsu's ear. "Flashy, huh?"

Zenitsu rubbed at his sore ear as he took in the overwhelming sights and sounds that assaulted his senses. 'Flashy' was an understatement. Before he could form a response, Inosuke suddenly let out an outburst, his simple mind unable to process the spectacle before him.

"What the hell is all this?! There are people everywhere!" Inosuke exclaimed, his head whipping around vigorously. Unable to contain himself, he rushed into the throngs of people, promptly crashing into something in his haste.

Tengen looked on cluelessly at Inosuke's sudden outburst. He furrowed his brow, a deep crease forming on his forehead as he tried to make sense of the situation. "What the..." He shook his head, realizing it was futile to try and reason with someone like him. "Calm down, you moron!" he bellowed, his powerful voice echoing through the bustling streets as he dashed after the chaos that had been unleashed by his reckless companion.

As Tanjiro watched how Tengen rushed to Inosuke, his nostrils took some interesting scent...

Tanjiro, his crimson eyes searching the scene intently, felt a peculiar sensation tickle his nostrils. It was a scent that was both familiar and foreign, a bittersweet aroma that seemed to dance through the air with a disconcerting allure. "What is this?" he thought to himself, his brow furrowing in concentration as he inhaled deeply once more. The scent was reminiscent of a demon, and yet it was somehow different from the bitterness - made it less malevolent, perhaps, but no less intriguing. "Where is this coming from?" he wondered, his gaze sweeping across the bustling street before him.

As Tanjiro pondered this curious mystery, he failed to notice that their naughty boy, Zenitsu had vanished from sight... once more.

With his senses now fully attuned to the strange scent, Tanjiro set off through the crowd, determined to uncover the source of the mysterious aroma. As he moved deeper into the Entertainment District, the noise and colors seemed to intensify, almost drowning out the scent he was so desperately trying to follow. And yet, he pressed on, driven by the conviction that there was something inexplicably significant about the elusive fragrance that had captured his attention.

Tengen's eyes narrowed as an irritated scowl formed on his face. For the hundredth time that day, he wondered why he had agreed to join this mission with those two hot-headed, impulsive fools. He had only just managed to put an end to Inosuke's latest ridiculous outburst, and now both Zenitu and Tanjiro had disappeared yet again, off on another one of their tangents.

Tengen slowly turned his head, gazing into the empty space where the two demon slayers had been standing only moments before. A vein throbbed in his temple as hot annoyance bubbled up within him. His finely manicured hands clenched into fists at his sides. "I'm going to kill those brats... for sure," he shouted through gritted teeth, barely able to keep his voice above a harsh whisper. Every second wasted on this pointless bickering was a second they could have spent making true progress in their mission. Instead, the trio found themselves trapped in this endless cycle of squabbles and distractions.

"Kill? Kill what?!" a rude voice among the crows bellowed suddenly in a questioning tone.

Tengen's eye twitched in annoyance as he turned his head. "I'm not talking to you, idiot! It's private business!" he spat through gritted teeth. Inosuke looked astonished as well on Tengen's back.

"Eh?" came the dim-witted response. The man squinted, trying to make out what that muscular and interesting clothed man had on his back. "Don't tell me you're about to kill that... that kid?!" he exclaimed in surprise.

"What?!" Both Inosuke and Tengen demanded simultaneously, though their tones could not have been more different.

Inosuke's voice was furious. "I'm not a kid, I'm the King of the Mountains! To your knees, peasant of the lowlands! Hahaha!" he shouted.

At the same time, Tengen said in a disappointed tone, "Why on earth would I want to waste my precious time on this idiot for longer than necessary?" Making the two create an unintelligible noise that the man could only blink once... then twice without any clear idea what is happening really.

Tengen could feel his temper threatening to flare, though he had trained for years to maintain his composure. He took a deep, calming breath through his nose before shaking his head.

"Anyway, I don't have time for such pointless talk, goodbye!"

"Wha-" spluttered, still confused by the abrupt change in the man's demeanor. Before he could finish his thought, the muscular man had disappeared into the distance in his back a kid with a boar mask. "That was strange... for sure."


[Hey there! This is the author speaking. I just wanted to give you all a heads-up that I won't be able to work efficiently (as of now) on the fanfic for the next week because I've got graduation exams coming up. But to celebrate the upcoming 10th chapter, I thought it would be cool to do a Taisho-Secrets-style special chapter or subchapter called "Secrets Beyond Japan." (I will write the main chapter as well, I just add this special as an author note, just way more sizable.) And I want YOU, yes YOU, to ask questions for this subchapter! Specifically, questions about the demons/devil's broods who have been introduced so far. You can even ask me questions if you want. So go ahead and ask away! Just keep it classy, folks. I hope there will be many questions to be answered, and I hope you like that notion as well! Have a nice day/night you all!]