
rainbow city 3

"What I mean is do you always play tricks like these on your guests," agrim asked the man in the red robe "please elaborate my lord," the man in the red robe said, " then I shall do as you say," agrim said, and activated his magic eyes his beautiful pattern came on his eyes and shined in red light and soon the clothes and the skins of the two people started to float in the air and vaporized and both of them changed places the city lord was on the couch and the man with the red robe on the city lords chair. everyone was a gap to see this. "now would you care to explain" agrim asked the man with the red robe stood up and laughed happily and indicated that he is sorry by giving a deep bow, this man was the 9th rank practitioner of the city lords family he was a wizard named zain, he explained that he sensed the power levels of 9th rankers in here that is why he played ts prank to test whether agrim and his group had any bad intentions or not. agrim asked him about how trading places was going to test them to which zain explained that the 9th rankers along with him would have surely noticed that they were using a spell of concealment and if even after that they did nothing then that meant that agrim's group had some other motive but not only did all his servants noticed this agrim also managed to break the spell

while what the city lord did was understandable his actions were extremely discourteous and if he let it go now then these people would never take him seriously in the future after his rise to power so he made the decision to intimidate them while the city lord and zain were laughing and giving a measly apology for their actions all of a sudden the temperature of the room went down this took even zain by surprise he immediately decided to take action but he noticed he could not move well and similarly, the city lord also could not move while trying to figure out what happened he realized that his mind was being controlled by the this boy of 16, he wanted to make a move but realized that his mobility was affected greatly and if he tried to do some harm gaziff was prepared to cut him down, he could not believe a 9th rank practitioner like him who has lived for 100 years got his mind-controlled by a boy of 16. "i dont like pranks like that mary must have told you my story and here you are pulling shit on me" agrim said in a grim tone the city lord was now regretting what he did he knew what the boy went through mary gave him the gist leaving that he could also controll the 9th rank elder, what was he supposed to do if he killed him. "I hope you will never do it again," said agrim and lifted his mind control as soon as he lifted it everyone present took a breath of relief, anna, in particular, was worried her father had a tendency to test and because of his status, he often managed to get away with it. but what was his status? in front of absolute power that all of them just witnessed now. "we will find new accommodations for us your place will no longer be required" agrim declared and left with everyone, his pressure was felt by everyone in this mansion and almost every servant was affected by it as soon as they reached the gates they found their entire convoy prepared to leave at a moments notice. without wasting any time agrim got on his carriage and they left for the imperial hotel.

back in the city lords mansion the lord was bedridden and was being looked at by the doctor the 9th rank elder was also with them there, he was genuinely repenting on his decisions he was the one who always supported these antics of the lord, usually, people like them would seclude themselves in a room and only come out when the family was facing extinction but he was different too much of a people persons more like an extrovert. now all of his antics landed the lord in trouble and he was being berated by anna who was extremely angry at what happened, agrim was the benefactor of his close friends and was travelling with two 9th rankers who were relatively young and based on what Chloe told her there were more 9th rankers with him at a different location. a person with such a background was not to be trifled with. his skills and abilities were also very strong he had 2 or moe skills what would he do if his family was prepared to retaliate, for now, they have the support of the Orpheum family but if agrim got more support from some other ancient family it can be disastrous. zain made a mental note to apologize to him in person.

while this was happening agrim and his convoy took up a place on the top 3 floors of the imperial hotel, these hotels were made by the rodson family they are a large merchant family with business in most of the human territories these hotels only provide accommodation to dukes and above, not to mention they also support people who have strong companions with them as a proof of their distinguished heritage. the top 3 floors can accommodate 350 people at once, it has a magic lift and many rooms for servants and animals. when agrim carriage entered the entrance gazif let out his 9th rank aura for just a bit which alerted the staff of the hotel, and they immediately prepared themselves to greet agrim . this place was recommended by the hashiras as they stayed at one of the lower levels of this hotel for a night.

the story of a very strong person entering the lord's mansion and then leaving and taking up a place in the imperial hotel spread like wildfire because according to many that even there was some sort of a spat between the guests and the lord's mansion, leaving the place was extremely discourteous and they one has to belong to a very high-class family to do so. many small gangs and rivals of the lords family started making up plans to make connections with this new family. news of this even reached the eyes of the patriarch of the Orpheum family, even he was concerned about who came here.

while all of this was happening agrim was in his new room searching through the system, he wanted to summon servants who could act as maids and butlers and if possible assains and spies as well if possible he wanted to summon souei from Tensei slime and Anne from black butler but things don't always go how he wants and until the system shows him a catalog which has those characters he can't summon them. while searching through them a ding came to him and it said.

ding: the host showed his power and authority as a true demon lord as such ancient pure demon skill has been opened at level 1 the more he raises the level the more skills will open up

agrim could not understand what this was about, but he was interested as such he asked the system what was a pure demon skill, the system explained to him that a pure demon skill comes from pure demons who made true demons, in essence, pure demons are ancient beings who just like the demons on earth could make contracts and grant wishes for souls. in this world those who made contracts with pure demons and took their powers in ancient times became the first true demons their progenies became demon lords and only demon lords have the capacity outside of pure demons to make contacts and grant wishes.

agrim was not particularly happy about it because he had heard stories about how demons take souls and lock people in purgatory, but the system told him that purgatory is only granted to those who have sinned, and making contacts with demons the gods made does not qualify as sin, what they do with that their power is what matters.

agrim asked the system that why did it manifest now and what are his new powers? the system told him that he used a power only the nobles could use in the anime and manhwa series of noblesse, who also can make contracts with others as such his powers manifested. agrims powers included granting small wishes like restoring health or financial assistance, but as his power rises he could also grant contracts and longevity of life. agrim's was a gap at this information, he knew that after coming here that he was a half-demon/ half-human and that controlled his emotions but as his powers are rising he cannot accept the fact he is becoming less and less human with every passing day.