
city life

agrim thought that it was futile to think about the past and he should move forward for now as such he decided to to take a bath to clear his mind, he told lucifer about it who made preparation for his bath accordingly, agrim then went ahead to change his clothes and enter the bath. Lucifer wanted to come with him but agrim grew up in a modern Indian household he cannot have to summon nurture him during a bath as such he told him to wait outside along with gaziff. the bath was on the top floor and was as large as a rooftop swimming pool covered by the glass at all sides with magical painting on them like the student's bath in Hogwarts, it had a calming charm about it that soothed its users. upon entering agrim realized that there were women in here probably staff meant to take care of customers, their job usually encompasses giving proper massages and any other thing based on what the customer wants these women are pleasure slaves as well.

all the women were beautiful and had good figures but agrim decided that he will not participate in something like that unless it is someone he treasures. even though he was a cautious person and checked the status of the women in here, most of them were okay with no cultivation or magic at all while some could use low-rank spells to give proper baths but one among them caught his eyes hew name was dana she had purple hair and she was a 6th rank assassin. this made agrim worry he told lucifer and gaziff to stand outside but now he had an assassin to deal with, he first thought he should just let them do their job and act nonchalant as other protagonists do in fanfics and manga, and anime, but what if she did her job any way what if she was here to deal with him on someone's explicit orders.

agrim didn't want to take the risks as such decided to act fast and use this woman instead he again used mind control and turned all the other ladies into paralytic statues meaning they will not move and will not realize if something happened in their surroundings after they have been released as soon as his mind control took place all the women turned into statues except one and that was the assassin dana unable to understand what happened she panicked and looked at agrim who had a smirk on his face, dana realized something was amiss and brought a dagger out of her hair and took a defensive stance against agrim. "who sent you answer me there will be no next time" agrim asked her but dana stayed silent without a word and a calm face "so be it" agrim said and directed his mind control at her soon dana was on her feet and her head on the ground. she could not understand what had happened a moment ago she was standing and now she was not. before she could comprehend anything she saw her hand holding the knife move towards her own neck, she panicked at what happened she tried to stop her hand but could not she wanted to apologize to the man who she was meant to monitor but could not, and within seconds her hand slashed her neck and everything went dark and she lost her life. "truly a pity" agrim said looking at her without wasting any effort he activated his geass and used it on dana within moments she stood back up and went on her knees as a sign of submission to him. now dana was subservient to him, he asked dana who he is who she works for and what was her primary objective for being here, dana explained to him that she right now is a double agent working for the Orpheum family and the Robson family who owns this hotel. her job requires her to spy on guests and get to know anything they do. agrim understood that she is a double agent but then the point was who was her primary employer and as such he inquired her about it to which dana replied that she was employed by the dark guild, to act as a medium for other spies and assassins who move from this place. according to her, the dark guild was a large guild made up of assassins and spies who work in the shadows and that no one in the world knows about them. except for agrim now she also told him that she is the disciple of the 8th elder of the organization and is said to succed him in the future. another thing that came as a shock to agrim was that the dark guild was made by the church and with their help, they have maintained their control in this entire region.

agrim now understood the situation and commanded her to give incomplete information on him and tell him about every other assassin and spy-related to the dark guild in this city. which she happily accepted and told him that the next time he comes to take a bath she will have everything prepared for him, afterwards agrim removed his mind control and took a long relaxing bath and left in half and hour. outside lucifer and gaziff were still waiting for him, he tolf lucifer to prepare a meal for him and told gazif to come with him and guard him at all times. he later on returned to his room to rest and look through the system, hwne he opened it he found a new ding from the system

ding: the host used his geass and recovered a person from death and managed to uncover a large conpiracy of the church as such he will be granted a new summon at 8th rank .

ding: new mission for the host: the host needs to make every spy and assassin in this city his own servant in the next 1 month

reward: 30000sp, hidden items

this got agrim riled up he was prepared for something new, he wanted a new mission like this that wiil up his strenght, unlike kingdoms and armies he dosnet need large armies what he needs are strong indivduals who alone are equal to armies like his bodyguards, while he was planning for the future in his mind, another mission came to him, which got him surprised

mission: there are 100000 beastmen in this region of the 3 cities 2third of them slaves accomodate the other 1third in your islands and start making your country

rewards: 100000sp, rankup, one 9th rank summon, one servants advancement to the advanced stage.

time limit: 6 months