
Chapter One: Prophesy


I sat at the breakfast table gazing at the cup of coffee in front of me.

"You should eat more, you haven't been eating well lately," My cousin Rebekah pointed out when she noticed me staring at the cup of coffee.

I took a sip of it but my mind was still clouded with different thoughts.

What were those eyes I saw last night, I kept seeing them in my dreams, strange eyes that terrified but yet allured me.

I have been having such dreams for days now and I would be lying if I said I'm not bothered by them.



Rebekah's voice pulled me from my thoughts

"Hmm," I mutter as I snapped my head in her direction.

"Is everything okay?" I could hear the worry in her voice as I could feel every other eye on me during our discussion.

I swallow, suddenly feeling like face-palming myself for zoning out the way I did.

"I'm fine," I replied, moving my gaze back to my meal, and picking up my cutleries"You were saying?"

"Mom asked if you would like more....."

I felt my body stiffen when these words left her lips but before she could complete the sentence I quickly cut in with a more relaxed countenance.

"No," l said calmly as I forced myself not to

Pursh my lips.

Silence befell us and from the corner of my eyes I couldn't help but notice the glint in Rebekah's eyes and I could only guess the reason why.

Today is her eighteenth birthday and mine is soon to be in a few day and I'm not looking forward to mine.

One would ask, well it's because things like these were a constant reminder that I'm different.

At sixteen you find your wolf and at eighteen you find your mate, I am currently seventeen, soon to be eighteen but yet no manifestation of my wolf, so one could see why I'm not looking forward to it.

"You should eat more bread" Rebekah whispered as she passed over a dish containing some sliced bread to me.

"Thank you" I uttered, meeting her gaze.

"You're welcome."

Just seeing my cousin happy made me happy, she gave me an emotional boost, and she was practically beaming in her seat.

Apart from graduating high school, there was also the thought of being able to finally sense her mate.

The eighteenth birthday of every werewolf life signals maturity, and with that maturity comes the blessing of being able to find a mate, and yet again I wasn't looking forward to that, and it wasn't because I didn't like the idea of finding a mate, it was because I already had a boyfriend- Jake.

I know we aren't destined mates, but I love him like he is my real mate, though a little part of me hopes that he would be my mate but how could I have a mate when I don't have a fu*king wolf?

Thinking about him now made my heart flutter.

Jake was the ideal mate for me, he is the beta's second son.

We have known each other since childhood, it started as friendship but when we go into highschool, I started developing feelings for him and I was elated when he confessed to having feelings for me as well.

We started dating when I was sixteen and everything seemed perfect in my life at that moment, because I had a wonderful family, I was the most popular girl in school who was loved by everyone, I was the true Alpha's first child and next in line and I had a hot boyfriend but my world came crashing down when I turned seventeen and still didn't have a wolf.

I was mocked behind my back by my so-called friends, ostracized, and humiliated everywhere I went.

I felt like a stranger in my pack.

The humiliation became unbearable when people didn't even bother to hide their mockery any longer, I felt dejected and rejected by my pack.

I felt like I was losing myself but Jake became my pillar and support, he was my backbone in the pack, and although I had my uncle and cousin who stood by me even that wasn't enough, there were times they weren't always there but Jake was there and this made things a lot bearable.

Jake accepted me for who was, and I was scared that he would leave me when he found out I didn't have a wolf but he didn't, rather the circumstances strengthened our relationship.

He used all his strength, power, and influence to protect me.

Of course, I could have reported the bullying to my uncle, but I chose not to because I realized, doing that wouldn't have changed much.


My uncle's monotone voice hauled me from my thoughts.

I lifted my gaze, moving them towards him for the first time since I walked into the room.

How many years had it been since I last saw him, seven? eight?

He was always out on a mission, defending our borders and I almost forgot how he looked, but how could I when he looked exactly like my father?

I could still remember everything was just the same with Dad but I knew this wasn't my Dad, the aura is just different.

"You should take care of your health, it should always be your top priority, that is what is expected of you as crown princess"

His words stroked a cord within me, I wasn't surprised that he saw me as nothing but a means of treaty and I wasn't expecting him to subjugate or try to calm my anger after all these years of staying away.

He couldn't even look me in the eyes, hell, I could see the hate in his eyes whenever our gaze met, and though he tried not to show it I knew deep down he blamed me for everything, they all did.

"Oh come on dear, "Josephine my uncle's second Luna cuts in as she moves her gaze to my uncle giving his shoulder a light pat." You shouldn't be so hard on her,"

I took a sip of my coffee to wash off the bitter taste in my mouth while gritting my teeth, as I prepared myself for what was to come.

"You know she has to stay in shape, I mean that's all she can do to secure a mate if things don't work out as planned,"

I subconsciously tightened the grip on my cup when these words left Josephine's lips as if I didn't have enough bullies already.

"Come on Mom, you don't give her enough credit, Princess Lily is very beautiful, that's why guys can't help falling for her, I mean even Jake the beta's son couldn't get enough of her." Chloe Hera's twin sister began and I couldn't help but roll my eyes." she only needs to be more soft-spoken and people would love her more besides she already has a boyfriend"

"A boyfriend and a mate aren't the same things my dear and we all know that won't last, "Josephine cuts in.

Anger surged through me at their words, all I wanted to do at the moment was to walk away.

" That's enough,"

Thankfully my uncle's voice cut through the conversation as he stood up from the chair.

"Bruce," He called the head guard," Escort the princess to my office after breakfast,"


"You wanted to speak to me.....Alpha" I tried not to stutter as I walked into the room sighting my uncle seated on the chair in from of me.

"Yes," He replied, I noticed and heard the door close behind me, and just at that moment he lifted his gaze from the files in front of him.

"Your escorts from the Silver Frost pack will be here in a few days, I want you to prepare yourself for your Coronation,"

I swallowed.

It was not like I wasn't expecting this.

I took in sharp a sharp breath before I replied."I understand...Alpha,"


Silence fell between us, he moved his gaze back to the document in front of him.

I thought he was done with me, I turned around to leave the office but his words stopped me in my tracks,"

"I want you to sever all ties you have with the Beta's son,"

Jake? Why? I froze, my hand fixed on the door knob.

Before I could ask why he broke the silence.

"Your parents thought that was best I kept it from you until your eighteenth birthday," He paused for a moment before he lifted his gazes and met mine." You're not moving to the Sliver Frost pack just to secure the treaty, you moving there to ascend the throne as their Queen.... "

Their Queen?

Wait, what was going on here? I thought I was just supposed to act as queen, the one medium bringing them together.

I was confused when these words left his lips. The silver frost pack is a pack of Lycans and I am but a werewolf how am I supposed to become their Queen unless?

"By marriage to the Lycan prince, The representatives from the silver frost pack will be here tomorrow "

Dread washed through me and I felt my legs become weak.

The Lycans were our worst enemy, for years they had been at war with us, I was supposed to be the means to stop the war by acting as a bridge to unity and bring peace but I never thought I had to marry one of them.

I hate the Lycans with a passion I could not quantify because they took everything I had ever loved away from me, they took my happiness, they took my family, my parents

They were nothing but power-hungry demons that destroyed everything in their path.

"I refuse," I voiced out trying to hide the anger in my voice."I will not marry a beast,"

"This was long decided before you were born, your parents and even I had no means of stopping it and believe me they tired." A sigh suddenly left his lips and his gaze lowered while he rubbed his temple." You will understand more when you hear about the prophesy, "

My thoughts were in a blurr, I could not believe my parents would...

"You want me to marry a man who's kind took everything away from me... From us?"I couldn't stop myself, voice my broke as I muttered the last parts.

I watched as my uncle's eyes met mine but he still had a stern look on his face." That is the only way to secure the treaty.... This is what your parents want for you to fulfill your destiny,"

My destiny?

To marry a beast? The parents I knew would have never wanted such for me.

"I will not marry a man I do not know,"

"Then you have decided to end us all,"

First chapter!!! Thanks for reading

Emin_encecreators' thoughts
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