

"Step into the captivating world of 'Demiwars,' where mystic powers collide, and alliances are forged in the crucible of battle. Arcane Academy and Abyssal Citadel, human and demon schools, converge in an annual spectacle of Essentia prowess. As students showcase abilities inspired by worlds unknown, secrets unravel, friendships form, and the boundary between good and evil blurs. Join a diverse cast in a thrilling journey of self-discovery, where the fate of two realms hangs in the balance. 'Demiwars' weaves a tapestry of magic, intrigue, and epic clashes that will leave you spellbound. Unleash your Essentia, and embrace the adventure."

LordSanctify · Fantaisie
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Author Comments (Full Wiki of the Story... Kinda)

This story will start once That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge or Hearts Entwined Ends... which would probably be That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge since it's ending in 2 or 3 parts from now.

but this story's power system will be described underneath as Essential, imma use the notes i used and paste them here.

In the world of "Demiwars," the power system is known as "Essentia," a dynamic and versatile energy source that both humans and demons harness to perform extraordinary feats. Essentia is the life force that flows through all living beings and the environment, and it can be channeled and manipulated in various ways. Here are the key elements of the Essentia power system:

1. Essentia Types:

- Elemental Essentia: Derived from the classical elements of earth, water, fire, and air. Users can control and manipulate these elements to create attacks, defenses, and utility spells.

- Shadow Essentia: Tapped from the darkness within, this type of Essentia grants users shadow manipulation, stealth abilities, and illusions.

- Celestial Essentia: Derived from celestial bodies and cosmic energies, it grants users the power of light, healing, and enhanced senses.

- Bloodline Essentia: Unique to certain bloodlines, it offers specialized abilities such as shapeshifting, mind control, or telekinesis.

2. Essentia Affinities:

- Each individual has a natural affinity for one or more Essentia types, making them more adept at using specific powers. Training and experience can expand one's repertoire, but their innate affinity remains strongest.

3. Essentia Crystals:

- To harness Essentia effectively, individuals often use specialized crystals or gems that resonate with their affinity. These crystals amplify their abilities and can be incorporated into weapons or jewelry.

4. Essentia Spells:

- Users of Essentia cast spells and perform feats by channeling their energy through incantations, gestures, or mental focus. The complexity and power of a spell depend on the individual's mastery of Essentia and their affinity.

5. Essentia Combos:

- Skilled practitioners can combine different Essentia types to create unique and potent effects. For example, a character with a water affinity might blend water and ice Essentia for freezing attacks.

6. Essentia Overload:

- Excessive use of Essentia can lead to "Essentia Overload," a condition where the user's body and mind become overwhelmed. It can result in physical and mental exhaustion, and in extreme cases, it can even lead to permanent damage or corruption.

7. Training and Education:

- Schools for both humans and demons specialize in training individuals to harness Essentia effectively. These institutions focus on teaching techniques, spells, and ethics related to the responsible use of Essentia.

The Essentia power system in "Demiwars" adds depth and complexity to the battles and conflicts in the story, as characters must not only master their abilities but also navigate the intricate interplay of different Essentia types, affinities, and tactics to emerge victorious in the annual school battles.

There's three more types of power in demiwars.

Infinia - Celestial Essentia:

Infinia, harnessed through the celestial Essentia, represents the boundless energy of the stars, sun, and celestial bodies. Users of Infinia possess the ability to call upon the brilliance of the heavens and radiate pure celestial energy. Here are some of the powers associated with Infinia:

Luminokinesis: Infinia users can manipulate light and energy, creating blinding flashes of light to blind enemies or dazzling radiant shields for defense.

Healing Radiance: In times of need, Infinia users can channel celestial energy to heal wounds, cure ailments, and rejuvenate themselves or others.

Solar Flare Attacks: By concentrating their Essentia, users can unleash devastating solar flare attacks, releasing concentrated bursts of scorching energy upon their foes.

Astral Projection: Advanced Infinia users can temporarily project their consciousness into the astral plane, gaining insights, knowledge, and even glimpses of the future.

Espera - Dark Essentia:

Espera embodies the enigmatic and shadowy powers of the dark Essentia. It allows users to manipulate darkness, illusions, and the hidden mysteries of the night. Here are some of the powers associated with Espera:

Umbrakinesis: Users of Espera can mold and control shadows, creating darkness to obscure themselves or their enemies, and forming tangible constructs from the shadows.

Shadowstep: With Espera, users can step into shadows and reemerge from another shadowy location, enabling swift and stealthy movement.

Nightmare Weaving: Masterful Espera users can craft terrifying illusions and manipulate the fears and nightmares of their opponents.

Dark Evasion: Users can merge with darkness, rendering themselves intangible and immune to physical attacks.

Nocturna - Nocturnal Spirit Essentia:

Nocturna is a unique and mysterious form of Essentia that connects its users with the spirits of the night. It grants them power over the essence of the moon, the creatures of the night, and the ethereal realm. Here are some of the powers associated with Nocturna:

Lunar Manipulation: Nocturna users can harness the power of the moon, controlling moonlight to create beams of silvery energy, enhancing their physical abilities under moonlight, and even summoning lunar creatures.

Spiritual Communion: They can communicate with nocturnal spirits and spectral entities, seeking guidance, knowledge, or assistance from the spirits of the night.

Shadowwalking: Nocturna allows users to traverse the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds, moving through shadows and interacting with the unseen.

Nightmare Repulsion: Nocturna users possess the ability to ward off dark forces and nightmares, creating protective barriers against malevolent entities.

These unique Essentia powers add depth and intrigue to the world of "Demiwars," as characters master and wield the celestial, dark, and Nocturnal Spirit Essentia to gain an edge in the annual battles between human and demon schools.

Let's Describe the races and other stuff in the story.

"Demiwars" takes place in a richly layered world where humans, demons, and a diverse array of other creatures coexist, each with their unique abilities and characteristics. The story is set in the year 2019, a time when these different beings are integrated into society and attend specialized schools to hone their academic skills and Essentia powers.

The Human World:

In the human world of "Demiwars," society has evolved to accommodate the presence of various supernatural beings. Humans, as well as demihumans, vampires, half-breeds, angels, and other extraordinary individuals, live side by side. Here's a glimpse into this world:

- Demihumans: Demihumans are beings with a mix of human and animal traits. They come from diverse backgrounds, such as cat people, wolf people, and bird people, each with unique abilities and appearances.

- Vampires: Vampires have their own subculture within human society. They possess superhuman strength, speed, and the ability to control shadows, though they are vulnerable to sunlight and require blood to sustain themselves.

- Half-breeds: These individuals are born from the union of two different supernatural species. As a result, they inherit a blend of powers and traits from their parentage.

- Angels: Angels, with their ethereal wings and radiant abilities, often act as protectors and guides in the human world. They are known for their healing and light-based powers.

- Human Schools: Academic institutions in the human world cater to both regular humans and supernatural beings. They offer a curriculum that combines standard subjects with training in Essentia powers.

- Technological Advancements: The human world in "Demiwars" has advanced technologically, and humans and other creatures use a combination of technology and magic in their daily lives.

The Demon World:

In the demon world, demons of various types inhabit a realm parallel to the human world. They possess unique appearances, powers, and cultures. Here's a glimpse into the demon world:

- Demon Hierarchy: The demon world is organized into various clans, each specializing in specific abilities and Essentia types. Some clans excel in fire manipulation, others in darkness, and still, others in earth-based powers.

- Demon Schools: Just like in the human world, demon schools teach both academic subjects and Essentia training. These schools are competitive, and demons often engage in friendly rivalries with humans.

- Infernal Landscapes: The demon world consists of diverse landscapes, from fiery volcanoes to desolate wastelands. Each region is inhabited by different demon clans, making it a place of intrigue and adventure.

- Portals and Crossovers: The human and demon worlds are connected by mystical portals that allow for travel between realms. These portals play a crucial role in the annual Demiwars event.

The Annual Demiwars:

The central event in "Demiwars" is the annual Demiwars competition. It brings together students from both the human and demon worlds to showcase their Essentia powers and skills in various challenges and battles. Demiwars fosters camaraderie, rivalry, and intrigue as characters from different backgrounds come together to test their abilities and discover the true extent of their powers.

The world of "Demiwars" is a captivating blend of the supernatural and the everyday, where humans, demons, and a myriad of other creatures navigate a society filled with magic, technology, and the endless possibilities of Essentia powers.

Here's the final power ability for this series.

Name: Omnikinesis


Omnikinesis is an enigmatic and unprecedented power within the world of "Demiwars." It is often referred to as the "Ultimate Essentia" due to its extraordinary capabilities. Omnikinesis allows its user to tap into the collective consciousness of every fictional universe, drawing upon the powers, abilities, and knowledge of characters from anime, manga, manwha, video games, cartoons, movies, light novels, webnovels, webtoons, and comics.


1. Power Replication: When fully mastered, the user can replicate any power, ability, or skill they have encountered in fictional media. This includes elemental manipulation, time manipulation, super strength, teleportation, and much more.

2. Character Summons: The user can summon characters from the same fictional universes to assist them. These characters possess their own unique abilities and can aid the user in various ways.

3. Temporary Mastery: If the user has only learned a power briefly from a fictional character, they can use it for a limited time, typically lasting between 60 to 90 seconds. During this time, they can access the full potential of the borrowed ability.

4. Permanent Mastery: Once the user has fully mastered a power by repeatedly learning and practicing it, they can use it whenever they desire, without any time limit.

5. Infinite Combinations: Omnikinesis allows for the creation of unique combinations of powers and abilities from different universes, resulting in a vast array of possibilities limited only by the user's imagination.

6. Character Companions: The user can choose to keep summoned characters by their side for an unlimited duration, forming bonds and friendships with these fictional allies.

Consequences and Limitations:

- While Omnikinesis grants unparalleled abilities, it comes with a heavy responsibility. Misuse or overreliance on the power can lead to unforeseen consequences, both in the user's world and the fictional universes they draw from.

- Learning and mastering powers from different universes can be a time-consuming and mentally taxing process. It requires intense concentration, dedication, and practice.

- The user must be careful when summoning characters, as their actions can have ripple effects within the fictional universes they originate from. The multiverse must remain intact.

- The origins of Omnikinesis are shrouded in mystery, and no one within "Demiwars" is aware of its existence, making it a closely guarded secret known only to the user.

Omnikinesis in "Demiwars" is a power that defies convention, offering its wielder limitless potential and the ability to reshape battles, but also demanding wisdom, responsibility, and discretion in its use. It opens up a world of endless possibilities, where the boundaries between reality and fiction blur into a mesmerizing tapestry of abilities and adventures.

that's all so see ya soon in late 2023 to early 2024. <3< p>

(Prologue will be out after the end of That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge series.)

(Riku Akiyama is the name of the main protagonist for Demiwars)

One More Thing is the schools names..

Certainly! Here are the names for the demon and human schools in "Demiwars":

Human School:

Name: Arcane Academy

Description: Arcane Academy is a prestigious institution located in the heart of the human world. It is renowned for its rigorous training programs that teach students to harness their Essentia powers effectively. The academy is known for its commitment to promoting unity among different species, making it a hub for humans, demihumans, vampires, half-breeds, and angels to come together and learn. The school's emblem features an open book with a swirling vortex of elemental energy.

Demon School:

Name: Abyssal Citadel

Description: Abyssal Citadel stands as a formidable fortress in the demon world, nestled within the treacherous landscapes of the demonic realm. It is a place where various demon clans converge, each with its unique culture and abilities. Abyssal Citadel is known for its intense and competitive environment, where demon students hone their Essentia powers to excel in the annual Demiwars. The school's emblem features a fierce demonic sigil surrounded by shadowy tendrils.

anyways... that's it. the main characters will be listed and just their names only...

1. Riku Akiyama

2. Camila Martinez

3. Chloe Rossi

4. Emma Lee

5. Jiya Chopra

6. Zachary Reid

7. Mei Feng

8. Chalita Suwan

9. Nari Choi

10. Lucas Fournier

11. Lilith Higasa

12. Ilya Petrov

13. Leilani Nakamura

14. Kiyana Allen

15. Kisame Hasegawa

16. Aiyana Anoki

17. Aurora Blackwood

18. Noah Edwards

19. Amara Chea

20. Raya Baskoro

21. Lilac Sawai

22. Julie Lockhart

That's 22 main characters so um, most of them are might be significant as they will serve a purpose... like i said before the prologue and the other arcs will be released late 2023 to early 2024 since i have to finish That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge and somewhat by then Hearts Entwined would be in on hiatus or on it's final saga which is 3rd year.