

#Fantasy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The prophecy rewrite's the genesis. And what we see, isn't what we expect. A demigod is born. To save the world from a great demon, casted down by the gods themselves. A young girl, known to be a princess from a good Kingdom, finds herself in a big celestial situation. Which was caused by her stubborn undying curiosity to adventure. But as the story goes on, she finds out that she is no where near an ordinary Princess with a lowlife. Instead, she is been given a great responsibility that could shake the world's new beginning. But unfortunately, she seems to not be sure if she could carry that kind of responsibility. And yet, will she have a choice? #Romance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my mouth, to take in air as I felt my face dripping with water. I turned to face Remiel. And he held a very serious look, while staring deeply into my eyes. And for some reason, his eyes seemed to glow more in the night. I was mesmerized by the sight. But why did he drag me out all of a sudden? I haven't totally ran out of breath. "Isn't it obvious little human?" I heard his dark voice. "It seems the beautiful sight is making you forget my presence. And we don't want that..." I felt my eyes widen at his statement. I thought I didn't hear him right. But when I looked up at him, his lips had curved into a deep devilish smirk.

Tomi_Teresa · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


I was just a lowlife Princess, waiting for her own destiny to take place. And after, I would probably find peace.

I sat like a statue, next to the other princesses, watching the movements and actions of each royal guests at the royal banquet.

It was as boring as it really could ever be.

All my head was blooming with was how to get out of here.

But then, my gaze caught something, rather someone.

Who had just been welcomed in, even though he was very late as a member of the royal family.

That was my uncle, Cedric.

Cedric was the youngest son of my father's parents and the youngest uncle.

Leaving the fact that he was undoubtedly gorgeous.

But his lack of emotions or life made me never even have uttered any word before to him.

I always tried my best to avoid him at all cost, because of his intimidating aura that brings shivers down to me.

It's like those icy stares could take a hold of you and drown you to your own abyss of torment.

It's like an aura that spoke serious danger.

Not of something physical, but of something else that no-one could understand.

Even my maid Maya, says not to move close to him.

Nether the less, he was just too beautiful for this world.

But maybe he himself knows that he would never find a lover with his cold personalities.

Such shame.

He just had this strange mysterious personality that would make you just as curious.

It was like he was living a different story from us, even though we were in the same.

Sometimes, its just seems like he isn't even part of this story, that he was just a reflection.

Because I have never seen or heard my dad talk about him for once.

Not even anyone or anything.

No accomplishment, He just lived in the shadows since I knew him.

I've also tried asking my dad about him of course.

But my dad would just say "He's my last younger brother and your uncle".

I got that, but it still was strange for me not seeing any old paintings of the family having him in it.

But, no Matter how hard I tried getting more information about him. I always ended up at nothing.

Not that I've ever tried secretly stalking him or anything, in case you're thinking that.

Because It just never worked.

Ugh. Sometimes, I just can't fight this urge to know about him and find out his secret.

But I now found it very disturbing and too much.

Because like the saying, curiousity kills the cat.

And with Maya's serious warning about him, I can't just ignore. Maybe he was dangerous.

But how dangerous, was it like those in the books and novels?

Sigh, so much adventure I have to ignore. I'm sure, Maya watches me from a corner as I speak.

After a while as the ball went on, as usual, not an hour later, my uncle Cedric had already left the ball. It was usual for him.

It was like he only came to see how the ball was going, and then leave at anytime he wished.

Of course it never went the same for anyone else.

When I tried, I got lashed out by my father.

But then I raised a question, that got me the biggest shock of my life.

"But father, I was not the only one to leave the ball. Uncle Cedric also did".

"Oh so now you lie as well? Good God. Your uncle Cedric was seated the whole time, till it was over. And no one left except you. Let it not repeat itself" and he left.

I was shocked to the bone and confused at the same time, what was this nonsense?

He walked right through the open gate, with even the guards allowing him.

Papa must have been confused, was what I thought. Until I decided to ask others about it, and they all spoke the same thing with father.

This was crazy.

Why does everyone behave like he didn't exist, and they couldn't see him or something.

Like I was the only one that could see him. Well, also Maya but, that's not the point.

The point was, there's definitely something really going on and it was just too hard to ignore.

The more I tried putting the puzzles of what he could be, the more scary it got.

Because then if he was something from one of my imaginations, then it meant those creatures I read from novels were also real.

Of course not!

What nonsense do you speak Neera!

These things aren't real, there is definitely a reasonable explanation for all of this. And that is why I would find out, to stop my mind from going nuts.

The ball was over finally, and I left for my room.

I decided to prepare straight for bed, since I already eat enough at the ball.

Maya, my serious, yet nice maid helped me with it. And while helping me with my night garment, I decided to try asking her again about Uncle Cedric.

"Maya, since you warn me so seriously about uncle Cedric, then it means you know about him well right?".

"Dear lord, not this again" she sighed.

And I got frustrated "At least hear me out first. I just thought you would explain to me about what it is exactly I should be avoiding in him".

I looked at her, with my brain and mind getting ready to write down every single words she would speak.

But she only answered me with a sigh.

Right. I knew it. There was never a word that would come out of her mouth if she wished not to.

After putting on my night garment, I went on my bed to lay down.

Staring at the ceiling, my thoughts couldn't help but go back to my weird and strange uncle, that the entire kingdom doesn't even know about.

It was even almost hard to see him, because if you were late to breakfast or dinner. Then you wouldn't get to see him for the rest of the day. Not to talk that he was a fast eater.

But my thoughts were cut short by a voice. A voice that belonged to My maid, Maya.

"Your Uncle Cedric is a very mysterious man, ever since the day he was born. I don't know much like your father and the kingdom. But what I do feel, is he is a dangerous person."

"For him to be this secretive and strange that no one ever speaks about him makes it enough proof to avoid him as much as you can".

Right, just as I expected. The same explanation she always gave, only this time it was being expanded well for me.

I just closed my eyes, while I muttered.

"I clearly understand Maya, goodnight".

"Goodnight Neera, sweet dreams"

I heard her say, while soon the door was closed.

I slowly opened my eyes and stared at nothing essential.

So it meant that she only says all these because she feels scared about his strange loneliness. And that was why she told me to be careful about him.

Because he could be a secret killer or something. That totally made sense now. So it wasn't that he could have been a supernatural creature.

But what if he really was a killer, might as well be very careful indeed.

Waking up to the sounds of birds knocking at my window. I fluttered my eyes open, straight to them.

And they never stopped till I got out from my bed to open the window.

Knowing exactly why they were here, I grabbed a handful of grapes from the tray of fruits in my breakfast brought to my room by Maya.

I gave them the grapes, and they began pecking on it.

They were so lovely to see the first thing in the morning.

But I soon looked up, which was worth it to see the full view of the sunrise, shining to the beautiful top mountains, that was blooming with flowers and butterflies.

This was my first time taking time to view outside my window. Most times in the morning, Maya would have woken me up and dressed me up for the day.

But today, for the first time ever, I have no idea where she was or why she was late.

But I instead pray for her to be a little more late, because if she was here. I would never have the time to stare at such beauty in front of my eyes.

A smile flowed on my face as I enjoyed the beautiful view.

But then, my smile disappeared, and a frown slowly came up to my face as something caught my sight.

Wasn't that...

It was!

My uncle, Cedric.

He was sitting on a log, next to a river. with his gaze at the beautiful view of the sunrise.

What was someone like him doing there, staring at a view like this.

With me in my room, I could still feel the shivering touch of the cold breeze, yet he sat there like the log himself.

Very strange.



Hi again guys. please, if you notice any mistake, can you please tell me?

I am a newbie, and I need response and comments from you all...。◕‿◕。

Till we meet again, Bye!

Tomi_Teresacreators' thoughts