
Casual Conversation

The dragon and phoenix began swimming freely around the replica globe. From afar, it looked exactly like the Prediction Orb. The only difference was that because Kael's spiritual energy was blue in color, the replica Prediction Orb was thus colored in different shades of blue, according to the spiritual intensity of the spiritual energy, instead of the multi-colored radiance of the original Prediction Orb.

Even though it wasn't as dazzling as the original Prediction Orb, it was still a beautiful sight to behold.

The crowd was enraptured by the replica orb, be it they from differing camps that were either siding Darth Wilkes or Kael. Everyone was given a pleasant surprise by Kael; to think that he could actually imitate the Prediction Orb to such an extent!

Darth Wilkes was also reeling from shock at Kael's performance, and it actually caused a lapse in his concentration which resulted in him missing a vital step in replicating the Ice Artifice.

"Damnit! What am I doing? I should be focusing on my own task at hand."

"Both parties have five minutes left!" Wallie Dawson's voice interrupted Darth Wilkes' chain of thought and reminded Kael of the final step to take.

At this point, both parties were roughly done with the superficial features. The next step was to give the replica objects weight equal to the original objects.

Darth Wilkes and Kael, hard pressed for time, immediately extended their spiritual energy through their fingers into the original objects, trying to feel out the actual density of the object.

Darth Wilkes managed to do so with ease into the Ice Artifice. It was after all only a Commoner Rank Late Phase object, hence the resistance from the object towards Darth Wilkes, who was at the Herald Rank Lower Phase, was negligible. Though the cold energy was diametrically opposed to Darth Wilkes' spiritual energy of a fire property, he was still able to roughly feel the density of the Ice Artifice.

On the other hand, it was Kael's turn for a pleasant surprise.

"Swoosh!!" The moment Kael's spiritual energy came into contact with the Prediction Orb, a powerful energy from within the Prediction Orb swallowed Kael's spiritual energy, rendering it into nothingness.

The Prediction Orb then starting humming. Next, the dragon emitted a very deep green glow while the phoenix emitted a very deep red glow.

Both blood essences of the dragon and phoenix responded at the same time!

This meant that Kael was going to experience impending disasters and heaven's blessing at the same time!

"Wow this guy. I really can't use words to describe him anymore. He actually activated the Prediction Orb in the middle of the battle to predict his own fortune! What is he trying to do? Is he really that confident that he will win the battle that he can afford to do this now?"

"I don't think he did it on purpose. More like… he is chosen by the Prediction Orb."

"What? Chosen?"

"Yeah. Not many people know this, but the Prediction Orb actually only works for a few select individuals. The essences of the dragon and phoenix will respond to the spiritual energy of the selected cultivator and predict his future."

"What the heck? He's actually that lucky?"


While the crowd was discussing fervently about what happened to Kael, Darth Wilkes was laughing on the inside.

"Hahaha. In normal times, you might be the lucky one to be chosen by the Prediction Orb. However, now, your spiritual energy must be sucked dry by the blood essences of the dragon and phoenix. Let's see how you can feel out the density of the Prediction Orb." Darth Wilkes thought silently to himself.

Kael frowned slightly for two reasons. The first was because his spiritual energy was sucked dry, and the conventional method for feeling the density of the object was ineffective. That meant that he had to think of another way within the next 2 minutes in order to stay in the challenge with Darth Wilkes.

The second reason was because of the Prediction Orb's results. Sure, he welcomed big blessings anytime. However, there were impending dangers as well. Judging from the deep color of the phoenix, he would be in very grave danger in the near future.

Nonetheless, now was not the time to think about what kind of dangers he would face. The pressing matter was to actually find a way to feel out the density of the Prediction Orb. For sure, a repeated attempt by feeling out the object through spiritual energy wouldn't work out. Thus, Kael had to find another way.

One minute passed very quickly. Still, no idea came to Kael. He had another minute left to think of a way, since he still needed to reserve three more minutes to fill the replica Prediction Orb with spiritual density.

Kael momentarily closed both of his eyes. 10 seconds passed. 20 seconds. Half a minute. 40 seconds.

When there was only 10 seconds left to the estimated tight deadline, a past memory surfaced in Kael's mind.

In that memory, Kael was in one of the upper tier realms in the Hundred Realms. He was travelling with two creatures; one the almighty Phoenix, Icarus. The other was the Twin-Headed Dragon, Jakiro.

"Kael, do you know that the blood essences of a phoenix and dragon can give rise to a powerful object, known as the Prediction Orb?" Icarus asked Kael, the Invoker.

"That's common knowledge. Every experienced cultivator at our level knows that." Kael chuckled.

"But did you know… that the blood essences of both the phoenix and dragon, when intertwined together… will continue growing and proliferating within the Prediction Orb. Only a Prediction Orb that was thoroughly filled on the inside with the blood essences could give rise to accurate predictions about a cultivator's fortune." Jakiro spoke in an enigmatic voice.

"I didn't know that. How to tell when the Prediction Orb is fully filled with the blood essence?"

"Look into the eyes of the dragon and phoenix swimming around the globe. When they are golden in color, it means that the Prediction Orb will give accurate results."

It was just a casual past conversation between three renowned heroes of the Hundred Realms. However, it proved useful in today's situation.

Kael opened his eyes. The last 10 seconds passed. However, he was now ready.

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