
Secret Hideout

I reach the giant tree, soaking wet, and look around but...

Ciara: Huh?

He's not here..? Did I guess the riddle wrong? Ugh, and I was so sure that I'd got it right too! I kick the wet mud under my feet with frustration. What am I going to do now?

???: Heh, I guess you're smarter than what I gave you credit for.


Just as I'm stressing out about finding Doris, someone calls out to me from behind. This voice, there's no doubt! I whip my head around to see the very person I'd been trying to find. He stands there, smirking at me. Does this mean that I actually solved it?!

Doris: I didn't think you'd have the brains to figure it out.

He walks over to me, his arms crossed.

Ciara: You said that if I find this place, you'll help me with training. So...

He doesn't say anything for a moment and then looks up at the cloudy sky. Drops of rain fall on his partially hidden face making the scene attractive and yet, somehow a little sad.

Doris: You should head inside, you'll fall sick.

He looks back at me and stares into my eyes with his own. I'm unable to peel my eyes off him but still manage to utter a response.

Ciara: It's fine! The training is more important and I have a strong immuni- Achoo!....

Doris:... Such irony.

Ugh, why did I have to catch a cold NOW?! He sighs and wraps his jacket over my slightly trembling shoulders.


Doris: Follow me.

He starts walking towards one of the old cabins and I trot after him. He opens the door and urges me to go inside. I hesitate for a moment.


Doris: Would you rather stand outside?

Ciara:... Nope.

I can't refute any further. I walk inside and he closes the door behind me. I sneak a glance at the door behind me, feeling a little uneasy. Doris notices this and walks past me to a corner of the room.

Doris: Relax, I don't have interest in students, much less mine.

He switches on the heater and motions me to take a seat on one of the chairs. Okay then. I go and I sit down on a chair placed beside the coffee table and he goes off doing something.

I look around the room. It doesn't have any attractive decorations whatsoever. The furniture and other essentials are bare minimum. What is this place? All the trainers have lounges and rooms of their own.

Wait, is this his secret hideout or something?! It sounds a little childish though. Doris looks really intimidating all the time, you wouldn't expect him to have a side like this.

Hm? What's that? My eyes rest on a particular object on one of the shelves that looks out of place. I walk over to it and hold it in my hand. It's an old plush doll with some dark coloured stains all over it. I trace the spots with my fingers. It doesn't really look like paint, what could it be?

Doris: Who gave you the permission to touch whatever you want here?!


He yells at me from behind and my shoulders flitch in fear. I slowly turn my head around to look at him. He fixes me with a death glare and I feel a cold sweat run down my back.


Ciara: I-I didn't mean to!..!

He walks over to me and snatches the doll from my hands. He looks so scary, I must've pissed him off. I want to apologise but the words just won't come out.

Doris: Go back and sit where you were supposed to.

Ciara: O-Okay.

I timidly walk back over to my spot. You know what they say, curiosity kills. Hold up, what if he's so mad that he doesn't want to help me train anymore?! Ugh, why did I touch it?!

I nervously sit down again. Why didn't it occur to me? If all the things here are the bare minimum, why would he put a dirty doll HERE of all places? It must be important to him.

Suddenly, a warm and delicious smell wafts up my nose. Hot chocolate! I lift my head up to see that Doris is walking towards me with a steaming mug in hand and a few shirts in the other.

He places the cup of hot chocolate in front of me folded shirt beside it.


Is this for me? I didn't think that he'd be so considerate even after I made him mad.

Doris: This'll warm you up.

Ciara: T-Thank you.

I guess I really could use this right now. I reach my hand towards the cup.

Doris: You can the start your extra training with me next week.

Ciara:..! Really?!

Doris: I don't have time to joke around with you.

Ciara: Thank you!

A wide smile automatically spreads across my face and he sighs. I can finally take a step forward! I take a sip of the beverage. Mmn, warms you right up. Doris fixes me with a somewhat sarcastic smirk.

Doris: Didn't you say that it was 'my job' to help you?

Ah, I did say that, didn't I. He walks behind me with a shirt in hand and signals me to look away. I guess he has to change his clothes. There are no rooms here for it.

I quietly take another sip from the cup. Come to think of it, all the things here are according to his needs alone. That must mean.. I look down at the cup I'm my hands. Pfft, a stonic person like him likes to drink hot chocolate?!

A picture of him leisurely drinking it comes to my mind and I try my best to hold back my laughter. My eyes unknowingly flit over to him and then go wide in surprise. What the..

Doris stands a little distance from me, his back facing me. His broad, wide back has burns and scars of all shapes and sizes. The horrifying sight before me makes my throat go dry.

I immediately look away and clench the cup in my hands tightly, trying to suppress my fear. It is said that many of the trainers here were former detectives who were retired because of their injuries and other critical issues. Given his state, Doris must be one of them.

But, being retired at such a young age (he looks like he's in his late 30s), what in the world did he encounter?

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