
Deceitful Reality

After finally completing his nine years of compulsory education plus three years of secondary education, Leo managed to get into one of the decent colleges from his country, sighing in relief thinking that the bad days were behind him he peacefully lay down on his bed and slept like a log after countless sleepless night's. Unfortunately, his happiness only lasted for a single night as when he once again opened his eyes a whole new world appeared before him. Still, that wasn't going to stop him as he once again worked hard in this new, he worked harder than he did in the previous world by severalfold and manage to achieve a level which kids his age could only dream of. And just as he was about to experience his first day at the most reputed college in the new world..... It happened again......... But this time it was a little different....... [You have been chosen as one of the first contestants to enter the 'Sanctuary'.] Why is getting into college so hard............

nkcthereaper · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Hunt(Part 2)


[An unknown power is interfering with the system.]

[The unknown power does not seem to be dangerous, it is slowly merging with the system.]

[Conclusion: The power does not seem to be harmful, No need to kill the player.]

Leo frowned as he read the last message which appeared before his eyes.

Suddenly Leo felt a burning sensation from his stomach, opening his jacket he saw his id card releasing heat as it quickly vanished.

But before he could react another message suddenly popped up before him.

[Guardian's authority detected, making changes to player Leo Brown's status]

A sudden itch came from every part of Leo's body, the long-awaited feeling of change came and went away rather quickly.

[Would you like to see your status?]

After contemplating for a while he agreed.


Level: 0(Locked, cannot level up during tutorial)

Title: None.

Main Class : None

Name: Leo Brown.

Race: Human

Age: 17

Elemental Affinity: None

Attribute Points: 0

Strength: Level 3

Vitality: Level 4

Magic Power: Level 1

Dexterity: Level 4

Skills: Twin soul(A),Perfect body(C),Writing(E),Mathematics (E),

Language proficiency (E),Physics(E), Biology(F), Judo(F),

Rock climbing(F).

Health: 400

Magic Power: 100

Shop Points: 430


Leo raised his eyebrow when he saw the changes in the status especially the new section [Skills].

'Did my ability 'Status' just merged with this thing?', Leo wondered as he tried to use his ability but all that popped up was this status screen.

'Perhaps they did merge....', Leo didn't know whether it was a good or a bad thing but then his attention shifted to the large group of armed goblins making their way out of the village while shouting in an unknown language.


Leo calmed down after he saw that the Goblins were not coming in his direction.

A glint passed through his eyes when he saw the old shaman stay behind with some small amount of weak-looking goblins who started repairing the broken huts.

Leo had many unanswered questions right now, but looking at the

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of him he decided to keep his doubts aside for now.

He carefully started making his way towards the village after seeing that the group which left earlier showed no sign of returning.

"This is as far as I can go....", Leo muttered in a small voice as he saw the thin grass around him, any further and he will be in clean site for the goblins to see.

The best scenario would have been for him to silently reach the shaman's hut kill him and then swiftly make his escape.

Unfortunately under the bright sun, sneaking up to the shaman was but an impossible dream.

Leo had ordered his pet to stay put before coming, the wolf's wounds have just started healing so it made no sense to bring the wolf along with him to hunt the shaman, thus he left it behind and told it to howl loudly incase it saw the group of goblins returning.

Calculating roughly, Leo noticed a total of 28 goblins, there could be more hiding inside the huts but that was roughly the number he saw.

Taking in a deep breath, he put down the bow and arrow, he has never used the weapon before and has little to no confidence in hitting his target on the first shot.

With the spear in his right and the short sword in his left, Leo got in a running stance.

Putting force in his legs, Leo burst out in a sprint.


The old goblin who was picking up rocks felt a small wind rush up to his face, then before the goblin could react a black shadow covered its body.


Leo didn't stop after killing the goblin, taking a large step he directly jumped over the four goblins leaving them dumbfounded.


Finally, one of the four goblins reacted and shouted at the top of its lungs.

The entire camp was suddenly alarmed, some weak-looking goblins quickly let go of the mud they were carrying and started running after the enemy.

By now Leo was already more than halfway to his target, he avoided any goblin that he could by sometimes directly stepping on their face he even broke a few of their necks this way killing them directly, and those he couldn't avoid were directly slashed in two by his short sword.

It was only now that the old shaman finally came out of his hut, he was startled when he saw a human rushing up to him with amazing speed, waving the wooden staff in his hand the shaman started chanting in some weird language, a red-colored rune suddenly appeared mid-air but before the shaman could complete his spell a spear suddenly flew came out of nowhere and directly hit the red ruin breaking it apart, the shaman ended up coughing blood, he received heavy damage by his spell getting canceled.

Fortunately for the shaman, the spear lost its momentum after colliding with the incomplete ruin.

But the move enraged the shaman, he directly cut open his wrist using his old but sturdy teeth and started drawing a new rune in the air with his blood at an amazing speed.

The shaman managed to complete his rune but just as he was about to point his finger at Leo, a short sword came for his heart, the shaman's eyes enlarged as he saw the cold eyes in front of him.


Leo suddenly had a bad premonition when he saw the small smirk on the shaman's old face.

Thrusting his short sword forward he wanted to quickly kill the old thing.


It was now Leo's turn to be surprised, the short sword which he has used to kill a dozen goblins broke down in two when it hit the shaman's weak-looking body, Looking closely Leo could see a faint trace of the green membrane surrounding the shaman's body.

"Magic.....", Before Leo could finish his words the shaman pointed his shriveled finger towards him making goosebumps rise all over his body.



Blood spurted out of the shaman's mouth as he looked down at the small hole which appeared in his chest.

There was an unwilling look on the shaman's face, he couldn't understand how the human was able to pierce through his barrier, his newly created magic rune shattered as the shaman breathed his last.

'It's a good thing that I decided to keep the gun in my pocket.'

Leo's instincts told him that if he were to be hit by the shaman's last attack then the outcome of this short battle might have been different.


Turning his head Leo looked back at the weak-looking goblin who just fell down on the ground shivering.

A cold look appeared in Leo's eyes as he picked up his spear from the ground.


Giving one last look to the village, Leo made his way out.


Leo looked down at his pet who appeared suddenly and started rubbing her head against his leg.

"Let's leave", Leo said as his footsteps fastened, he wanted to get as far away from this place as possible before that chieftain returned.

While traveling, Leo started going through the screens which popped up when he was killing the goblins.

[Congratulations on killing 35 goblins you have been awarded 350 game points.]

[Congratulations on killing the Rare Elite monster 'Goblin Shaman' you have been awarded 500 game points.]

[As you are the first player to have killed a Rare Elite monster 'Goblin Shaman' you have been awarded 5 attribute points.]

Leo also managed to pick up some decent-looking equipment from the village.

[Iron Spear(Normal grade):-

- A mass-produced spear which could be forged by a blacksmith as long as he or she has a properly functioning brain.]

[Iron sword(Normal grade):-

- A mass-produced sword which could be forged by a blacksmith as long as he or she has a properly functioning brain.]

Although the description said that they were mass-produced you have to take note that this system wasn't even willing to evaluate the other weapons lying around the hoblin base, only these ones which he took from the goblin chieftain's broken hut were graded.

But they weren't the best thing he managed to get his hands on.

Leo's eyes shone as he read the description of the wooden pendant in his hand which was worn by the now-dead shaman.

[Shaman's Protection(Rare Grade):-

-Able to instantly cast 'Protection' spell when the user is in danger.

-Number of uses left: 2]

[Shaman's Wooden Staff(Rare Grade):-

-Able to amplify magic attacks power and decrease the amount of mana needed to cast a spell by a small margin.]

[Shaman's Cape(Rare Grade):-

-Able to resist magical damage to a certain degree.]

Without a second thought, Leo wore the dark green cape around his body, Unfortunately, the difference in height between the shaman and Leo was quite significant that is why the cape was only able to reach his about his hips length.

Although Leo didn't know how to use magic he still nonetheless took a rope which he picked from the goblin village and bind it behind his back.

Putting the [Shaman's Blessing] around his neck, Leo hides it inside his shirt away from other's vision.

He wasn't able to find any pieces of armor in the village, it looks like the goblins didn't have any.


Level: 0(Locked, cannot level up during tutorial)

Title: None.

Main Class : None

Name: Leo Brown.

Race: Human

Age: 17

Elemental Affinity: None

Attribute Points: 5

Strength: Level 3(+)

Vitality: Level 4(+)

Magic Power: Level 1(+)

Dexterity: Level 4(+)

Skills: Twin soul(A),Perfect body(C),Writing(E),Mathematics (E),

Language proficiency (E),Physics(E), Biology(F), Judo(F),

Rock climbing(F).

Health: 400

Magic Power: 100

Shop Points: 1280


This time Leo was able to upgrade all of his stats, after deciding he started to go for the strongest stat [Vitality] and upgrade it to the next level.


Vitality: Level 5


What happened next was not something he could have foreseen.

His entire body started hurting, he could physically see his muscles expanding and contracting, it was a sight that could freak a person out, the change was accompanied by pain but the amount was not significant enough to change Leo's expression.

The process lasted for 10 minutes, during that time Leo had to lie down and not move, which was a major problem as he would have been unable to do anything in case a monster appeared.

Fortunately, he had a guarding dog with him and 10 minutes wasn't a long time as it quickly passed and he was once again agile to move his body.

Leo made a mental note to only upgrade his stats when he was in a safe place in the future.

After the little mishap, Leo with his pet traveled through the forest, perhaps because the goblin chieftain took all the goblins with him as they didn't encounter any monster along the way.

Leo turned his head as he could vividly hear the sound of the waterfall, following behind after the sound, Leo poked his head out of a bush and saw a grand naturally formed waterfall.

But instead of admiring the natural scenery, Leo's attention was fixed on something else.

Long purple hair symbolizing her origin as a citizen of the Empire.

A healthy-looking white skin with a dignified face made her look like a woman in her early thirties.

Looking at the beautiful figure Leo had only one question to ask.

'Why is she not wearing any clothes?'

There was a deadpan look on Leo's face as he looked at the black lingerie the woman was wearing, it looked like she was trying to wash her feet? Although her movements were a bit awkward....

"Who's there!"