
Arius Draven (2/2)



I heard them talking about me like I wasn't there and my anger reached its limit, I knew I was gonna die already so I just wanted to put on the best show that'll haunt them for the rest of their lives. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Mindy's boyfriend walk towards me and I put my tongue in between my teeth, lifted my head up and slammed my chin on the concrete before blacking out. As my vision started blacking out I took one last look at them and saw what I wanted, the other two boys that were guarding me ended up vomiting, Mindy fainted, her boyfriend stop moving, the other girls were screaming and the one that punched me was panicking.

I woke up in serious confusion and pain, and there were many reasons why but I'll rattle them off in a manner that I can understand. I was breathing was the start of my confusion, I was also in pain, my mouth was dry, I couldn't open my eyes, there was a heavy stench that I couldn't explain the smell and there was something heavy on top of me. "Calm down. Whatever is happening can and will be resolved." I tried to move my arm and figured out that whatever was on me, wasn't only on my body. "Well, since I'm stuck, let's assess the problem."

Since my whole body was under something heavy, hard, and… "Is that scales?" I started to concentrate harder and realized that I have all my fingers and tongue back. The most shocking part is that, although it was in pain, my feet were able to move "I don't know what's happening and this is really weird, confusing, and really uncomfortable." I was about to continue studying my body but a massive headache disrupted my thought process before I could do anything and I blacked out once again.

"We'll become one...we are one… we are I." Arius heard a soft, deep whisper in his head and shivered. "wha-who are y- urgghh" heavy pain assaulted Arius as memories repeatedly rushed in his head about where, what, and why everything is like this. He was shocked to figure out that he was not in his body and was actually in someone else's body, but that wasn't the scariest part, the scariest part was that he was currently trapped under a dead dragon and there was probably no one left that knows about it. The last thing that bothers me more than both of those problems was that, right at this very moment, my soul is fusing with the owner of the body's soul.

After the fusion, the memories of this world and it's knowledge is now in my head and I have a basic understanding of the situation I'm in. The bodies owner is also named Arius but unlike me his last name is Ozul, after his...our clan. The Ozul clan is a clan of Shadow assassins, hence why our last name means Shadow, and we are a branch family to the Mohanjot clan. There are twenty-four clans in this region, and each clan has a main family and five branch families.The families are ranked by letters with S being the highest and D the lowest. " So, as I thought, I died and went to hell."

I stop going through the memories and woke up still stuck under the dragon but I was feeling a bit better than before I passed out, at least physically because mentally I was on the verge of mental breakdown. "Well, this is fuck'n great. Just lovely." I sighed and started to check up on my body when a voice popped up in my mind. "umbra tempus" my body started break down before I saw a bright light and was hit with a heavy stench that immediately made me vomit.



"Look through the remains and look for any survivors. Damn weaklings dare to call themselves a branch family and still get destroyed that easily." I walked over to the still burning manor and took a peek inside before frowning "At least they took down the most problematic thing before we came." I walked away from the manor and got back in my carriage to await the news. "I have no time to clean up after trash and wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the Family Head's order." I step into the carriage and sat on the opposite side of my sisters-in-law.

"So, how was it, sister? Did you find me a new servant?"

My sisters-in-law asked me while playing with her pet fire-lizard. "No Aanya. If you want a servant that bad, get out and look for one." Aanya pouted and tied flicked her glossy black hair and stuck her tongue out "What is the scene like out there, Anuka? Anyone alive?"Aaloka asked with a slightly aggravated look in her eyes. "Don't know yet, I sent men to check the bodies" I answered " They should re-" just as I was about to speak there was a shout from outside the carriage " Young Mistress, we have a few survivors in bad condition. Your orders please?" I looked at Aaloka and waited to see what she think about the problem while Aanya jumped up and rushed out the carriage to try and pick a new servant.

"*sigh* Let's go check it out." Aaloka and I walked out of the carriage to see five boys and two girls lined up. All except one with blood on his face knelt when we stepped out the carriage "what the hell are you doing? Do you not see the young mistresses?" The chief guard yelled at the boy and drew his blade. " Yes, cause any normal person can see with their eyes closed. By the way, I've kinda been stuck under a giant lizard for about two hours and kinda need to stretch." The boy answered in a sarcastic manner that agitated the chief, who in return, kicked the boy in his chest "Your actions will get you killed boy, beg the mistress for forgiveness" He pressed his blade on the boys neck and drew some blood. " Nah, I don't see any mistresses and begging isn't my forte." He chuckled and coughed a bit of blood.

"Die, filth." The chief raises his blade and the boy raised his chin " Whatever, I wouldn't care."Just as the blade was being brought down Aaloka raised her hand and the chief stopped. " Boy,what's your name?" He turned his head towards Aaloka " Arius Ozul. What about you lady? You can't ask and not give in return." Not just Aaloka, Aanya and me were stunned, but also the chief and guards " Filth, you dare ask the lady for her name. You really don't know your place." the chief punched the boy and he slid 1 yard away before stopping. "*cough cough* I swear I just heard the one punch man theme song." He chuckled and coughed " I'mma take a nap here, leave me be."

At this point the chief guard was a second away from killing him and I had to send him away to keep that from happening. " Boy,do you know who you are speaking with? Clean his face." The closet guard poured water onto Arius and roughly cleaned his face, and I was kind of shocked to see how handsome he was. He had crystal white hair that shined platinum in the sunlight, white swordlike eyebrows, he had the best face I've seen yet. Aaloka was stunned to but recovered before me "What was your name again boy?" He made a frown that didn't really look natural on him "You weren't listening the first time, were you?" Aaloka was just about to reply before he opened his eyes and said "It was Arius Ozul but now it's Arius Draven."

"Guards,get everything finished and let's go" then Aaloka signaled me and we climbed in the carriage. Aanya was inspecting the people that was hurt and unconscious before running to Arius, speaking to him and joining us. "I wasn't going to keep one but, I changed my mind. I'll take the one with the white-"Aaloka was interrupted by Aanya " No, he's already my servant and you can't have it." Aanya looked angry and started to pout and huffed until Aaloka gave up on it. "Let's leave" Aaloka leaned against the carriage window, and the carriage pulled away at a steady pace.

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