
I Think Its Time Ryuk

"Sorry about before, I didn't mean to intrude like that" Amane look down while apologising.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway I must get going now, so you should probably leave too"

Yamashi thought of an excuse to get her to leave but it wasn't enough.

"Hm? But it's so early, it's only 6:30, where would you be going this early in the morning?" she gave him a questioning look.

"I have things I must attend to at school this morning" To be truthful he truly did have something to do at school today, we'll more so on the way to school. His goal was to use the death note.

Of course, he wouldn't use it irresponsibly, he knew a spot on his way to school where there weren't any security cameras or police patrols. It would be here that he would use it to kill a fairly well-known gang leader by the name of Satsu.

"Ok, then I'll come with you. If you're ok with it that is." She looked at Yamashi with a look of happiness.

'Why must I be annoyed so much. I can't just blatantly tell her to leave me alone, but I need to think of something... I've got it"

"Hey, Amane it'll just be a hassle to you since I need to drop by to someone's house on the way to school, not to mention they dislike people they don't know."

"Oh, I see" the slight disappointment could clearly be seen.

"Oh yeah and call me Yami. My real name is Yamishi but its a little scary to new people so I made sure everyone called me yamashi."

"If you want we can go out for some coffee after school."

Don't misunderstand, he didn't do this to make her happy not did he do this because liked her. Everything Yamishi did was for his own gain, and as it turns out she was a pretty popular girl at his high school. getting her on his side would benefit him if anyone ever became suspicious of him. A good reputation is more important than one would initially believe when it comes to a battle of pointing fingers.

"Ok, that sounds great, let's do it"

"I'll walk with you until we have to split," yamishi said as he smiled at her.


They then left the house and soon went separate ways.


'Although she's annoying it's still important to gain reputation and friendship to back you up' he thought as he arrived at the alleyway behind an office building.

This area of Tokyo was a hot spot for undercover crime. Usually one would expect there to be police patroling criminal hotspots, however, the governor for this ward was a corrupt governor who was on the payroll of many gangs.

"So Yamishi, what's your plan, I think I know what you about to do, but why?" Ryuk wasn't silent the whole time Yami was with Amane, in fact, he was bugging Yami for most of it.

"My plan is to rid of one of the gangs in this area, not just to test the death note, but also to raise the word of the new Kira."

This wasn't the whole plan through. Actually it was only a small factor of a much larger plan to give him control over the gangs in this ward. He would then one by one write their name in the notebook, not only to kill them but to also use them to take down the rest of the filth and corruption in this ward...

The rule which states 'after writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds' allows him to do this.

In other words this rule basically meant that Yamishi could write the cause of death, then write everything that happens up until that point. in other words, he would make the gangsters and criminals kill other criminals before they then killed themselves or died of a heart attack trying.

"Ryuk... its now time"

Yamishi took out the death note and in a quick but dramatic series of flics, the name, cause and details of death had been written into the note. He looked up at the building beside him and could clearly see in the window above him, the Boss had gotten up and begun his final moments until death.


"yappari ningen tte omoshiroi"


The note shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.


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