
Second Quest Starts

New Quest : Prove that Merlot Industries is responsible for luring Creatures of Grimm into Mountain Glenn

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin x3 (Value 1,000,000 Shop Points each), 2,000 exp, 2,000 Shop Points

Failure : Mountain Glenn is Destroyed by the Creatures of Grimm.


POV Death

After looking over the quest again, Death decided to check his shop and see what he could afford. Upon narrowing it down to just items costing less then 2,000 points, there wasn't much more then ordinary mundane items listed. Normal handguns were around 400 to 500 points each, but he had a feeling that such weapons would be useless against those with Aura or creatures of Grimm.

The only thing that looked possibly useful were the Roulette Spins that cost 1,000 points each, but unlike the Other World Roulette Spin's, it could only give items from his current world or a world he had been too. It did not provide abilities either, only items.

It was a pure gamble, but since he couldn't enter Reaper mode for close to six weeks, he didn't feel he had much choice. He purchased two spins and crossed his fingers while watching the first roulette that only he could see. Around and around it went, then it slowed down, and finally stopped on 'Torchwick's Lighter (Infinite Lighter Fluid)

That seemed completely useless, causing him to sigh, though he swiftly recovered to watch the second spin of the roulette.

Around and around it went, before slowing and stopping at...Ebony and Ivory. He'd been thinking about getting a ranged weapon, but this was perfect, as now he had two of them. The only off thing was that these guns were supposed to by from Devil May Cry, not Darksiders.

Death, though, was not going to complain, because they were stronger then the mundane handguns he could have purchased, and after he read the description he wouldn't even have to worry about bullets, since the bullets were made from his wrath. Not having to buy bullets and not having to worry about reloading were amazing perks. They also boosted his arcane stat while he used them, with arcane being the stat used to determine how much damage they did, making them pack a bigger punch.

Death composed himself and then looked at Summer, who was sleeping next to him "Miss Summer?" he asked quietly.

Summer slowly opened her eyes "Oh, hello, is there a problem?"

"I received instructions from above. They say to stop a group called Merlot Industries from luring in Grimm, and that if I don't, Mountain Glenn will be destroyed." Death admitted to Summer "That fight before took too much out of me, and I can't enter Reaper mode for a while, so I can't do it alone."


POV Summer Rose

Death's declaration surprised Summer "Your sure that they are deliberately luring Grimm?"

"The one that gave me the information is omniscient and omnipotent, so the information can be trusted." Death insisted to Summer "It doesn't change the fact that I am new to this world, though, and there is much I do not know. I wasn't told how they are luring them, or why, or anything like that, only that they are, and that I might want to stop it."



"How did it go, Tyrian?" the elderly reptilian crocodile faunus, Aly, asked her ally over a scroll call.

"Flawlessly, Aly." Tyrian answered smugly

"You'd best not make a mess of things like a month ago in Argus. The Queen only has so much patience." Aly countered. She was the oldest living servant of the queen, and had been serving her longer then any of the others, so she liked to rub it in their faces, especially Tyrian who she found to be too damn arrogant if not put in his place regularly.

"Argus was not my fault, I followed the queens instructions flawlessly." Tyrian countered defensively "That freakish Kid, Strife, who could have accounted for someone like that?"

"Keep making excuses. I don't buy it" Aly countered with annoyance "Neopolitan must have her will broken, she must endure every hardship possible to hone her into a weapon that we can make serve the queen."

"Look, those idiots followed my instructions to the letter and caught Neo without incident. By now they have already sold her to the bordello. Mission complete." Tyrian insisted defensively.

Aly suddenly noticed Tyrian tense up and spin with his scroll to look elsewhere "What's going on?" Aly's voice asked before Tyrian dropped his scroll and the call somehow disconnected.

Aly could hardly believe her eyes, it seemed as though someone actually dared to attack Tyrian. She waited around to see if he'd call back, and when he didn't she decided she had to make a call as well.

After selecting the number to call, a man with a mustache appeared on her scroll "Arthur, I believe that Tyrian, who is in Vacuo, was ambushed while I was talking to him. Can you see what the Queen thinks we should do? I am still waiting to meet Dr. Merlot, so I can't leave Mountain Glenn just yet."

"Hmmm. Well, I'll be to Vacuo in a couple days anyway." the man, whose name was Arthur Wats, answered plainly "If Tyrian gets in touch with you before I arrive, please contact me and let me know"

"I will, thank you Arthur" Aly agreed before disconnecting the call. Unlike with Tyrian, who was a psychopath, Aly treated Arthur Watts with respect. Arthur was a genius of technology and Aly respected that.

Aly had always been told that she and her twin sister, Croc, were sociopaths, but she never cared for such labels, and still felt disgusted with Tyrian, though she tolerated him for now.

After she finished the call with Arthur, Aly tried to call Tyrian, but he did not answer. She had an appointment to get too, though, so she couldn't stay in her hotel room calling Tyrian over and over again, could she?

Aly put her scroll into her pocket and headed out to meet Dr. Malcolm Merlot.


POV Death

While Summer seemed to be contemplating the severity of the information, Death's system made another notification appear in front of him, which surprised him immensely.


Hidden Quest Complete : Kill Tyrian Callows

Reward : Summon : Dust, Premium Roulette Spin (Value 100,000 Shop Points), Yellow Feather, 50,000 exp

Failure : Tyrian Callows kills more people

Notification : Hidden quest completed by ally, half experience rewarded


Rapidly gaining 25,000 experience points, Death rose from level 9 all the way to level 21, and received two notifications related to allocating 150 free points into Health, Wrath, and/or Aura. It seemed this happened every ten levels. Mentally he put 200 points into health and 100 points into aura to increase his survivability, since his greatest weapon, his Reaper form, was unavailable to him right now.

Once the leveling up finished, a new menu opened revealing a skill tree with four skill points that can be used to select skills from the Harvester or Necromancer Skill Trees.

Maybe it wasn't the best option, but back when he played Darksiders 2, he'd focused on the Necromancer Skill Tree. That might not go over well in this world, though, so to avoid pissing people off he decided to focus on the Harvester skill tree.

Anyway, it was unknown whether the undead would even be effective against the creatures of Grimm anyway. The Harvester Skill Tree was the safer bet. However, he saw he already had one skill activated, so he checked it out.



A murder of crows emerges from the ether, called by Death to attack his foes

Costs : 60 wrath

Unlock Condition : Obtain 'Summon : Dust'


Death checked the two skills directly underneath 'Murder and spent two skill points on them since they had no special unlocking conditions. After that he selected the first two skills on the Harvester Skill Tree, excited to summon dust later.



Death's crows restore their master's health by attacking his enemies. Restores 2 health per hit.


Ice Crows

Death's crows, imbued with the chill of the Abyssal Planes, deal ice damage to all enemies they strike. Deals 3 ice damage per hit.


Teleport Slash

Death teleports across the battlefield and delivers a violent scythe attack that deals damage and restores Death's heath.

Cost : 40 Wrath

Deals 114-130 damage

Heals for 10% of damage done.



All enemies struct by Teleport Slash have a chance to be set ablaze.

Deals 7 damage every 0.5 seconds

Lasts 5 seconds

25% chance to set on fire


Death was relieved to have unlocked this feature at level 10, receiving one Skill point for every 5 levels.

"Alright, we should tell Qrow about this, and then Ozpin." Summer finally stopped thinking and reached that conclusion, deciding that it would be a stupid thing for him to lie about. She'd just have to rely on Ozpin's wisdom right now.

Death, of course, had no idea who this Ozpin was, but Death could tell from Summer's expression that he was someone that she respected immensely. For some reason, though, it made him think of the Wizard of Oz.

Death chose not to dwell upon it as Summer took his hand and led him out of her hotel room, walking past an elderly crocodile faunus woman and to Qrow's room. Summer and the faunus woman were focused on their own tasks and didn't notice each other at all, but that faunus woman gave Death the creeps.


POV Qrow Branwen

"That's everything Oz" Qrow had just finished explaining the previous evenings matter over his Scroll. Oz had been in a call with the vale Council last night, so he had to wait until this morning to reach him.

"While it's certainly true that various religions have been created over Remnant's long history, I cannot recall anything about Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in any of them." Ozpin said in consideration "The powers you saw certainly do not seem like a semblance, nor do they seem like any magic I have ever heard of."

"You think he's tellin' the truth, Oz?" Qrow asked the Headmaster of Beacon.

"Hmm, I wonder." Ozpin pondered a moment, carefully considering everything again, before deciding how best to answer "It's hard to say for certain, but my suspicion is that there is at least some truth to what he says. All we can do is have me meet him, and hope that I can understand the situation better."

Qrow nodded to Ozpin "Alright. For now I'll continue my investigation here, then invite him back to meet you."

As Qrow said this, the door to his room opened and Summer entered with Death, spotting Ozpin in the call.

"Good morning Ozpin." Summer said while closing the door behind them "I trust that Qrow told you about this little guy here. He gave some more information to me that you should hear."

"Oh, what is it?" Ozpin asked as Summer picked up Death and came to stand beside Qrow where they could all see Ozpin.

"He says that Merlot Industries is deliberately luring Grimm to attack Mountain Glenn." Summer admitted.

"Word from up there was they are luring them, I wasn't told why" Death corrected Summer "I was told that if they aren't stopped, though, Mountain Glenn will be destroyed by the Grimm things. I was also told that a bad man named Tyrian Callows was killed by an ally, likely one or more of my siblings have also followed me and landed on this world and are trying to help. I know nothing about this man except his name and he killed lots of people."


POV Arthur Watts

"My Queen, I am ready to give you some preliminary findings into my investigations in Atlas and Mistral." Arthur spoke to the seer grimm before him.

"Please go ahead, Arthur" a woman's voice responded gently.

"It appears that the unusual energy you sensed was linked to the appearance of two young boys." Arthur answered to the seer grimm "In Atlas, a boy calling himself 'War' dropped out of the sky and somehow ended up getting himself adopted by Willow Schnee. My investigation suggests that this boy is responsible for the downfall of Jacques Schnee, who milady had her eyes on, to possibly use in the future."

"Oh well, we hadn't yet expended any effort nurturing that seed, so we've lost nothing there." Salem declared matter-of-factly "Tell me about Argus?"

"According to a source, the White Fang was a day out of Argus, heading to Mistral, when a boy dropped out of the sky near the camp. One of the White Fang members you had your eyes on, Adam Taurus, tried to kill this boy, thinking he was human, and this boy, who said his name was Strife, shot and crippled the hand of Adam Taurus. The White Fang was forced to double back to Argus to get Adam treated. Since the boy called Strife acted in self-defense, Ghira and Kali Belladonna took him under their protection and brought him to Argus. In Argus, he somehow discovered and exposed our plots there, and when he left with the White Fang, Cinder went with them. That is all I know for certain, but according to my source, young Strife claimed to be one of the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse'"

"The first energy fluctuation was in Atlas, then two days later near Argus there was a second. Then late in the afternoon yesterday, exactly a month after the Argus fluctuation, nearly down to the exact minute, a third energy fluctuation near Mountain Glenn disturbed me, and eleven hours later, early this morning, a fourth fluctuation occurred in Vacuo." Salem deduced "Four of them. It is consistent with your sources claims that there were the boy mentioned their were four of them. I've never heard of these four horsemen though."

"Not long ago Aly called me. She said that Tyrian may have been attacked in Vacuo. When I heard about the two new energy fluctuations that my Queen sensed from Tyrian this morning, I immediately started heading to Vacuo to provide him with assistance." Arthur Watts explained and sighed "My Queen, what would you like me to do?"

Presently, Arthur Watts was in a bullhead with just himself and the seer grimm. The bullhead was set to autopilot while he talked to Salem. Arthur was a bit conflicted on where to go, realizing that it was probably too late to save Tyrian.

After a few moments of consideration, the woman's voice spoke up "Continue to Vacuo. Cinder Fall might be beyond out reach for now, but we must know Neopolitan's situation. We've invested too much energy nurturing her to let her disappear without a trace."

"Understood, my queen" Arthur bowed respectfully.



Name : Death

Age : 3

Race : Nephilim

Transformation : Reaper Form (Cooldown : Approximately 41 days)

Summon : Despair, Dust

Semblance : Divine Regeneration (100% of all energies and heath regenerates every five seconds)

Other World Abilities : Kurama's Negative Emotion Sense

Level : 21

Experience : 560/3600

Health : 510/510

Wrath : 310/310

Aura : 1310/1310

Strength : 31

Defense : 31

Arcane : 31

Resistance : 31

Allocate Points : 84

Primary Weapon : Desolation Twin Scythes

- Damage (Fast) : 241-277

- Crit Chance : +30%

- Crit Damage : +32%

- Strength : +79

- Health Steal : +30%

Secondary Weapon : Decimating Hammer

- Damage (Slow) : 673-775

- Defense : +194

- Strength : +79

- Resistance : +195

- Wrath Steal : +30%

Tertiary Weapos : Ebony and Ivory

- Damage (Very Fast) : 172-228

- Crit Chance : +40%

- Crit Damage : +58%

- Arcane: +112

- Wrath Steal : +20%

Shop Points : 72

Inventory : Torchwick's Lighter (Infinite Lighter Fluid), Yellow Feather

to clarify the exp system, from levels 1 to 10 it started with requiring 100 experence to level up and increased by 100 each level, requiring 1000 exp to hit level 10. Between level 11 and 20, it inceased by 200 experience for each level, starting with 1200 and going up to 3000. Levl 21 to 30 adds 300 exp requirement each level, so by the tim he is 29, the next level will require 6000 experience, and getting from level 39 to level 40 will require 10000. That's the system I am going with at least.

Also, I am aware that Death did not use his Premium Roulette Spin. He got excited anout all his other rewards an forgot about it completely. This is deliberate and will eventually come back up later in the story.

The yellow feather at first glance seems like a mundane item so Death forgot about it with everything that was going on.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts
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