
People Change

The entire process was too fast. Li Xiaozhi remembered her Brother Shan's words as she packed her things. 

Yes, she got a slot. But since it was done through other means and not the usual process, she should expect some ill treatments from other participants. 

Li Xiaozhi didn't care. That's basically the price she was willing to pay just to be part of the program. If she would be threatened by the kind of bullying she would receive, then she's not from the Li Family. Her family didn't exist in the military just for decoration. 

Looking at the desk that had three picture frames, she moved her hand and reached the smallest one. 

It was her picture and Han Meixiu when they had their first out of town trip. Their smiles were brilliant, full of life and innocence. They both didn't care about the scorching heat of the sun. 

A smile appeared on her lips. She's leaving tomorrow. But Han Meixiu still didn't contact her. It was as if she was really cut off after that incident. 

It would be better to finally leave everything behind. Although she planned to come back after finishing the program, nobody could tell about the future. She might continue staying there if circumstances would permit. 

She carefully placed the picture frame inside the drawer and continued her packing. 

After more than an hour, her younger brother informed her that Li Shan arrived. She would stay tonight in her brother's house as he would escort her early tomorrow morning. 

Li Xiaozhi nodded and followed her younger brother who took her luggage out. 

After bidding her goodbye, she silently sat in the passenger seat. 

"You only have one luggage." Li Shan who was in the driver's seat said.

"Brother Shan, I'm not going there as a tourist. Most of the time I'll be staying in the camp..." Li Xiao Zhi answered. She glanced at the phone she was holding. 

There was still no message or call. She looked outside with complex emotions. 


Han Meixiu has been busy the past few days. To put more precisely, she's keeping herself busy. She visited her mother twice and didn't stay too long. She also didn't ask anything about what happened. 

She kept herself detached about the incident as if she really wanted to forget about it. Although Han Mingxia briefly asked her, her answers were vague. 

This time, Liu Zijian called to inform her the tentative time of his arrival the next day. Han Meixiu just came back from work and about to have dinner. 

"I'll prepare your breakfast tomorrow. I don't need to go to LCG. I'll wait for you here, at home." 

"You don't need to prepare breakfast. We might arrive around dawn. It's better for you to sleep longer." Liu Zijian answered. He knew how hard it would be for his wife to wake up early. 

"It's fine. Call me in advance so I can prepare." Han Meixiu insisted. She wanted to see him as soon as he would arrive. "The twins are with Mommy Yi." 

After the call ended, Han Meixiu went to the dining area. She didn't eat much as her appetite wasn't really that good. The past days since she encountered Li Xiaozhi, she only ate for the sake of filling her tummy. Although she didn't notice her odd behavior, Aunt Jing was actually worried and was already practicing her report to the young master. 

When Han Meixiu left the dining area, a man reported that she has a guest, Li Xiaozhi. 

Han Meixiu froze on the spot. 

'Is she here to finally arrest me?' She thought inwardly and tried to breathe deeply before allowing the person to come inside. 

"Xiao Xiao...You surprised me..." Han Meixiu greeted the young woman with cautious attitude and awkward smile. 

Li Xiaozhi looked at her with complex emotions written on her eyes. It was as if by doing that she could sort out the chaos in her mind. 

"I'm leaving." Li Xiaozhi said after a minute of silence. "Are you relieved? The only witness of your involvement is leaving the country." She continued while looking at Han Meixiu who opened her mouth but couldn't say anything. 

There was a subtle sarcasm in her voice. She was emotionally unstable the past days and Han Meixiu was pretending everything was alright. 

There were grievances she wanted to show her. 

"Last time would be the first and the last I could let you violate the law. There would be no next time." Li Xiaozhi said in a firm voice, giving stress in each word. 

"Xiao Xiao... I'm sorry..." Han Meixiu softly said and she lowered her head. She knew her bestfriend deserved an explanation but she couldn't give her one. She could only apologize. 

"I'm not here to ask why did you shoot me or why did you allow yourself to be part of those shady people. I'm here to give you a warning. If you still continue to work for them or work with them, then forget about our friendship. Next time, I'll be the one to personally arrest you." Li Xiaozhi said and turned around after giving her stern look. 

Her steps were heavy as she walked towards the exit. 

She knew her words were a bit harsh, but if those could help Han Meixiu to change her mind then it's fine. The important thing was for Han Meixiu to stop collaborating with those people. 

Han Meixiu remained standing in the living room even until Li Xiaozhi disappeared from her sight. Her bestfriend wasn't simply walking out of their home or leaving K Country like she said. It was as if Li Xiaozhi was also walking out of her life. 


Li Xiaozhi. Her bestfriend.

The only person who helped her survive when her grandparents died.

The girl whom she wanted to act spoiled to.

The girl who was more of a cry baby than her.

The girl who was stingy and would always complain over small little things.

Back then, she never felt alone because she had Li Xiaozhi. 

They were like peas in a pod. 

She didn't want to end the friendship they created. It was simply too beautiful to be erased.

But like a fragile and precious vase, the crack formed could no longer be amended.

From the moment she didn't tell her she found her parents, she already wronged the woman who bowed to help her despite the limitations of her capability. 

Han Meixiu felt she was selfish and inconsiderate. 

But should she really tell her? She couldn't. And because she couldn't she could only let her walk away. 

If Li Xiaozhi would really not consider her as her bestfriend anymore, she wouldn't do the same. For her, Li Xiaozhi was her only bestfriend, despite the circumstances. If Li Xiaozhi would really arrest her one day, she wouldn't mind. She owed her that much. 

She wiped the two streaks of tears on her face and turned around. 

Her phone vibrated and showed Liu Yu Yao's message. She remembered what the chatterbox girl told her before. 

'You need a reserve friend!' 

Han Meixiu chuckled bitterly. 

When the chatterbox girl told her that one day she and Li Xiaozhi would fall out, a reserve friend would come in handy.

Han Meixiu never entertained the idea. She even sneered deep down in her heart. 

Although Li Xiaozhi and her were on opposite sides, she never imagined the two of them would confront each other the way they did.

She's been escaping the past days but she couldn't contain her emotions now. In the bathroom, she cried as memories of their friendship played endlessly. 

From the moment Li Xiaozhi introduced herself to her and her distanced reaction to the moment they had confrontation, those seemingly series of playbacks tasted bitter sweet.  


Li Shan who was waiting for his sister was startled when he saw her crying as she walked towards the parked car. 

Earlier, his sister suddenly asked her to drop by in this area. It was only later on that he found out that Li Xiaozhi would visit Han Meixiu. 

"You can still contact each other." He said in a low voice, trying to comfort his sister. He thought the two had dramatic goodbyes and stated they would surely miss each other. 

"I'm not going to bring my phone there. I'll get a new unit, a local one. It's cheaper." Li Xiaozhi answered while sobbing. 

"People use the internet now when they want to call their friends or families. You can do the same. Besides, why do you even worry about your finance?"

Indeed, as the only daughter of Li Family, she was never short of money. When she was still in Q City and met Han Meixiu, she became the 'prefect' big sister. One of the traits she was able to create was being thrifty. 

She showed her an image of someone Han Meixiu could rely on. 

Li Xiaozhi simply nodded her head. Of course she knew. She was just telling her brother that she would get a new phone and didn't want to be contacted by random people. 

Yes, even Han Meixiu. 

"You can also visit her during vacation." Li Shan added as he started the car. 

Li Xiaozhi kept her silence. 

'I'm sorry.' That was all she wanted to hear. 

For now, she started to feel that the two of them were already getting more and more distant. She originally thought that even though Han Meixiu got married, they would still stay the same. 

They would still be completely honest with each other like the time when they were still living together. 

Maybe it was just her thinking that way. It's time for her to change, too. 

People change and so does relationship.