
Chapter 1

I went to school like every fucking day. The third years no longer lived in the U.A. dorms, since the school deemed them fully capable of kicking kidnappers/attackers asses by themselves, so I had to live with my progenitors again. I liked not having to live with the other extras anymore, and since my parents were 16 less to endure, I guessed I could get through it.

When I passed by a narrow gutter, the small hairs at the back of my head suddenly stood straight. My gaze shifted into the gutter, but nobody was there. I flicked my tongue in displeasure and continued my way to school. The bad feeling in my guts continued and about five minutes later, I clearly sensed it:

Somebody or something had their damn eyes on me.

I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and examined the area around me. I was almost alone on the street, only a few dumbasses were wasting their lifetime in a small shop nearby. I checked every corner, but nothing was there. I gritted my teeth and moved on, but the feeling of being watched continued until I entered the U.A.

I sat with shitty hair, discount Pikachu, flat face and raccoon eyes for lunch, when shitty hair suddenly nudged me in the side.

"Oi Bakubro, you've been yelling and cussing less today. Something on your mind?" I growled at his dumb fuck of a question. "I'm fucking fine, mind your own damn biz." He shrugged. "A'ight, whatever you say, man."

Truth was, I fucking wanted to know whom or what had been watching me. I knew I was fucking awesome, but if somebody thought they could stalk me, nah. They were gonna get their ass beat black and blue. I had already been kidnapped once and I didn't need that shit again.

As soon as I left school, I had a bad feeling again. I tried my damn best to ignore it as long as people were near me, but when I had to pass by the gutter again, I had enough. I turned around with smoking palms. "Who the hell is there?!" I said that just loud enough for whoever was in the gutter to hear. No answer. Then I heard a hissing noise and caught an object in my hand. A broken beer bottle. If that thing had hit me, I could've ended up in hospital or worse.

I made my damn way outta there as fast as I could. Not that I was scared or something, but I'd rather not blindly attack a feeling. Not anymore. Being hotheaded wasn't always to my advantage, because of that I had to learn to have a plan the hard way.

As soon as I came home, I locked the door behind me and checked if all of the windows were closed and locked. My parents weren't home because of a longer business trip, and thanks to that, my mother had locked all of the windows before she left this morning.

I changed into a tank top and sweat pants, then I went into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I didn't feel like cooking the first day of the three damn weeks I'd be alone. Suddenly, the feeling of being watched creeped up my spine again. Now I was sure someone was stalking me, but I acted like I didn't know anything.

I activated all of my senses as much as I could. There was slight noise, as if someone was moving. A somewhat metallic smell was in the air, and I knew I didn't smell like that. All of the small hairs on my back and arms were standing like the ones of a scared cat and I had goosebumps.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and slammed my hands on the countertop. Then I turned around, so I had the counter behind me and the whole room in front of me. "Alright dipshit. I know you're there and you know I know that. So get your dumbass outta here before I fucking make you."

Nothing. Then I heard a sound- and mirthless, quiet laughter coming from the hallway. "You're right. I'm tired of playing hide and seek anyways." I tensed up and tried my hardest to keep a stoic expression, while light steps were coming up the hallway. "Your senses and reflexes are even more enhanced than when we last saw each other. Respect, Kacchan."

A person entered the kitchen and our eyes met. Crimson eyes and dark green eyes.

Aggressive eyes and dull eyes.

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