
1 shit system

(Sorry I am new so don't judge) Deadpool was on the way to kill his target as he was hired to kill someone that was not named so he thought nothing would go strange on his mission but as soon as he turned the corner he noticed time slowed a bit and he also saw a teen about to be crushed by a truck as soon as he saw this he thought nonononono the story just started and I am not going to become a side character so he punched the kid out the way the reason he had no hesitation is because he was immortal or so he thought but he forgot he was getting crushed by truck kun which everyone knows is a death god but back to the story as soon as Deadpool punched the teen out the way he saw white and he thought did I really die then where is death my love but he did not see death awwww really you kill me but not let me see my love man fuck you as Deadpool yelled at nothing he randomly got teleported to a very dark room witch made him shut up he started to look around he immediately started to notice that he still had all of his gear so he immediately started to tried to teleport (I yes this is a au where he can teleport though the universe he is not op just yet) he tried to teleport but it did not work as soon as he look up he saw a truck which had a very ominous aura that he had never felt in his life and that meant something, the truck somehow talked to him and told him you ruined my perfect record I have never miss a target but you made me break my perfect record. As soon as he finished saying that the aura quintuple with made Deadpool not be able to breath and at the same second the aura stops and he stared to smile and said Deadpool you like to play with people well how about you get your karma and you know what they say karma hits you like a truck. Most likely another chapter.