
Dc The Omens

Auteur: ace_casseus
Anime et Bandes dessinées
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A man was reborn into the dc universe as a kryptonian/viltrumite hybrid. Meet Ryan-Ul read as Ryan fights through many adventures meets his future love and protect earth from all types of evil. He will also teach a few people common sense like “Clark what kind of idiot are you, you know everybody on this planet knows your weakness and you don’t put any anti kryptonite armor on and your costume is just cloth not even Kevlar yes we’re invulnerable but only under a yellow sun.”

4 étiquettes
Chapter 1Prologue

3rd person

Washington state apartment complex

Ryan was on his computer in his room doing what does everyday after finishing school. Watching anime and ignoring the homework he knows he has to do. When he was about to to click the next episode of demon slayer he see a notification about a new email. He goes and checks it to find.

"Hmm survey about the dc universe well I'm bored anyway why not take it". Shrugging he opens the link and reads the questions.

If could go to the dc universe what race would you be? "Oh that's easy I would be a kyroptonian/viltrumite hybrid. That way I have all the benefits of being kyroptonian with my viltrumite dna getting rid of my weakness towards kryptonite and a red sun. No matter what environment I'm in I should be able to fly and use all my abilities." He types in his answer and clicks next.

The next question is what universe of dc would you be in or would mix it up? "Let's see how about the young justice universe as a base and add in a couple other characters from the dc universe and some of the ben 10 universe.(may change that later and just keep it dc)

What changes would you make your universe? "have viltrumites not be world conquers and be relatively good people." He answered

What 2 extra Boons would you have. "First one is to make my blood unable to be cloned or used in any way shape or form I'm unaware of. Second is perfect control so when I gain my powers I know exactly how to use them and no matter how strong I get I will have complete control over my strength,speed etc."

When would want to arrive on earth? "A year after kara arrives."

How would you want to die? "Peacefully."

He completed the survey. A couple hours later after surfing the net he went to sleep. Later on the next day his mother found him dead in bed while his computer was in the last page he read before sleeping which was pornhub.

Dc universe planet Viltrum

1st POV

A teenager wakes up from bed stretching a bit while scratching his face looking around he doesn't recognize the room he's in. "Huh this isn't my room where am I?" I get up and look around the room it looks pretty modern but there's stuff I don't recognize like in the closet there are a bunch of white jumpsuits instead my jeans or joggers and looking through the window I see a pretty high tech neighborhood along with a couple people flying through the sky! "Where the hell is this!" I move towards a full body mirror in the room and look at my self and I'm shocked.

I have a six pack and look at my face I look like mark grayson from invisible but black hair. The moment I see my reflection I get a massive head ache. I'm in pin for about 5 minutes. When the pain stops I go through all the information that was just packed into my head.

That survey I did was real I died was reborn as Ryan-Ul son of Jay-Ul and Emily-Ul (viltrumites don't have last names I haven't seen any) I'm a 14 year old kryptonian/viltrumite hybrid my dad Jay was originally from krypton but exiled for wanting to have a natural birthed child by the leaders of krypton.

On the day of his exile his sister Faora-Ul came to change his mind of natural births but he disagreed his friend Jor-El came to see his friend one last time. He got on a ship krypton provided and left the planet. His ship got caught in an asteroid field and hit one of his engines his ship fell off course and he crashed landed on viltrum. In this universe the viltrumites are a peaceful race who are all about law and order along with science. Planet viltrum has a yellow star.

When Jay-El landed a group a viltrumite officers led by my mother Emily came to the crash site. After seeing Jay she brought him to the hospital and waited for him to wake up. When he woke he was told where he was and asked why he was here, after explaining his situation Emily told the leaders of the planet and they let him stay for as long as he likes.

After getting situated he decided to join their science division. After living on viltrum for 2 years my parents dated and got married after spending five years together the decided to have me. Growing up I lived a pretty normal life with mom teaching me combat and me going to school along with dad teaching me about my powers i get under a yellow sun.

Apparently im the first of my kind a true kryptonian/viltrumite hybrid so my dna changed what was supposed to happen. Viltrumite dna is supposed to take over any other dna but since kryptonian is so complex the the viltrumite dna couldn't take it over so instead they combined to become a perfect blend. I have all the powers a

kryptonian has under a yellow sun and with out the sun my powers lowers to an average viltrumite my age and I lose the extra powers like heat vision freeze breath etc. I also have none of the weakness of either race has so kryptonite has no effect me and I don't have the inner ear weakness viltrumites have. Because the extra gifts I have full control of all my abilities so I can fly as easy as I can walk control my strength levels along with my enhanced senses, all types of vision and freeze breath.

Anyway I leave my room and go down stairs to find my mom cooking and my dad watching the galactic news on the holo tv. My mom turns around and smiles at me. "Good morning Ryan breakfast will be ready soon get your father for me please?" She ask.

I nod as I kiss her cheek and go towards the living room to find my dad looking at the sky through the window. I ask "Hey dad what are you looking at?" He turns around and motions me to come closer I do and he points. "Ryan look towards the the west and use your telescopic vision tell me what you see."

Looking at the direction he pointed I zoom in to see a space pop coming in hot. I look at dad. "Dad it's a space pop and it's gunna crash here we gotta catch it!" He shakes his head "No Ryan your strong enough to catch it your self I'll tell your mother and then tell the council we have a guest so true don't send anyone."

I nod and dash through the front door and burst through the sky. Like I said before I have full control of my powers so I go faster creating a sonic boom leading out the atmosphere taking a breath I go into space flying towards the pod. Slowing down I see the pod and slowly catch it. It doesn't feel heavy that's probably my strength. Looking through the glass on the my pod my eyes pop. For I see a young beautiful blond haired girl around my age she is kara zor-el but what is she doing here. She looks like the supergirl from the superman/Batman animated movie. My personal favorite supergirl. Anyway I bring her towards the planet close to my home. I see my mom floating near me and she sees the pod.

"Bring her to our back yard we'll wake her up. So sad she seems by herself did you see any other pods or a ship near by?" She ask and I just tell her no, she sighs and leads me back to the back yard.

Softly dropping the pod I use my freeze breath on the pod and engine cooling it down From re entering the atmosphere. I'm looking at the pod I see the house of El crest on top and to the side I see a control panel and words written in Kryptonese which I'm fluent in. I read witch button says open and press it, my mom moves closer when she sees the top of it open up smoke comes out and mom uses here strength and waves it away.

I see kara sit up and rubs her eyes and stretches then she opens her eyes and see the most blue eyes I've ever seen. She stares at me as I stare at her for awhile my mom clears her throat and we break contact and she blushes a bit. She looks at my mom and says in Kryptonese (for Kryptonese I will use this*)

"*is this earth and have you seen a baby in another pod like this he's my cousin kal-el oh and by the way my name is kara zor el.*" she looks sad when she said her family name. My mom looks confused for a second then looks at me and I remember that she doesn't speak Kryptonese.

"*Hi my name is Ryan-ul you're on planet viltrum not earth we just have a yellow sun also could you speak in galactic basic so my mom can understand you she doesn't speak Kryptonese.*" I ask and she looks surprised that I speak her language and the slaps her forehead for not realizing nobody else would under stand her.

"Ahem sorry about that hi Ryan and did you say Ul are from kyrpton how I only saw mine and Kal pods escape kyrpton when it exploded?" She sadly states my mom walks up and softy rubs her back.

"Hello child I'm Emily-Ul my son here is a kryptonian/viltrumite hybrid and I'm a viltrumite that married the kryptonian Jay-Ul." Mom says with a small smile.

Kara looks shocked and ask "You married the exile Jay my uncle Jor was friends with him and was so sad to see him go. Apparently he got his wish since your here Ryan and I'm so happy to meet you I thought only me and kal were left but it seems krypton will live on." I smile but turn serious. "Kara krypton exploded almost thirty years ago and you've been in stasis for about 24 years. Your pod says you went off course when the planet blew up and well it sent you into the phantom zone. You must have gotten out near viltrum where I caught you and brought you here." I say as she's in shock trying to process this.

My mom says slowly "Kara your cousin must have made it to earth but 24 years ago so by now he's grown. Actually I'm pretty sure I know your cousin."

Both me and kara are shocked to here that especially me. "Mom how do you know Kal el? I've never met him I thought me and dad were they last kryptonians till kara just now." I look at her as she just wryly smiles.

"That's because son you don't watch the galactic news since you say it's boring. I don't know Kal El personally but I have seen that crest on kara pod before and since only the house of el wears it I've only seen one other wear it his name is Superman he is a part of a group of heroes on earth called the justice league." She brings up a high tech looking watch it shows a holographic screen showing Superman and the rest of the league. Then she swipe the screen to show aliens known as Appellaxians. "A couple years ago earth was invaded by the Appellaxians and the green lantern assigned to that sector was being over run so the guardians requested viltrum if they can spare any viltrumites to head over to earth to help until the Corp can make it i along with a couple other went over there to find the invasion force defeated. After asking a few questions and finding out what happened I came back home. Anyway look at the symbol on his chest it's the same as karas this has to be Kal-el." She looked proud at her information and kara was just absorbing all that she learned. I'm equally shocked that justice league was already formed and excited that sooner or later I might meet them.

Kara finally understands the situation and looks defeated and confused. "What am I supposed to do no I've failed the only task given to me to take care and raise kal-el now that he's a grown man while im still 14. My planets gone I have no home and my family doesn't need me." She starts to cry and I feel so bad. I go and hug her she freezes for a second before she hugs back and cry's into my chest I rub her back as she cries for a couple minutes when she calms down she thanks me and I let go of the hug missing the warmth. My mom walks up to her and hugs her next.

"Why don't you stay with us for a while to get back on your feat then we can train you to use your powers that you gain under our sun and then you can go to earth to see your family and figure things out or stay here whatever you want." Mom tells her and kara thinks about and accepts.

"I think I would like that and plus it will be nice to talk to a couple kryptonians while I'm here" she smirks at me and I smile back.

Time skip 7 months

Ryan's house

It's been seven months since kara landed and I've loved every second of it. Kara got used to life on viltrum pretty quick. She's become my best friend and crush. Dad took a liking to her quick so did mom. Dad trained her powers that she had and she took it like a sponge in water she always wants to race me. Mom taught her several different combat forms the revolve around flying since viltrumites are known for that and even made us our own combat style focused on our powers from the sun. Dads not much of a fighter so he only knows the basics. But he is a scientist and discovered a cure for kryptonite for him self and kara through my blood. Since I allowed him take it he could use it. Around kara 3rd month a piece of kryptonite fell on planet and dad discovered kryptonians weakness and didn't like it one bit after discovering I'm immune to it he asked me if I mind him using my blood as research to find a cure to this and I gladly accepted after a week or two he created a cure and gave it to kara after using on him self she was so happy that she hugged dad and kissed my cheek we were both blushing storm at my parents teasing. Through out these months we've done everything together from training to learning new thing and about earth to talking about future dreams. She said she wants to go to earth and meet kal but she wants me with her. I gladly accepted telling her she has to wait for me to turn 15 since that the age viltrumites become adults and can go off world and pretty much do what they want my parents were fine with it as long as I come and visit and bring kara too she was so happy. When the month came by for her to leave she cried a bit as did I but was happy knowing I'll see her in a year when I go to earth. She left on ahead in a ship we gave her saying she will have everything ready by the time I get there and I can't wait to see her again.

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