
DC: The Nomad

One minute he's falling to his death the next he waking up in the body of a person who recently died. He soon discovers he's traveled to the DC universe. Now with a new life and a special power that came with it his odyssey is just beginning. This is my first time writing a story so keep that in mind while reading. I'm open to any constructive criticism. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything DC related. All main characters are 18+

a_BMO · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

The Tin Roof Club

Once Nomad had teleported away I brought up my holographic computer to see the location of the tracker I had secretly put on him. Looking at the location it was right behind me, I immediately turned around only to find no one was there. Taking a closer look, I found my tracker laying on the ground.

"Well, it was worth a shot." I sighed before deciding to head back to the Batcave to tell the boys about Gotham's new 'vigilante'.

I spent all next day at Wildcats gym. My experiment with the drug traffickers basically should I'm still inexperienced in close-quarters combat I need more practice I can't always rely on my blink as a crutch. I also had to practice my marksmanship because as of right now unless it's at point-blank range they're pretty much useless in my hands.

The next week went by without anything worth mentioning the only thing worth noting was Barbara seemed more proactive in talking to me. It was nice to know that my feeling of friendship wasn't a one-way street. I could feel some jealous gazes sent my way but it didn't bother me and it's not like she's out of my out league if anything we match well together at least in the looks and IQ department not that I looked at her that way to me she was pretty much my only friend.

Not that I was unpopular ever since my transmigration I no longer looked like a depressed zombie in need of sleep so I had plenty of people to talk to but they were all just acquaintances, not actual friends. When I wasn't at school, I split my time between training with Wildcat and at the gun range honing my pistol skills. While doing all of that, I constantly kept watch for any incoming objects from space or information on the locations of gang storage houses. I had basically spent most of the money I had accumulated on my weapons and suit and I was looking to hit up some mob stash houses to replenish my funds.

I could always go back to robbing banks but I didn't want to attract too much attention to myself. So, since it was the weekend, I decided to do a little intel gathering, and what better place to do that than the club of Gotham's number one thief the Tin Roof Club. I wasn't really worried about being carded since it was Gotham. As I made my way to the bar, I noticed the atmosphere was rather tense if I had to describe it, I'd say it reminds me of the Salty Spittoon from SpongeBob. The only saving grace was the beautiful barkeep I assumed was also the owner Selina Kyle. She just looked like what I assumed a real-life Selina Kyle would look like, short black hair and piercing green eyes that seem to estimate how much you were worth with a glance.

"Can I get a beer?"

"You old enough to drink?"

"Does that really matter?"

"What kinda beer?"

"Doesn't matter as long as it's in a bottle I trust your judgment"

"Sure kid" She rolled her eyes as she opened the bottle and slid it my way

It really didn't matter what it was it was mostly a prop so I could become a fly on the wall and try to gleam some information on some gang's stash house. I hung around for a couple of hours and got some interesting information. I got tidbits of information about Romanian, Irish, and Russian gangs. I decided to follow up on the Romanians because their 'businesses' seemed to work mainly on human trafficking and prostitution aspect.

So, let's see if I can get myself a payday while maybe saving a couple of lives while I'm at it. I placed a small tracker on the Romanian before teleporting back to gear up before relocating my target and following him from on top of the rooftops. I finally saw him go up to a warehouse and just before he entered, I grabbed him and immediately teleported to an uninhabited and left him there before going back to the warehouse and scanning the warehouse with infrared to see if I can pick up any heat signatures finding a few sparsely moving I decided to take them down one by one tying them up leaving them somewhere isolated.

Before combing through the warehouse taking whatever cash that was there and freeing the people held there teleporting them to the police station before going back to the first guy, I captured to interrogate him he quickly told me what I wanted to know when I threatened to leave him there to rot. I repeated the process with each person I had captured before shocking them tying them all together and leaving them in front of the police station with a sign that said 'human traffickers' before searching the locations they each told me about repeating the process several times till I had basically wiped out the Ibanescu Crime Family from the East End. I didn't know if the charges would stick but hopefully, the people I saved could act as evidence/witnesses. At least I pocketed several million dollars which was pretty good for one night. Feeling tired I returned to my apartment and took off my suit stashing it in one of my multiple stash spots before taking a shower and going to bed.

Meanwhile, in the Batcave three people were looking at a rough sketch of the vigilante/thief that went by the name Nomad. The sketch was based on what the victims he rescued described him to look like and Batgirl's own description of what he looked like. Since the new guy seemed to be extremely camera shy. They were discussing what had happened tonight.

"I don't like it," said Robin giving his honest opinion.

"He just rescued dozens of people from being trafficked and brought down the Ibanescu Crime Family in one night what's not to like" Batgirl argued

"It's suspicious I've been to each of their hideouts and they're completely cleaned out not even a hint of any cash."

"What, you're saying he took their money?" Batgirl questioned

"Pretty much"

"Hmm well even if that were true it doesn't change the fact that saved people"

"Bruce, what do you think?" The boy wonder asked wanting his mentor's opinion.

"I don't care what he does as long as he doesn't cross the line" he answered stone-faced trying to piece together a psychological profile from the bits of information he's been given.

Meanwhile, the subject of the conversation had already entered the land of dreams seemingly without a care in the world.

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