
Chapter 142: Annihilation

Washington D.C.

The majestic and beautiful deep-blue coating of the Marshal-class battleship Valiant suddenly appeared in the sky, resembling the vastness and beauty of ocean waves. It had only been a few hours since the complete defeat of the Justice League, and the sky remained bright. News reports had been non-stop throughout the day.

Suddenly, another massive battleship, different from the rest, emerged in the sky, astonishing and shocking everyone.

The live broadcast cameras quickly shifted away from the Justice League's former location, focusing on the battleship in the sky, a super warship that men admired, causing a frenzy of admiration.

"That's so cool!"

"I swear I'd give up ten years of my life to have a ship like that."

"So awesome!"

Praises flowed freely in front of the live cameras. It was as if they were witnessing a science fiction-inspired beauty that could only be found in movies. Their hearts were filled with affection.

As the Marshal-class battleship, with its exterior resembling ocean waves, began to release Kryptonian soldiers into the sky, floating in neat formations, it started to unsettle everyone.

Five hundred thousand Kryptonian soldiers, aligned meticulously over Washington, D.C., created panic among the live audience and the people below.

Essentially, every one of the seven million Kryptonians had undergone intensive training, becoming soldiers with exceptional qualities. During the year of their journey to the solar system and to Earth, H'el had ordered Zero to collect yellow stellar energy at full capacity and provide these Kryptonians with the energy they lacked. Simultaneously, they underwent high-intensity military training and simulations using Brainiac's chamber, essentially becoming battle-hardened Kryptonian soldiers.

The five hundred thousand Kryptonian soldiers in the sky broke the sound barrier, creating a spectacular display like fireworks. In mere moments, the top brass of the nation, including the Defense Secretary, members of Congress, and the President, had not even begun to discuss a battle plan or the joint Earth Defense Force when they faced catastrophic destruction.

Over thirty Kryptonian soldiers flew over the White House, their fiery gazes penetrating the building. One by one, the top officials of the country's government, including the Speaker of the House, who hadn't managed to escape to Asia, were dismembered by an ordinary Kryptonian soldier's heat vision.

The White House erupted in a fierce fireball, the sounds of explosions and missile strikes were deafening, but one by one, Kryptonian soldiers with burning gazes locked onto their targets and effortlessly annihilated the top brass of the country.

Every Kryptonian soldier had a proton processing assistant in their bodies, allowing them to clearly receive information from Zero. Zero had already collected data on the country's top leadership from Earth's networks.

Their actions were simple: they activated their penetrating vision, and the proton processing assistant marked the top officials' locations with pinpoint accuracy.

In the midst of unbelieving stares, the President was easily killed by a passing soldier, dying as though he were a mere ant crushed underfoot.

In just thirty seconds, the top leadership of that country had all perished, and flames consumed the White House. Fear, tension, gunfire, and the smoke of war rose and fell, but the Kryptonian warriors, having accomplished their mission, left the scene, leaving behind civilians crying over the fate of unrelated civilian personnel.

War was brutal and merciless.

"Report: Detonating the nuclear weapons in this country could increase the speed of annihilation by thirty percent."

In the distance, there was a terrifying nuclear explosion, as a rebellious military base attempted to kill the Kryptonian soldiers. However, the Kryptonian soldiers had detected it early and swiftly evaded it, reporting back.

"Permission granted! We only need speed! His Majesty has given us only ten minutes! Don't let our first action embarrass His Majesty!" General Kalu shouted through the communicator.



With Karu's uncompromising voice over the communicator, the Kryptonian soldiers conducting the military base strikes found the most efficient method: they initiated their nuclear weapons, causing the entire military base to be destroyed in a nuclear blast.

Terrifying nuclear explosions rose throughout the country, with flames and mushroom clouds billowing into the atmosphere. The entire sky was filled with white radioactive ash snowflakes falling.

In an instant, the entire country plunged into the most dire of circumstances.

Within just three minutes, starting from the center of Washington, D.C., more than half of the nation's territory, along with its top leadership, military bases, and more, were all wiped out by the Kryptonian soldiers' spread and sweep.

The sound of nuclear detonations occurred at intervals, and the most advanced raptor fighter jets in the sky were effortlessly shot down by the Kryptonian soldiers.

Nothing could stop this destructive wave.

Even when some superhuman heroes leaped high to protect the citizens, they found themselves helpless as the Kryptonian soldiers passed them one by one, only targeting the nation's top leadership. They could only watch in bewilderment as the Kryptonian soldiers unleashed their heat vision, killing their targets, and then swiftly departed.

Even the few superhuman heroes as powerful as the Kryptonian soldiers could not halt this rapid destruction.

The Kryptonian soldiers did not engage in unnecessary confrontations; they focused on their mission objectives, eliminating their targets and moving on swiftly.

Their overall military prowess and standards far surpassed the scattered superhuman heroes.

Wonder Woman, who had returned from space, and Green Lantern, fought desperately to stop the Kryptonian soldiers. However, against this large organized group with clear objectives, they could do very little. Stopping one or two, or even a dozen or twenty Kryptonian soldiers, could not change the inevitable fate of the country's annihilation.

The military's devastating strike was terrifying to the extreme.

The destruction of a civilization was now merely at H'el's fingertips.

In the Sector Seven underground facility, the Captain Atom emerged furiously to confront the Kryptonian soldiers. He was hailed as the nation's ultimate weapon, activated by the President.

Kalu swiftly arrived to face him, and their intense battle resonated with deafening sounds, shattering numerous eardrums, echoing from the surface to outer space.

Kalu, a soldier genetically enhanced and trained for various forms of warfare, displayed terrifying power for the first time. In terms of skills, strength, and military expertise, he overwhelmed the so-called ultimate weapon of the country.

In the end, in the depths of space, Kalu defeated the Captain Atom. Captain Atom attempted to self-destruct, intending to take Kalu down with him, but Kalu saw through the plan. He used his heat vision to propel Captain Atom's body far away from Earth.

In space, the hero exploded, creating a second sun-like explosion.

Kalu's armor was in tatters, revealing his formidable muscles. He descended from space and returned to the Marshall-class battleship, which was now surrounded by five hundred thousand soldiers who had successfully completed their mission. They knelt half-bowed in welcome to their victorious general.

Wonder Woman looked on with confusion and powerlessness as the massive Kryptonian army assembled.

Green Lantern clenched his fists in humiliation, gritting his teeth in frustration.

Many superheroes in the sky watched the gathering Kryptonian army, and those on the ground looked up at them. No superhero dared to charge at the army; they could only gaze upward in awe and fear.

Individual superheroes were mere jokes in front of the Kryptonian army.

Kalu, with his battered armor, stood tall and half-bowed in the sky. His gaze swept over the distant black smoke, nuclear radiation, and the grey snowfall from nuclear vapor, rendering the sky dull and lifeless. This nation, now resembling a wasteland, had been utterly defeated. All of its top leadership had been killed, and every military base destroyed. He exuded a strong aura of victory and war as he turned, half-kneeling in the sky, and shouted triumphantly:

"Your Majesty, the annihilation is complete!"

H'el's indifferent face was projected into the atmosphere. His eyes casually surveyed the nation, now reduced to ruins. He simply wanted to see where he could position himself in this universe, selecting a rather challenging target for destruction.

"I don't like this nation; let's change its name." he said apathetically.


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