
DC: Lost

Expresso7 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Battle of the Bank

Atrox was getting increasingly annoyed and thought multiple times of just left the entire bank and leaving but shook his head.

He look up into the sky through a window in the bank and saw the bat signal increasing his headache. He just hoped Barbara wasn't coming too.

Suddenly he saw a pair of boots coming towards the window and the sound of glass shattering echoed in the room.

"Sorry Mask guy but your going do-." Robin was still in the air but Atrox changed the direction of gravity for him up making him crashed into the roof.

"I hate children." Atrox said before turning towards 2 other people that came through the window.

"Batman and….." He said.

"Batgirl!" Barbara shouted.

"A new one?"

"I'm not new I have active for over a year."

"Beta hero?" He said.

"Haa." Batgirl jumped at him and he got into a martial arts stance.

He dodges her fist and got up close hitting her jaw with his elbow then grabbed her neck and sent two knees to her stomach before kicking her back.

Batman caught her before rushing Atrox. He threw two batarangs that were deflected and used the distraction to kick Atrox in the chest.

"Got you." Atrox said grabbing his ankles but Batman threw a knock out gas bomb on Atrox face forcing him to let go.

"Annoying." Atrox used gravity to condense the gas into a solid pill sized ball.

"I'll keep this for later." Atrox put the pill in his pocket.

'Mauy Thai and some kind of gravity or telekinesis power.' Batman thought.

"You should just leave." Atrox said still standing.

"Let me down." Robin yelled.

"Oh I forgot you were up there." Atrox let him come down.

"You don't seem like a bad person turn yourself in it will be better than this." Batman said.

"Hmmm nah." Atrox sent a gravity blast towards them and Batman grabbed Robin jumping out of the way.

Nightwing quietly came through the window and tried to jump on Atrox but an invisible forcefield stopped him.

"Who are you?" He asked.


"Another Beta Hero." Atrox sighed

"What." Nightwing seemed confused.


At this point all of the bat family was up and at the same time threw multiple projectiles but that were all stopped by the barrier.

"That's not fair." Barbara said.

"Yeah take it down." Robin yelled.

"How are your gadgets fair."

"How about you drop your shield and we won't use gadgets." Nightwing said and Batman remained silent.

"Alright deal." Atrox dropped his forcefield and instantly was hit in the head by Nightwing's rang.

"I shouldn't be surprised." Atrox blasted Nightwing back while holding his head.

Beside Nightwing the rest of the bat family rushed towards him without their gadgets. He increased the gravity slightly only to 1.4.

Batman, batgirl, and Robin instantly felt the effects. Robin was the closest and first to reach him but when the gravity hit his punch slowed down a lot.

Atrox just dodged and kicked him to the sidemaking him crash into the wall. Before parrying a punch for Batman and spin kicking Batgirl onto her back.

Atrox and Batman started going punch for punch until Batman hit a swift uppercut stunning him and unleashed a barrage and hits upon him.

'With my enhanced body this attacks aren't really doing shit but getting my ass beat is annoying.' Atrox thought before placing a palm on Batman's chest and repelling him across the Bank.

Batgirl and Robin then jumped to attack him before Batman joined in again. Nightwing saw this and used it as an opportunity to rip the barricade down and let the people evacuate.

'Hmm somehow I completely forgot about them.' He thought.

Batman shot a grapple at his arm but Atrox increased his body weight and yanked Batman towards him to counter but Batman cut the line and rolled under him.

Spinning Batman kicked his leg then hit him with an uppercut but as his body was still over a ton it did nothing.

"Fool." Atrox grabbed Batman's hand and started to crush it.

"Argh." Batman groan in pain but pulled out a sound wave gun and pointed it directly at Atrox head.

"Ahhhhh." Atrox let go and grabbed his ears and for the first time in this body felt actual pain he couldn't cover his ear due to the mask and looked at the gun instantly crushing it with immense gravitational pressure.

"Now." Batman yelled and Batgirl jumped on his back while Nightwing and Robin grabbed his legs.

Batman ran forward to jab a syringe with a sleep drug into his skin but Atrox shouted gravity towards the ceiling cussing everyone to slam into the ceiling before he pushed it back down to the ground.

In another crash to the ground Robin was knocked out. Atrox landed and jumped back behind the counter.

Before the anyone could do anything Atrox cancels the gravity in the room watching chairs and tables float up before shifting the gravity direction towards the front of the bank.

With the hostages already gone the police started busting in but them alongside Batman and his crew were throw against the wall with tables and chairs crashing into them.

He waved his hand and gravity went back to normal before he heard an explosion in the back and saw the entire building start to crack. The Bat family looked around and started trying to move but Batman was the only one that could still move he looked at his three "kids" as rubble started to fall.

He gritted his teeth and grabbed Robin then tried to shoot a grappling hook to Barbara but a rock hit the grapple before he could stop it. He watched more of the building fall and rushed to put Robin outside

'Bruce…he's leaving me.' Barbara has tears trailing down her cheeks.

After getting Robin out he desperately tried to run back for Barbara and Dick but the building collapsed before he could get back in.

"Those dickheads." Atrox balled his fist at his team betraying him. He had Barbara and Dick next to him as he pulled them close to himself and used his forcefield to keep the debris off of them

Sighing he repulsed the nearby rocks away from them and pulled the two of them out and dropped them before the police and Batman.

"Just this once Batman because those bastards betrayed me." Atrox said before he took off into the sky towards the abandoned railroad.

The men just got back to the van and the driver hit the gas but the car didn't move.

"What are you doing go." 1 yelled.

"I'm trying the car isn't moving." 5 yelled back.

"It seems you have betrayed me now you have to die. Although you would have died anyway because I was going to betray you." They heard a voice when the van back doors were ripped off.

"Kill him." They all grabbed there guns and started shouting at him.

"I asked you early if you could kill someone that was bulletproof and it seems that you can't." Atrox said as the bullets crumbled under his invisible barrier.

"Now begone." He close his hand and all of there bodies exploded.

"Guess I get 35% now." Atrox had himself and the money float before taking off.

-Later that night-

"I get to have their cuts so I now have 35%." Atrox said.

"I would argue with you but you seem upset so fine." Blackmask shrugged it off and accept 65% of 130million for doing nothing.

Atrox nodded before throwing the jumpsuit and mask away and creating a warp to his apartment.

Arriving back in his house he heard a light knock and went to go open the door. Opening it he sees a puffy eyed Barbara with tears in her eyes upon seeing him she buried her face in his chest and wrapped around him tightly.

He just sighed locking the door and walked over to his bed falling on it and allowed Barbara to go to sleep in his embrace.