
Dragon-lizard in the house

March 31, 2006

Alex, Z, Ander are walking home after a 12-hour job of trash collection and cleaning the walls and floors. Finally, the jerk who owns the burger joint made me clean the grease traps and other items in order to earn his money for the day, a pathetic $50 in broken and ripped dollar bills. He was cursing and whining on his way home, or at least near to home after fleeing the harsh orphanage. Alex returns to the warehouse where he is currently residing, entering via a breach in the fence and climbing several crates to a broken window. He makes his way through towering stacks of boxes and into his living space, checking to make sure no one has located his belongings. After a difficult day, I finally sat down and relaxed. But there are far worse things he could be doing in Gotham. After getting ready for supper, he is startled by a large crash near him, and he grabs his go bag and begins racing to get out as he hears someone issue orders.

"Etrigan, Zatara, restrain him!" "Constantine, prepare the Pan'ku box!"

With no notion what's going on and the shaking intensifying, he feels it approaching him. When something crashes on the boxes above him and traps him, he starts migrating away from the noise to a better spot. Unable to move, he begins to panic, wondering who is fighting. Then I heard yelling.

"Batman, get back!"

When I heard a snarling voice above me, I suddenly felt a suction force drawing me back.

"You filth! "I will flee, free my family, and rule the world!" Shendu yells angrily, causing the building to shake. "

A heavy British voice shouts, "Go back to hell!"

As that happened, the boxes that were holding him were pulled off with him, and he finally saw what was going on in the warehouse and saw a great giant lizard thing above him, and it was heading through a swirling green portal, with me following behind him.

"Help! ""He screamed!"

"Constantine, put a stop to the portal!" Batman screams. Rushing up to me and launching his grappling hook at me

"Batman!" he cried, terrified of what would happen if he entered the doorway.

With that, the last thing he saw before passing through the portal was a shabby-dressed man tossing something at me and Batman attempting to reach me before he vanished. But it was too late to grab and hold onto anything that man threw him as he entered the portal, which was shutting behind him.

"No!" Batman and Zatara exclaim.

All I saw when I opened my eyes again was an orange sky and flying pebbles.

We're back in the warehouse.

John Constantine was punched in the face by Batman.

"Why didn't you put a stop to the portal?" He yells at him while Zatara restrains him from punching him again.

Suddenly, a British man with red and gray hair intervened, telling him to stop.

"He forced the portal to open here; it was supposed to open in Hong Kong; opening it right here made it unstable; he couldn't stop it even if you wanted him to." Jason Blood, Etrigan the demon's second half, informs Batman

"That bloody right, you wanker, Shendu fled China thinking we had to bring him back there to send him back," John explains to Batman.

"Then open another one; we can bring that kid back!" Batman exclaims, enraged, recalling the child's devastated expression, which resembled his own in the alleyway where his parents were shot in front of him. the hopeless, fearful kid.

"I can't believe the Pan'ku box is gone," he added, pointing to what was left of the box. "And even if we had the box, we couldn't find him; the netherworld is a lost realm of hell, with this portal being the last way to get there."

While everyone was confused, John said something else.

"Even though I can't open the portal again, the kid isn't completely screwed; when he went through the portal, I threw an enchanted dagger with a hidden compartment full of tools so she could kill Shendu and possibly survive." He's even capable of defending himself there." John informs them that he is thinking of Astra, whom he failed to save from the fires of hell.

"What good will that do when the child is too young to survive?" Zatara questioned. "Even if he did, that's a hell realm; it'll corrupt him long before we can save him."

"Bloody hell, I'm just giving you all hope that he'll survive, and who knew there'd be a child in here when we started fighting?"

"The fight was far too fast." "I only did a quick spell to see if anyone was there; he must have been deep into the boxes for me not to see him," Zatara says, upset and disappointed in himself for not checking. He wished he could go home and hug his kids and his wife.

"I'm sorry this happened, Batman, but now that the Dark Hand is in jail and all eight demon sorcerers have been returned to the nether realm, let's put this behind us and work harder to ensure it never happens again." Jason Blood informs them.

"How can you say that when we sent him there, no, I can't; I need to save him?" Batman informs him.

"OK, I'll help you," Jason responds after some thought. I'll send you a list of persons who can fix the box, and I'll look into how to locate him."

They parted ways after further discussion, with Batman promising to never call Constantine again. While driving away from the warehouse in the batmobile, Batman glances in the mirror and phones his buddy Lucius Fox, urging him to buy the warehouse and install sensors to watch the area. looking at the remains of the Pan'ku box, hoping to mend it and save that youngster.

1 minute after entering the nether realm

When Alex saw the orange sky and freaked out, he hurriedly hid behind some crates, having some difficulty flying and not knowing how he was able to reach them while that enormous lizard thing was yelling and smashing objects, cursing at Batman and especially Etrigan, calling him a bastard of Trigon's seed. Then he starts yelling about Trigon being a useless father, and then he takes off somewhere. Alex came out of hiding after a while to see where he ended up. He can only see an orange sky with no bottom and hovering brownstone platforms. After a few jumps, he notices that the gravity is much lower than on Earth. The air is quite dry. When he turned away, all he saw was an abyss.

After a brief panic, he considers survival and examines his backpack; he has two bottles of water, a bag of trail mix, beef jerky, a blanket, a medical kit, a dental kit, and two too-large backup sets of clothes. He then examines the object thrown to him by the British man and discovers it to be a scabbard with a dagger. He hears the British guy's voice when I pull out the dagger.

"Okay, pay attention, you little chap; the portal you entered leads to the Netherworld, a lost realm whose inhabitants—the eight demon sorcerers and their offspring—are holding it together as it crumbles." I brought the individuals I'm working with back here after the Dark Hand released them. We've effectively sealed the realm by returning them with the Pan'ku box. So you're in the thick of it with no way out. We don't know if there is a way to rescue you, but I don't think Batman will give up, so stay hopeful and don't trust the demon; they never keep their promises and will most likely consume you. Your dagger is a demon-killing blade with a hollow hilt containing two potions. The small purple one is a poison meant to kill Shendu; use it if you have the chance, and the larger green one is a power absorption potion I planned to use on Shendu if Batman hadn't stopped me. I desired Shendu's abilities for myself; he possesses many. You can, however, utilize the green one four times. If you combine it with the poison, you will gain his abilities, and perhaps you will not go full demon. That's all I know; I hope you're okay, kid."

He sits down and cries after seeing where he was and how screwed he was, believing it's hopeless, and begins to wonder, "Should I kill myself?" Looking down at the blade in his hand, he puts it to his heart, but before he can, he hears hissing and turns to see black and purple snakes with green eyes charging at him. "Fuck dying without killing some demon bastards!" he thought, and jumped for the snakes, swinging the dagger at them, killing three of the six and being bitten by two while swiping at the last one.

He screams "Fuck you!" at the two snakes who bit his arm and leg, then stabs one in the body and pulls, splitting the snake in half, then repeats the same with the final snake. He's bleeding profusely after removing their heads and begins to feel drowsy. He hears some soft footsteps and exclaims, "Damn," as he passes out.

DC: Jackie Chan Adventure's first chapter Please let me know what you think, and if you have any recommendations.

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