
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime et bandes dessinées
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191 Chs

Chapter 92: Two-Face

H.I.V.E. is an organization that specializes in training assassins and mercenaries.

They sell their services to anyone who can pay for them to work as a greedier and more modern version of the League of Assassins.

They make trouble in many Middle Eastern countries by killing politicians, but they have also left their mark on other places. 

They haven't bothered me yet, but that's still no reason to do anything.

There are many threats beyond the planet, but it's important to deal with the problems on Earth first. 

I knew it wouldn't be easy when I found myself in the DC world. 

In fact, I could just become an ordinary businessman and try not to pay attention to "heroes" and "villains," but what chance would I have of dying in a fight with Kryptonians in Metropolis? 

Or while Darkseid was attacking? There's no promise that I could live peacefully even if I moved to a remote area. 

The only way to live carefree without fearing to die the next day of the appearance of another menace is to become strong enough to eliminate these threats. 

That also comes with responsibility. 

The more power you have, the more responsibility lies on your shoulders because you realize you're capable of much.

"Girls, I'll take him to my lab. So, relax." 

I waved to Cortana and Lena and teleported myself along with Deathstroke to the Engineering Department.

Deathstroke himself doesn't hold any real value for me except for his knowledge and connections with U. L. E. Y. 

We both want the same thing. 

The negotiations began after getting him back in shape and giving him medicine to help him wake up faster. 

At first, he still refused, but after hearing me speak about his wife and how I could help her, he suddenly became more serious and obedient.

My goal was simple, and that was to completely destroy H.I.V.E., and that fell on his shoulders. 

Cortana shared all the information about the organization with him, and there was no need to waste time searching for the organization's operatives. 

Can I do it myself? Of course, but should I? 

I decided to compromise with myself, and Deathstroke will deal with this organization, and he will diligently fulfill his part of the deal.

"Don't forget about your part." 

Deathstroke said this, putting his mask back on.

"Go ahead, and when you're done, bring your wife to me, and I'll fix her mind." 

I waved my hand and teleported Deathstroke to one of the H.I.V.E bases. 

"I did a good deed. Now it's time to deal with the Court of Owls, and it's best to do it without hiding my identity." 

I extended.

In terms of capabilities, Anthony Luthor in armor can do a lot without magic and his physical strength.

Additionally, I don't think the Court of Owls will tolerate any more failed attempts to kill me, and their control over the city is slowly slipping away from them.

I was right in my judgment about the further actions of the Court of Owls.

A loud attack happened in Gotham on Harvey Dent less than an hour after I sent Deathstroke on his task to his mission. 

It happened in court while Salvatore Maroni was being tried on charges. He was caught with new police gear and Batman's clues. 

A group of people broke into the courtroom during the hearing and started shooting at the cops who were luckily protected by LuthorCorp's equipment. 

These individuals wanted to give the mafia boss a chance to escape, but Batman showed up and fought them all... but Maroni himself managed to splash acid in Harvey's.

It was clear that the Court of Owls was involved no matter how hard someone tried to fake it... 

Those who entered the courthouse were wearing masks with owl engravings.

The situation was too messy and I decided to fly to Gotham officially as Anthony Luthor and help the city on this dark night of the owls...

Rias Gremory: My brother noticed my increased powers and had many questions for me... Luckily, I said he's my favorite brother and I love him made him completely forget about it...

Shinoa Hiragi: Heh, what else can you expect from that dork... as long as he doesn't act like Administrator-kun.

Rias Gremory: What are you talking about?

Shinoa Hiragi: Never mind... hehehe.

Hermione Granger: Well, he wouldn't be against it even if your brother learned how you became stronger. In your world, strength is everything... I find it troublesome to admit that concept.

Erina Nakiri: The most important thing for us is the talent of being a chef. If it weren't for all of you and chat, I would have never even thought about strength and Ki in general.

Winter Schnee: It's also important to be strong in Remnant. Those two gods are so powerful that they play with us as they please and do whatever they want. That might not have happened if someone else had been as strong as they were.

Shinoa Hiragi: It's better to have strength. In Hermione's world, magical power and talent also advance wizards in the hierarchy like Dumbledore.

Shinoa Hiragi: Now, Administrator-kun and I will hunt down the bad guys wearing owl masks.

Hermione Granger: Owl masks?

Shinoa Hiragi: An ancient organization in Gotham — the Court of Owls. They rule the entire city from the underground and are involved in a lot of things. I'll start the livestream when we encounter them or when we're searching for them.

Anthony (Administrator): That will be soon. Shinoa, I'll be in Gotham shortly.

I flew to the city on a plane, and it didn't even take two hours... and all this time, I was 'messing around' with Shinoa because I simply teleported to her and then back to the plane.

"Well, nothing new. Gotham, dear Gotham..." 

I stepped out of the plane into the pouring rain and immediately called our mutual acquaintance.

"Yes? Is something important or not? I'm busy right now."

A tired male voice came through.

"Commissioner Gordon, did you hear about Harvey's troubles?"

"Ah, it's you, Luthor..." 

James Gordon didn't check who was calling and just answered the call. 

We have met a lot of times in different places over the past few months and have gotten to know each other whether we liked it or not. 

He's a strong-willed guy who wants the best for the city. He has an adopted daughter whom he cares for as his own. 

"... yeah, Harvey's got problems, damn acid got on his face, and those damn clown impostors..."

"I wouldn't talk about clowns in Gotham." 

I chuckled.

"Oh, all this... it all looks too planned to be a coincidence... so why are you calling?"

"As soon as I found out about Harvey's problem, I immediately took the developments from the medical department of LuthorCorp that I made recently myself. It's a pretty strong drug that I didn't plan to release to the public, and you could say it's a secret development. I tried it and it does work."

"... I understand you. Come to the main hospital in Gotham, I'm there now."

James understood what I meant, and desire crept into his voice.

"I'll be there in about fifteen minutes."

After hanging up the phone, I went to the hospital, where Shinoa should have been waiting for me. 

Then I saw him along with a pretty redhead girl about her age who was dressed nicely. 

I might have thought she was a teacher... a hot young teacher.

"Here's Anthony!" 

Shinoa grabbed my hand. 

"I told you about him."


Barbara was embarrassed for some reason and awkwardly looked away. 

Shinoa talked to her a lot.

"I'm Barbara."

"I see you're familiar and does this freak already filled your head with nonsense?"

I understood it immediately.

After all, although I'm good-looking, I can't provoke such a reaction from ladies with my clothes alone. 

"Anthony Luthor..."

"I know, I read your doctoral thesis on the arc reactor, and it's genius! I'm more into computers, but you updated the network according to your vision and shared your ideas!"

"Oh, a young enthusiast who likes to read something more complex?"

I smiled at her. 

"Alright, ladies, excuse me, but I didn't come here just for fun... We need to help the prosecutor."

I headed towards the entrance to the hospital.

"Are you a doctor?" 

Barbara asked me while following Shinoa and me.

"I'm knowledgeable in many fields, some of them are very specific... a doctor of sciences. We develop the latest medicines, and perhaps something more interesting will soon be released."

"You... are going to help the prosecutor?"

Barbara understood immediately. 

"But I've heard from my father that things are very bad there..."

"Your father?"

 I glanced at her.

"Barbara, for god's sake, what are you doing here?"

Commissioner James Gordon came out of the corridor when he noticed his adoptive daughter.

"Ah, now it's clear."

 I nodded.


Barbara awkwardly fidgeted under the stern gaze of Jim. 

"I came with a friend..."

"A friend? Oh, Shinoa... yes, you said she's somehow connected to Luthor."

James tiredly ran his hand over his face. 

As far as I remember, Shinoa said she visited her "rival" as a guest. It's now clear who competes with her in studies despite her overall improved physique.

"Anthony, did you really bring something that could help him? Doctors have just managed to stabilize his condition."

"I'm more than confident in that. After all, we don't want to let Harvey die. We still have many changes planned for the city."

"And someone definitely doesn't like that."

"Jim" Gordon confirmed that he sees the situation from a broader perspective.

"It's the Court of Owls, right?"

Barbara interjected. 

"What? I checked your notes, and you also have suspicions, but you haven't found any solid evidence."

"Here you go again... Where can I hide my documents from you."

Jim pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Come on, I'll take you to his room. He's conscious now, but... he doesn't feel very well. You stay here. We'll talk later."

Jim said to Barbara, and then he escorted me to the room.

"Commissioner, with all due respect, Mr. Dent needs rest." 

The doctor stopped us in the room. 

"And he doesn't need any stress right now."

"Yes, there's already enough stress here. We have the opportunity... to help him."

Jim looked at me.

"It's secret development of LuthorCorp." 

I smiled innocently.

"If there are complications with the patient, I won't keep quiet." 

The doctor stepped back.

"What... a good doctor." 

Jim whispered. 

"My God..."

Jim saw Harvey conscious, or rather, the right side of his face had no injuries. But on the left... the acid melted the skin and part of the hair.

"Handsome, isn't it" 

Harvey chuckled when noticing Jim's gaze. 

Next to him lay bandages that had recently covered his wound... Apparently, he decided to check what was there and removed them.

"Calm down, I'm not here for no reason. We still need your handsome face to improve Gotham."

I walked forward and placed a small case that I had been holding on the table. 

"Take note of how all the scum of the city prefers to act. The option I suggested would be very useful."

"What are you talking about?"

Jim didn't understand.

"... the death penalty."

Harvey only managed to say it in a weak voice before coughing.

"Uh-huh, it's the best way for Gotham. But that's not what we're discussing now... Are you ready to come to your senses?"

I took out a small syringe filled with a greenish liquid from the case... and of course it's just for show.

I made it on the way here using alchemy. I carefully put the syringe into his neck without waiting for him to answer.

"Good Lord..." 

Jim's eyes widened in shock as the skin damaged by the acid began to peel off and fall to the floor before his eyes, revealing healthy skin underneath. 

After only a few minutes, the skin that had been badly burned by chemicals looked fully healthy skin without any hint of recent injuries. 

Alchemy works wonders...

"Good as new."

I commented. Then the window opened, and we were on the fourth floor, and a figure in black flew into the room.


Jim recognized him immediately.

"Oh, the Dark Knight?"

I tilted my head.

"Anthony Luthor, thank you for helping the prosecutor."

Batman said it firmly, then turned his gaze to him. 

"What is this drug you used to help him?"

Batman approached Harvey.

"It's a secret development of LuthorCorp... We have very few of those, and perhaps the medical department will announce new technologies soon."

I rolled my eyes at his audacity of him.


That was all I heard from him.

"I feel absolutely fantastic."

Harvey got off the bed and started stretching his legs.

"What about those bastards who stormed the court?"

"I stopped them and somewhat interrogated them. They're silent."

 Batman reported "subtly" picking up some remnants of Harvey's shed skin for analysis.

"Administrator... oh, what do we have here, a masquerade?"

Shinoa entered the room. 

"Some idiot with an owl-shaped mask on his head attacked us... Barbara and I took care of him."


Batman ran out abruptly, and from there came screams... I think I even heard Barbara's surprised scream.

"You know... I just realized that everyone who doesn't like Harvey and Gordon's approach, and now my help to the city, now knows that we're all in the same room..."

I said, and through the window shattered by a dagger flying towards my neck... on the hilt of which was engraved the symbol of an owl. 

"Is this some kind of Night of the Owls?"

I smirked when I realized what was happening. 

The Court of Owls had decided to eliminate all the interfering people in the city in one fell swoop.



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