
DC's Limit Breaker

After being trapped in the awakening area for 3000 years Kim Kibong was finally able to exit. After exiting he comes to the revelation that he's not in his universe anymore. Desperate to see his mother again what will he do? ---------------------------------- I do not own DC or Limit breaker or any of the characters. I do not have much knowledge of DC so I will take inspiration from many different sources such as movies, series and games.

NOT_EVEN_MAD · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Rough day huh?

After talking to Diana she hooked me with a small device that lets me get into the police radios and the codes that they use for specific crimes which I simply let Cynthia handle for me. This will let me detect crimes out of my 3 km range and work more efficiently.

Other facets of my life have been doing well enough too, university was still easy enough, I was getting closer to my friends and this superhero stuff has been getting easier too. Unfortunately, I haven't been making much progress on how to get back home, hell I didn't even know where to start. This lack of progress has been quite frustrating but there's not much I can do about it.


Currently, I'm sitting on a building overlooking the city. Crime has been on a steady rise lately so I've found myself a bit busier lately.

[Kim, I think I've just found something important]

"If you're leading me to another cat in a tree we can just let the cops handle it" I replied with a hint of frustration in my voice, after all the last she said this I had to go save a cat which was supposedly 'stuck' in a tree just for it to jump down on it's own as soon as I got there.

[No, this time it's really serious and it might relate to how you can get home]

"Home, huh. Come on, lead me to it quickly" I replied with a tinge of excitement.

[Just head 3 kilometres west from here and you'll find it.]

Jumping off the building I go Stage 1 and make my way there, I could've made it there instantly but I can't fly too fast in the city as flying too fast would damage the city.

The location Thea sent me to was an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The warehouse was surrounded by a fence with a 'DO NOT TRESPASS' sign which I simply flew over. Nature had taken over the building as vines went through cracks in the walls and floor and moss grew on the walls. Some parts of the building were collapsing with the machines being covered in rust.

[Head 10 more metres to your right and you'll find it there]

Making my way through the rusted equipment if follow Thea's directions and finally found it. It was a large black ball giving off an ominous shine.

"What is this?"I asked her.

[It's a Day Stone. They are used to progress the Earth's dungerization]

"Are you trying to tell me this place is gonna become like my Earth too?"

[No, the Day Stone uses the energy the system provides to the planet to progress dungerization, but as this Earth does not have that energy so you do not have to worry about it]

"Phew, that's good. But how will this help with getting me back home."

[Since the League have the technology to detect our appearance perhaps this may help them pinpoint the location of our universe]

"Makes sense, we'll tell them about this as soon as we get back"

[There are what I presume are hostiles around us and they have surrounded the premises, they also seem to be carrying weapons with weird readings coming off them]

"And you couldn't have told me this earlier"

[Well I was preoccupied in our conversation and I had to scan the Day Stone]

"Fair enough," I said as I let out a breath. At this point, I was used to it. There were times where she was useful like when she found the Day Stone and times where she was completely useless like now. As I didn't really have anywhere to store the Day Stone I held it in my hand and made my way out to greet the supposed hostiles. Stepping out the building I saw the guys she was talking about, they each wore suits with a skull emblem on their foreheads.

"Hand over that stone chump," said one of them.

They're here for the stone? Going from the fact that they surrounded the premises I thought they were here for me.

"I'm sorry but I can't exactly just give this to you, how about you leave and we all go on with our nights." I suggested.

"Can't do that one, Intergang's gonna let us keep these weapons if we get that stone you're holding. BOYS," at his call all the men reached into their pants and pulled out guns.

No wait, those aren't necessarily guns. They look more like those sci-fi guns, they were sleek in design, with no rough edges, white in colour with blue accents.

"FIRE", he shouted.

As soon as he shouted blue lasers surrounded me, most of them were aimed at my head so I prioritized those and moved my head to the left. The ones that hit me pierced my suit but couldn't do significant damage to me other than leaving slight burns. The shots that didn't hit went through the walls and left marks that made it look like they simply melted the walls.

Before they could react I moved to the one standing at the forefront and punched him in the gut leaving him on the floor. Weaving through the men I easily took them out before they could fire any shot, leaving only the ones on the outer edges of the premises.

"How many on the outer premises, Thea" I asked

[There are 5 of them left, these ones weapons have much larger readings, I advise you remain cautious]

As I ran towards them I noticed a large flash big enough to engulf my entire body and immediately jump out of the way.


A large explosion completely blew the building away alongside all the bodies there. The ground under the flash's path was completely decimated.

"If they shot anymore shots towards the ground it would be dangerous", I thought to myself. I started flying and made my way to the source of the flash. It was a large cannon of the same design of the guns mounted onto a pick up truck. The gunner saw me and his eyes blew open. Before he could fire again I flew to the truck and rip the gun in half.

"YOU KILLED YOUR OWN PARTNERS", I shout as I held the man by the neck.

"Heh-he he, they knew what they were risking when they signed up", he managed to get out.

Knocking him out I dropped him on the floor and headed to the next truck. I'd need to keep one of them to interogate and I'd also need to keep one of the weapons to send to the League. These Intergang guys seem like big trouble if they can casually hand out building destroying weapons like candy.

I need to kick it up a gear before these guys can do any serious damage. Usually when in Stage 1 I hold back most of my strength and speed so I don't destroy my surroundings, but since I don't need to worry about buildings or innocent bystanders I can afford to use slightly more power.

I immediately flew to the next car and took the gunner out before he could react and did this to all the cars before breaking all the cannons except for the last one. I then round up all the criminals and got them in one spot before breaking their legs so they can't run. I usually hold back against criminals but these guys are willing to kill some of their own.

I sat next to the criminals and fell deep in thought. Whoever these Intergang guys are their some serious trouble, and not only that they also knew about the Day Stone. Considering they knew about it could it be possible they know it's from another universe?

"Uggh" one of the men groaned

Looking over at the man I made my way there and grab him by the neck.

"What do you know about Intergang.", I asked him

Instead of answering the man spat in my face and started laughing.

"Strike one. I'll ask you two more times before I stop being so considerate. What do you know about Intergang."

"I ain't no snitch bud, you ain't getting nothing from me," he confidently said.

"Strike two. One last chance.", I told him

"Eat shit"

"So be it, you made your choice,"

As I held him I started flying up and made my way to the sky until we broke through the clouds.

"Lovely view isn't it," I said to him

"What're you playing at fool," he asked nervously

"I thought I'd give you one last view of the moon"

"Y-y-you wouldn't dare drop me, y-y-you're a hero after all,"

"A hero huh, not like I'd tell anyone of this, plus, dead men tell no tales after all do they?", I remarked as I dropped him.

His eyes widened in surprise as his body fell through the sky.


Lets play with him a bit more. I coldly looked at him as I ignored his cries for help. He was about 50 metres from the ground when I went to help him and stopped him from hitting the ground.

"Ready to talk now?" I asked him as he weakly nodded.


From what he told me these guys didn't actually know much about Intergang. They only got approached by a women wearing a mask with red hair and got proposed a deal, in turn for retrieving a mysterious stone at an abandoned warehouse they'd get these weapons.

A pretty fair trade in their eyes, after all I rarely hang around the outskirts of the city so they thought they'd be able to get away with this fairly easy.

So I pretty much still have no leads except for looking for a red haired woman about average in height.

I called the cops over to come retrieve these guys and hid away the remaining cannon nearby. The cops came and apprehended them and asked about the crime site which I simply told them that I arrived when it was like that.

I carried the cannon on my back and made my way home where I managed to simply fly in through a window as no one was awake cause it was around 4 am. I dematerialised my suit, hid away the cannon in a closet, and made my way downstairs where I slumped on my sofa and prepared to call Diana.

"Rough day huh" someone asked

"Tell me about it" I replied

Wait... who said that. Turning my head to the voice I noticed an old black man who wore some ancient looking robes, long curly hair reaching his shoulder and a full beard. How the hell did he get in.

"I understand if you need somewhere to sleep but you could at least ask, I'll call the cops of you don't leave", I told the old man.

"Calm down, I'm just here to talk Mr.Kibong or should I call you Sentinel?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

NOT_EVEN_MADcreators' thoughts