

In the Canteen

"Please!" I handed my letter to him "I promise, I will look at you, only you, This might sound really desperate but please do look at the future for once, I could make you successful."

His straight face looks as I am a worthless being, not worthy of attention, he just passed by me and heard him uttered, "Pathetic."

My guts started to rise up, I need to plead I dont want to be in this position. REJECTION ISNT THE OPTION.

"Please!" I said my voice nearly breaking.

I heard his foot steps halt, he must've realise it then? Please just say you will try.

"I don't know what you meant by that, but Im clearly sure that Im looking at the outcomes of my future and you are not a part of it."

I... I dont know what to do. Im caught up in the moment and stopped that maybe he will like me just like those stories I have read. Where the heroine only need courage to confess.

I walk out of the canteen, didnt made it to class as I hold myself in a nook of the school. Is this because I said the wrong things? Or I'm just too ugly and fat for him that I could reach his standard of an ideal partner.

Yet I couldnt even think why, why would he help me out when the bullies tried to hide my stuff and make fun of my appearance. I dont get it. Guess I was wrong of thinking that he wouldnt humiliate me by rejecting me. He might have just acted like that because he likes this good guy facade or most likely I am the one stuck in this linear reality.

I cried my eyes out but later went to my next class which will start in the next 10 mninutes, I dash through the corridors and made it in time. My classmates followed me with their gaze as I take my seat, I turned red I knew it because I could stop blushing like a tomato when adrenaline kicks in. I just lay my head against my table and my thoughts ventured to the space of possibilities for Yoda knows how long, till my chair finally racked by the student behind me. I instantly went up stunned in the moment.

"Miss Xiaoru, i dont presume you are sleeping in my class?"

"Absolutely not Ma'am." I said tersely .

"Now answer dear."

I know I couldnt ask her, whats the question again, "Ma'am there must have had a barriers with communication I could decipher what were you asking earlier. I-"

"Mr. Wang?" She uttered loudly.

The student behind me stands, "Sorry Ma'am I couldnt hear your voice earlier it's too low."

Miss Liu turned, and repeated the question. Gosh that's a life saver. Ive gone to a massive bomb earlier this could have had further my agony.

She called Yuna and answered diligently.

Before dismissal Miss Liu told me to meet her at the office, since she was out last class for today.

I went to her office, she gestured me to take seat and asked me, "How are you?"

"I'm in good health Ma'am. Thank you."

"Could I advise you for a bit?"

I just nod.

"You are still young and love will come your way, many rejections would occur. You could try it but be sure it wouldnt interfere with your studies."

I started to tear up, but regained my slight composure I wouldn't break because what happened earlier is beyond my control.

I went to classroom again, and saw that Mr. Wang so-called the troubled guy, sleeping. I didnt purposely go near him, he is just a classmate sitting behind me. As I took my bag. I couldnt help but be mesmerised by his features: beautiful thick lashes, proportionate face that fits the golden mean, with an alluring appeal obviously. Which made me jealous. How could someone be bad and still look pleasing. I assessed him closely and he suddenly woke up and grabbed me in an instant. I jolted and fell on my butt.

"What are you doing?" Looks at me with scrutiny then yawns.

Great now I'm an absolute creep. "You were sleeping, I just want to wake you up."

He just stared at me, I could help but be conscious of myself, I diverted my thoughts and said, "Don't you have a home where you could sleep there? School's closing in... more or less 30 minutes."

He didn't look at me, "Right."

He stand up and went for the door.

"Hey, I just want to say thanks for saving me from another humiliation." I said politely.

He left.

I went home.

Gah this took me an hour to re-write I hope you like this new change :)

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