
The Situation in Isstvan

'Heh, that's why I look like some nobleman from the 15th or 16th century.' John thought to himself.

I, John Akton am now Richard Cromwell from the Cromwell family; got himself transmigrated into a world of unknown, as it all seems alien to me. How or why Estir sent me into a placed me on a world he knows little of origin.

'Haaa~ So thats how its gonna be then?' He reflected about it for a long time. It took me a more than thirty minutes to recollect everything that just happened in the nick of time. I hope Melissa is alright, but right now I need to figure out the situation I am in.

Reports say that the city is under attack by the vicious green-skinned like orks and have been besieging the city of Isstvan for a while, current estimates that the total number of orks are 5,000-6,000. Enough to raze the city to the ground if handled properly and these orks are notorious in situations like these but a scale like this is nothing compared to other records of orks assaulting a city this size.

It would take the orks to a month or two, more than enough time for reinforcements from neighboring allies such as Naseth and Astrap to help in this assault, only time will tell.

Now that I am living in someone else's body, I think I should accept my new identity. I am no longer that jobless John Akton but now, I am the Archduke of Isstvan, Richard Cromwell.


Several weeks have passed since Johns arrival, but he never had the best starting points.

"Bloody hell, I'm in a pickle. This isn't very good." said John whose pretty stress by the work he has been doing, he wrote piles upon piles of paperwork.

Maintaining the economic struggles by spending in relief aid to the soldiers in the walls and infrastructure repairs so it won't crumble, but it won't last long. Whats worst is the civil unrest that is happening in the city, many foreign merchants complained about how we are handling the situation; I simply told them.

"We are taking it under control, but for now its best to stay calm" - but it won't be any calmer if the relief force won't arrive. The money accumulated by the Cromwell family have now been straining due to government expenditure. Since our food supply will sustain the city only for 2 months, we will be rationing our grains. So for now I should figure out how to divide the food accordingly if we were to survive this fall.


While Richard was contemplating his next moves. The garrison in the walls was started to having their first raids. The orks have siege weapons that no one would expect from mere savages that would attack a well defended city with thousands of them flocking over to pillage what loot to take. What's more harrowing though; is the fact they have been attacking both day and night, leaving no room for rest to the soldiers in the wall.

This changes everything, who knew the orks would be this decisive in siege warfare; they had trebuchet by shooting boulders on fire. This was effective in destroying other sections of the wall but will be futile due the defenders quick reaction time.

One of them is the garrison commander who is currently taking control of the situation in the walls while keeping morale and discipline within the city defenders. It was none other than the ever stoic and brilliant strategist and also tactician, Gregor Dorn.

Under him were a total troop power of 1,200 men at arms ready for combat. Though still not as much as the mere 5,000-6,000 orks besieging the city. To Gregor it was merely an even fight.

Time and again he has been repelling the orks attempts to either climb the walls to out maneuver them by concentrating their forces on one side while another band of orks went to the other less defended wall. But not to Dorn; This would only prove Dorns cleverness. He simply followed what they were thinking. by moving the cavalry into town and intercepting them before they could climb the walls while he distract the larger groups.

Thanks to the well paved roads Isstvanians are familiar with; the knight mounting horses can traverse through easily, allowing them to out run the orks before they can reach the walls. They did this for a couple more times - gallivanting the city walls in repetition.

But the orks were still tenacious at capturing the city and looting it for themselves. Gregor wasn't keen on permitting any ork fiend to enter his city and its people.

However if this would not go on, he needed more man-power to replenish the loses the orks made. He would use conscripting the local populace - turning it into a temporary militia - he was able roundabout 1,300 men who were able to thrust a spear or wield a light weight sword and shield (the standard being a one-handed sword and either the kite shield or just a round shield used by the vikingrs).

This was enough to man one section of the 16 mile long wall (26 km) or 26 cester in this worlds measurements. The shape surrounding the city's wall was more like a oval shape. If he can send the proper men to maintain the militiamen then the defense would last around another 3 months if help didn't arrive and we run out rations.

He issued his next orders "You there, officer. What is your rank?" Gregor said.

"Um... a banner knight sir" the man replied.

"Send word to head knight Charles Holland, that his presence is required; there will be another skirmish to counter the orks" Gregor said to the knight.

"Right away sir!" said the banner knight who will rely the message to Charles Holland, who is defending in the other side of wall. As the knight left; Gregor went to his temporary office in a nearby watchtower.

"hrmmm.... it has been five weeks from now? where are our reinforcements?" Gregor said in a dreaded voice. "How long must we wait for the orks to storm the city walls" he added.

"We've sent many of our messengers to update them on our situation at hand" said the scribe.

"Then did they replied?" Gregor said raising an eyebrow.

"O-only 1 reply, the rest we presume were dead. We've noticed almost all of the messengers we sent were either killed on the spot or seized by the orks. One poor soul who was running to deliver the letter to us was shortly apprehended, these brutes are nothing but savages" the scribe replied.

"Then what about the letter? was it retrieved in time?" Gregor questioned. As the scribes around him made slight nods "Then hand it to me, surely it wasn't in vain" He said without emotion.

"Yes sir." The Scribe said; Gregor was hoping that this letter would be the relieve force he was awaiting, but was soon disappointed by its content. Written in the letter, the two cities that were supposed to reinforce Isstvan, Astrap and Naseth delayed their voyage to send the necessary troops given.

They won't be coming in the next two weeks due to heavy winds and an unpredictable storm was stalling their arrival. He'll only wait another two or three more weeks if the preparations were in the right conditions. Gregor will have to wait again; if they are delay any further than he had anticipated; he will be forced to hold of the attacking orks by fall.

"Oh Dragon Lords Ommuson and Sirenon, when will this siege end!" said some scribe in the back whimpering.

"*Distressed groans* Inform the Duke that reinforcements won't be arriving anytime soon and tell him to send me more weapons and arms." Gregor said to another Armored officer next to him.

"As you wish commander." he replied then briefly left the room.

"As for the rest, we'll figure an alternative to repel the orks onslaught, you may all return to your post. Dismissed." Gregor told his subordinates to scurry after reassuring the military affairs. He will be doing the paperwork for now to make sure that provisions are steadily flowing within his ranks; otherwise his men would starve while fighting and he doesn't want weak feeble men defending.


Back at the duke's mansion he has received the news that Naseth and Astrap who were supposed to reinforce Isstvan have been delayed to two more weeks at best if the winds were in suitable condition but of it pass the deadline and the relief force were to delay any further. The stocks will empty the granaries inside the city's food reserves for the coming winter [Winter is coming motherf***er! - Author].

If any of this keeps up, the city's residents will resort to eating rats, dogs or anything that can be roasted for the lack of grains. He will have to find other means necessary to ensure the city's survival. So he'll just have to utilize what other fantasy/isekai douchebags wouldn't do. Seems like Jake's demolition lessons were worth it after all!

Explosive Gunpowder.

Don't be confused about the measurements, I'll establish that in later chapters and also there will be other longer chapters that will bring the plot forward.

Trajann_Augustuscreators' thoughts
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