
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · Fantaisie
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77 Chs

15: The Sacrifice

Ved asked another question that bugged him since Larry said he was not a Sage, "How is your body so strong even though you have not started sage cultivation? Your body is already way past a normal human's physical limit, it's almost as strong as three people combined."

"When my father helped me enter the tournament, he knew that I would die with my strength so he made a deal with some people and came up with a cultivation technique which would not only help me build up my body but also my mind, in the world of mystic this technique can be considered trash as what they cultivate has direct benefits without any problems but I need a medium for cultivating it, which is a living person.

I have to sacrifice them in the ceremony to gain this power but I don't recommend you to do so as it has major side effects" Larry suggested.

"What kind of side effects?" Ved was quite interested in this technique.

"I would be cursed by the people who die because of the ceremony and my soul would be affected because of it causing me to go insane, if I could have walked the path of the sages this could be easily solved but now because of you I will die in 2 months!" even though Larry said this there was no more remorse towards Ved in his eyes, it was like he had accepted his reality.

"I can understand you answering my questions but why all the consideration for me? you don't know me and I am also your enemy, so why such care towards your enemy?" Ved inquired.

"To be honest with you I don't really care what you do with the token and I don't care who you are or if you work for somebody.

The reason for this assault maybe is for you to use the token for yourself or you have an employer who is behind you but I don't care anymore.

I'm just too exhausted from all this. When I was young all I had heard about from my father was about our family's vengeance, about becoming a Sage and whatnot.

At the age of two, my father had me checked for the talent of sages, even though my talent was off the poorest level according to the tester but he still insisted on me becoming a sage. I have been going through rigorous training every day from when I was 4 till now." Larry started confessing his life story.

"So you are just fed up of this life of yours and want to have some peace?" Ved thought out loud.

"Peace there is no peace for a person like me. Do you know the first person who I had sacrificed for this strength?

It was none other than my lover. I didn't know what my father's plan was and I didn't know anything about the requirements of the ceremony.

When I turned 16 years old, as it was my birthday, I had brought my girlfriend home at the account of my father calling to meet her.

When I went home, I was drugged by my father. Later, I found myself in a ceremony circle and my girlfriend standing right in front of me chained there was panic in her eyes seeing my father standing in front of her with a sword, later my father without any hesitation cut off her head and with the blood flowing from her head he made some symbols on the ground to offer the sacrifice.

After the ceremony was over, I had been bestowed immeasurable strength in me. I felt like I could break a boulder with my fist, but do you know what I truly felt in my heart at that moment, emptiness just emptiness.

After that, I had done the ceremony two times to get all the strength, which I have right now and both of the times the person that I have to kill would have to be someone close to me and the last person to be sacrificed was my father because that's this main sacrifice that the ceremony needs to increase your strength, your loved one's emotions at their time of death. It was because of this reason that I had started keeping my distance from people"

"So why we're you still competing in the tournament?" Ved inquired.

"The reason I have been going to the tournament to win the token was just so that I could fulfil my father's last wish, now that the token is in your hands it would do.

Even though I have not fully fulfilled my father's wishes completely at least I have completed what I wanted, now I just want some rest."

After hearing the story Ves didn't feel too bad for Larry because a man has to do many things to survive in this world and he was not in a position to judge him but what truly caused him to feel bad, was that he couldn't perform the ceremony for himself.

There were two reasons for this first, it was unnecessary since in one week he would be in the Black Academy so doing such a ceremony which may cause him harm was unnecessary

And second was that as he had just been reborn in this world he didn't have anybody close enough to sacrifice in the ceremony.

"Okay, no problem! I will give you the rest that you desire so much but before that tell me the procedures of initiating the ceremony to bond with the token And the various steps required in them." Ved ordered.

"Okay, listen, very carefully." later what came out Larry's mouth Ved couldn't understand even a syllable of it.

It's sounded like some kind of song but he couldn't make out the words in it, after the whole process was over Ved was confused so he asked, "Was that the language that the Sage use?"

"Yes, you don't even know that?" even though he knew that he was going to die, Larry really wanted to know why he was ambushed by such an oblivious person.