
Chapter 1

Huh? Why is it so dark? I blink again trying to think I am still adjusting but there is no light.

I got up and searched around. Ow. There is so much darkness. I wonder where I am.

I looked back when I notice a super tiny light coming from there. I took the risk and starts to walk into it. As the light grows brighter, the whole scene is slowly shrouded in mystery. "You are awake."

"Who is it?"

I asked and queried why I went there, to begin with. However, I became distracted when I heard a creaking sound. There it is. The light is in front of me. Even when I tried to touch it, my hand slid right through.

"I am the Goddess of Souls," What? I tried to understand the silence but curiosity increased more.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Hm. When you walk around in my dimension, there appears to be a problem." A problem?

"Huh?" Still, I'm uncertain. It means I'm dead, right?

The light seems to not answer my question so I will take this opportunity to remember what happened.


I remember that I was out of the office at that time. It's already midnight. I've worked this long because I needed money and have nothing to look forward to at the end of the day. Well, I am used to working overtime.

There's no guard in the Parking Lot because they are all assigned in the Building Entrances. However, looks like someone is waiting for me in the parking lot in an unexpected manner.

He attacked from behind while I am preparing to open my car. How lowkey that is. Tsk.

Woah. Was he responsible for my death?

"Pfft. I'm dead?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Umay."

[Umay is greatly used as an expression for Filipinos. It simply can be used for being sarcastic, happy, irritated, and much more]

"Do you understand, human? If you want, you will be reincarnated."

"Why is that?"

"Your soul is special, this may not be the first time it happens. But it's rare for a soul to be this lost."

"Is there a consequence, perhaps?" Of course, being reincarnated is rare he said. Something like that must have a vast price, is it?

"Hm. I still don't know. However, don't pressure yourself and stay within your limits."

"Where will I be going? I've had enough of living as a poor kid, you know."

"Yes, of course."

A mirror appeared in front of me suddenly. It is as though a film was playing in the mirror.

The area appears to be at war; a lot of people are fighting. A large amount of fire and smoke surround the area. A man appeared, sitting above the dozens of corpses piled up. His posture is great, you may know at first glance that he is indeed a powerful man.

"Emperor Yusuke, a man who always fought in countless battlefields. Currently in the war between two countries. Hence, he did not know that his beloved will give birth on this day." That's sad, then.

"He will be your dad."

"What?!" Am I being OA? No, of course!

"You'll be the daughter of the tyrant."