
1. 70th Reaping

I turned twelve this year which meant I was eligable to be in the hunger games. I had been training in the acadamy in district 4 since I could walk.

Quickly I grabbed my dress and put it on before walking down the stairs. Pulling on my boots I put my hair up all pretty and walked through my front door. When I looked around I saw Mothers helping their children from the house and Fathers telling them what to do.

I silently wished I still had parents and walked down the path. Reaching the justice hall I looked around for Finnick and smiled when I saw him in the 24 section.

A trooper pinches my finger and drawls blood before pushing me past him. I walked over to the twelve section where a whole lot of nervous children wait.

Why would they be nervous? Our bames were only in there once, we couldn't be called...right?

The lady who called our names walked up front, her name was Lilac. She explained to us what to do and walked over to the ladies bowl. "Ladies first" she picked a small scroll of paper as butterflies began to grow in my belly.

"Aqua Deltoro" she calls looking around the stadium. My heart drops, Aqua was my best friend, she was my only family left.

I jumped into the middle of the path stopping them from touching her and yelled "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute" Lilac smiled, "Come along dear"

I turn quickly and hug Aqua before being pushed away by guards. They lead me to the stage where I regain my footing and step up the stairs on my wobbly legs.

Lilac holds an arm out as I walk into her embrace, she squeezes my shoulder before making me stand next to her.

"What is your name dear lady?" She sweetly asks "Darya Quarith" I answr and she turns back to the mic "Round of aplauds for Darya Qaurith"

No one claps and she moves on to the boys bowl sourly. She once again picks up a scroll and carefully unfolds it.

"Cooper Matthew"

A boy that looks about 24 steps out and makes his way up to the stage, I smile smally at him and he smiles back.

Lilac takes a step back "Go on shake hands" I lift my small hand up to his and give it a firm shake.

"Great!" Lilac walks into the Justice building with us being pushed behind her. Slowly I am lead to a room that looks nicer then anything combined.

I look around in awe as the door is swung open and two very different figures walk in. The smaller one jumps on me while the bigger one just stares sadly.

"Darya" he starts but I look down "Listen, I am going to train my hardest and win the hunger games. I will be back but you guys need to take CARE OF YOURSELVES!" during my sentence the troopers had come in and pulled Finnick and Aqua away.

I was just about to take a seat when rhe door flung open again and Lilac stood in the doorway.

"Come on sweetheart! We have a train to catch!"

Darya dosn't feel much, she dosnt scare easily or get nervous. Darya is stupidly brave and is great with weapons. I wanted readers to get a little bit of her background and her feelings in this short chapter.

AntiSocialMessTWDcreators' thoughts