
Dark Sea Rebirth

Thirty years ago, An Xiaohai was framed by people, accidentally killed someone, and was imprisoned. In the blink of an eye, I fell from the peak of life to the bottom! Twenty years of dark prison life tortured him into a human form! After being released from prison, he struggled for ten years and then died in depression. An Xiaohai traveled back to himself thirty years ago. God gave him a chance to be reborn, and An Xiaohai didn't want to miss it again! Why would a college student be targeted in this way? Why was he treated so cruelly? Why is the black hand behind it unwilling to let him go? An Xiaohai tried his best to uncover the shady secrets! In order to survive, and to one day be redressed, An Xiaohai dealt with all kinds of dangers. As he peeled off the cocoon, a huge shadow gradually emerged! This time, An Xiaohai is no longer the weak lamb he once was. Let's see how he behaves. Counterattack in desperate situation, turning clouds and rain.

aotianwuheng · Urbain
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42 Chs

Chapter 015 The unreliable captain

Entering the interrogation room, An Xiaohai couldn't help but be startled. The person waiting for him inside was not Wang Tiejun, but a young policewoman he had never seen before.

The young policewoman is very beautiful, with short ear-length hair, an oval face, big eyes, flat and straight eyebrows, and a strong and cool air in her heroic appearance.

Her figure is very well-proportioned, with both the delicate curves of a woman and the fitness and ability of a soldier. All of these blend together to form her unique and charming temperament.

An Xiaohai frowned, could I have made a mistake?

The prison guard fixed An Xiaohai on the interrogation chair and left, closing the door. An Xiaohai glanced at the camera behind the young policewoman. The camera's light was not on, indicating that it was not working.

The young policewoman was also observing An Xiaohai, but she couldn't tell much from An Xiaohai's expression.

"I am a police officer from the Municipal Anti-Narcotics Brigade. My name is Xia Jing. I will be your liaison from now on. If you have heard any news recently, you can tell me directly."

After a while, Xia Jing spoke. Xia Jing's voice perfectly matched her image, with a hint of delicacy in her coldness.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about." An Xiaohai started to pretend to be stupid.


There are many crises in this prison, and there is an invisible black hand controlling everything behind the scenes. Just based on Xia Jing's words, how is it possible for An Xiaohai to believe her? !

"You don't have to be so cautious. Team Wang sent me here. He also came with me and is now interrogating Hu Jianming. The reason why I was asked to confront you is because I'm afraid of arousing others' suspicion. Isn't this what you requested? "

"Did I ask for it? Why didn't I know? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about."


Xia Jing was obviously confused by An Xiaohai and didn't know what to do for a while.

An Xiaohai's heart sank.

The young policewoman in front of me is pretty enough, but her abilities are really poor! If Wang Tiejun really asked her to be his liaison, An Xiaohai would never agree!

The two of them were in a stalemate. No matter what questions Xia Jing asked, An Xiaohai said he didn't know anything. Anyway, he just didn't want to communicate with her.

After a while, Xia Jing had no choice but to get up and open the door to leave.

An Xiaohai also let out a long breath. Xia Jing's beauty was a bit too shocking. To be honest, it's hard to feel calm when she is watching you so much!

However, An Xiaohai didn't have any other thoughts about Xia Jing. An Xiaohai only had Lin Xuan'er in his heart. There was no doubt about this.

It had been more than half an hour since Xia Jing left. An Xiaohai was not impatient at all. There were too many things in his mind. Even if he was allowed to sit here all day, he would not be bored at all.

Finally, the door to the interrogation room was opened again, and this time it was Wang Tiejun who came in.

"Why, you are not satisfied with Xia Jing?" Wang Tiejun closed the door, took off his hat and threw it on the table, and asked.

"There is nothing to be satisfied with or dissatisfied with. She is too young and I can't trust her."

"It's true that he is a bit green, he just graduated.

Do you know that a large part of the reason why I asked her to come to the Anti-Narcotics Brigade was because of you. I wanted her to be your contact person. "

"She's not suitable," An Xiaohai answered simply.


"She is so beautiful and eye-catching that she is easily remembered."

"What you said makes sense, but I have my own reasons for looking for her."

"Please say."

"It's like this, Xia Jing is your senior sister. She just graduated from the National University of Defense Technology. She has excellent academic performance and outstanding abilities. Her ideal is to be a police officer, so she took the police recruitment exam.

Precisely because Xia Jing is your senior sister, she is very suitable to be your contact person.

The cover identity is your girlfriend.

You met during school activities, and you both liked each other, so after she graduated, she came to Shenhai City to find you. It was natural for you to contact and contact her, and it would not easily arouse suspicion from outsiders. "

"She's older than me."

"Is this important? Xia Jing is a great beauty. A beautiful woman, people often ignore her age. Moreover, she is not much older than you, only two years old. You look older than her. Too calm.

I think it looks quite appropriate for you two to stand together. "

"I said, it's inappropriate!

Xia Jing is not only too eye-catching, but also too young. I am afraid that I will be killed by her if I cooperate with her!

Also, have you ever thought about Team Wang? What would be the consequences if Xuan'er found out about this? "

"What will be the consequences?"

"Xuan'er will tear her alive. Don't cause trouble for me, and it's such a big trouble."


Wang Tiejun was silent for a long time, and finally spoke again after a long while:

"An Xiaohai, I know why you came to me. On the one hand, you want me to protect you in secret so that you can successfully spend the past few years in prison. On the other hand, you want me to protect you after you are released from prison. Make plans, right?

You want to use me, through meritorious service, to erase your criminal history, at least so that it will no longer be an obstacle in your life, am I right?

An Xiaohai, you are really smart, this is indeed a very good choice.

However, I want to remind you that our work is dangerous!

If you really want to be my informant, I advise you to end things with Lin Xuan'er first, otherwise you will be harming her. We have learned many bloody lessons in this regard! "

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. I have to be with Lin Xuan'er. Xuan'er is one of the biggest sources of strength for me to survive and fight.

I can't give up Xuan'er unless she gives up on me. "

"But this will give you a huge weakness!"

"Everyone has weaknesses. Of course I have weaknesses, and there are more than one. Captain Wang, don't you have any weaknesses?"

Wang Tiejun was silent again.

Yes, he also has weaknesses. His wife, children, and parents are all his weaknesses. But, for the sake of work, do we have to give up all of them?

"Forget it, let's put this issue aside for now. If you don't accept my plan, what is your plan?"

"Pan Zhuangzhuang."

"That's the guy who threw the note to me that night."

"Yes, that's him."

"But I think he seems a little not very smart."

"You don't need to be too smart, just reliable."

"Are you sure you want to drag him into the water?"

"There is no way, he is my best friend, he has been in the water from the beginning, there is no way to escape."

"Then...well, what are you going to do?"

"Pan Zhuangzhuang now works in an electronics company in Guoqiangnan, where there is a telephone at the front desk.

I have the opportunity to call my family and friends once a week, and I will pass the news to him on the phone, and you can just pick it up from him regularly.

If there is something particularly urgent, I will ask him to deliver it to you. "

"Okay..." Wang Tiejun tapped the table with his fingertips: "Can I go to Pan Zhuangzhuang to discuss with him how to deliver the news?"

"No need to bother, just give him your pager number, and he will send the password to your pager."


"Yes, password, use a codebook, page number, line number, word number, a set of three numbers."

"Do you still understand this?"

"Team Wang forgot that I was once a student at the National University of Defense Technology."

"Yes, you were once a student at the National University of Defense Technology, and you were among the top 10 in the college entrance examination in Haidong Province! I admit, I underestimated you. What book do you use for the code book?"

"Let's use the 1987 edition of The Count of Monte Cristo, published by Deep Sea City Press."

"Is this book in the reading room?"


"Okay, but there is still a problem. What if there is an emergency and you don't have the chance to check the book in the reading room?"

"I will find a way, this King team doesn't need to worry."

"Okay, let's leave it like this for now. If I need to find you in any emergency, I will still send Xia Jing over. It's a bit too ostentatious for me to always come over by myself."

"What identity did she come here with?" An Xiaohai frowned. It seemed that Wang Tiejun was still unwilling to give up on Xia Jing.

"Your senior sister, your secret admirer, that's okay, right?"

"But she has already shown her face here in police uniform."

"Don't worry, she was wearing a mask when she came here and no one has seen her face. As long as she puts on casual clothes and makeup, no one will recognize her.

Don't worry, this is just a backup to prevent accidents, and may not be used.

Okay, it's almost time. Is there any news you want to tell me? "


"Oh? What news?"

"This is news that has nothing to do with drug dealers. Do you want Captain Wang to hear it?"

"Of course!" Wang Tiejun looked serious: "I am a policeman. Any criminal is the target of my attack. Anti-narcotics is only my main job. If you have any news, you can tell me."

"Okay, I accidentally heard the news that someone bought weapons and planned to rob the Shenhai City Precision Instrument Factory."

"Do you know who he is? Do you know the time?" Wang Tiejun immediately paid attention to it and even took out a notebook and pen to record it.

Shenhai City Precision Instrument Factory is not a small factory. Wang Tiejun knows that they usually store a large amount of cash in the financial room. If it is successfully robbed by criminals, it will be a major case that can shock the entire Shenhai City!

"I don't know who it is, but the time can be roughly determined. It should be this month. They plan to take action before the precision instrument factory pays wages."

"Got it!" Wang Tiejun immediately recorded the information.

"Any more news?"

"there is none left."

"Okay, I have to leave first. As far as I know, the precision instrument factory's salary payment date is the day after tomorrow. I have to go back and find the relevant departments to make arrangements.

You'd better remember this. "

Wang Tiejun wrote his pager number in a small book, tore off the paper and handed it to An Xiaohai.

An Xiaohai took the note, tried his best to memorize it carefully, and then returned the note to Wang Tiejun. This thing would do no harm to him but would do no good.

"You remember it now?" Wang Tiejun frowned, An Xiaohai seemed a little too casual.

"Remember, don't worry..." An Xiaohai repeated Wang Tiejun's pager number: "As I said before, it's best not to make a big deal about your actions. The fewer people who know about it, the better."

"I understand." Wang Tiejun nodded, his expression a little heavy: "Is there anything you need me to do for you?"

"Yes!" An Xiaohai also nodded: "I'm short of money.

Captain Wang, you know, my family lost a lot of money because of me. The food in prison is not very good. I am still growing and need to supplement my protein.

Besides, making phone calls also costs money. "

An Xiaohai has already deeply understood the importance of the body, and plans to use his spare time to exercise. It is difficult to maintain comprehensive nutrition just by relying on prison food, so he can only find other ways to supplement it.

There is a canteen in the prison, but the prices are much more expensive than outside. An Xiaohai must be reluctant to let his mother bear these costs, so it is just a bargain for Wang Tiejun.

Wang Tiejun was stunned for a moment, but immediately nodded in agreement: "Okay, I will give the money to Pan Zhuangzhuang and ask him to bring it to you."

"Thank you, Team King."

"It's nothing." Wang Tiejun waved his hand: "Let's go, you have to be careful."

Watching Wang Tiejun leave in a hurry, An Xiaohai smiled and shook his head. Captain Wang, who is quite cute sometimes, actually got a beautiful girl to be his liaison. It's so unreliable!

No one can recognize you if you wear a mask? It's too arbitrary. Let alone wearing a mask, even if Xia Jing covers her whole head, An Xiaohai can easily recognize her!

At the same time, Wang Tiejun also smiled bitterly and shook his head: "This An Xiaohai is a bit difficult to deal with... "The Count of Monte Cristo", doesn't this kid want to escape from prison? He shouldn't..."