
Dark Nephilim( Supernatural )

A man who enters the supernatural world with an absent sense of self-preservation. ======================================= I am not the author only translate all the rights belong to "FoxHellfire"

LordPuska · TV
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25 Chs

Chapter 1

My new mom's name is Lily, and her hair is red, and Father James, and he's four-eyes, and they spoke English.

I thought it was time to unbutton my wand, but the system failed, and they called me Alex.

One good thing, you don't have to wait around for the Dark Lords.

I knew English perfectly, which helped me to understand where I was and when.

The world seems to be the most ordinary. So I thought all six months of my new life, solved in my mind various problems remembered poems and everything.

More of a bore than a super brain. Until one night I woke up to something in my mouth that tasted warm and sticky and nasty.

When I opened my eyes, I met a man whose distinctive feature was bright yellow eyes.

This strange man fed me his blood and smiled foully. From the past guessing my baby body just pooped plain and simple, fortunately did not scream, to watch my new mom burn I did not want.

Swallowing the supersoldier's serum «Made by King of Hell», with longing thought in what ass I found myself.

Somewhere on the periphery of consciousness passed the treacherous - "better Voldemort".

Just as he came and left without disturbing anyone, cultural demons are now higher.

Now you can call your parents. Sleeping all night in your own poop is not a game. The parents didn't notice anything strange, Azazel darling, didn't even touch it.

Until the age of three, almost every night I dreamed of the faces of my murderers. It was a serious challenge even for the adult consciousness. But then I began to let go slowly. Not abruptly and not immediately sure, but nevertheless.

As time passed, I became increasingly aware that I would be left with no choice, and my parents and I were in danger. And since there was no Alex Smith character in the series, there's a good chance my carcass wasn't alive until then. The possibility of Azazel forgetting someone isn't even funny.

Attempts to feel any change were unsuccessful.

So I had to live the normal life as much as possible in my case, a child.

Despite being completely useless, I haven't stopped trying to find a way to activate my powers, if they exist.

And so time passed. And I kept trying. To the extreme I was never stubborn, but my life may depend on it.

My mother is already looking sideways when her eleven-year-old son, hatching his eyes, looking at various small objects and mumbling under his nose - "Feel the Force, Luke, feel it already, blyat".

Yeah, I've had nothing of superpowers all the time. No telekinesis, clairvoyance or telepathy. You need a push or wait until I grow up, but then there's no chance at all, and they're not gonna notice.

- Son, come down to dinner. - Your mother called me. Yours almost happened, just a little bit left. Although whom I deceive.

- I'm on my way, Mom. - I'll push my plans to become a powerful demon into my afternoon nap.

Can't say I didn't do anything. Aside from the questionable attempts to meditate, I've been compiling all the available information on all sorts of supernatural events, mysterious murders, etcetera. Of course, it is secret from parents. Little sense, but at least something.

- Tomorrow at school, did you do your homework? - Strictly (as it seems to her) asked mom.

- Not yet, I'll do it tonight.

So you're not going to the Johnsons' house, okay? You're a smart boy, but you have homework to do.

- Of course, I am a genius at all, - proudly (I think) perched his chin, answered honestly.

That's what my mother smiled at. Proud of me, I'm the best in the class. Don't tell her that I remember the past life and school program too. It's not ideal, but remembering is easier than teaching.

And what I do not know, with an adult consciousness is not difficult to understand.

I never went to school the next day.

My parents had an accident on their way home last night. I was told by a police officer who came to give bad news and pick me up until a relative arrives, my mother's sister.

I'd still be sitting in a state of near shock if I didn't see a cop's eyes all black in the reflection.

I don't think it's a coincidence.

I tried not to show that I knew who he really was, and the demon just took me to the orphanage. And the next day, my aunt took me.

She lived in a small town with no husband and no kids of her own, so I'm not gonna give her any trouble, plus two months later she sold my parents' house.

Alex, you don't mind? she asked, but I didn't care, so I told her.

I was interested in other things at the time, like where to get demon blood.

In the series, it was a powerful amplifier of demonic abilities. Actually, I was thinking seriously about summoning a crossroads demon, but I got lucky for the first time in my new life.

In our lovely town, where the most serious crime was a parking ticket, there was a series of strange murders and one kidnapping.

Where's the luck in that?

Three bodies with a torn throat and no blood in their system. I don't know who the local authorities were sinning for, and I was pretty sure there was a vampire in town.

And two days later, a strange man appeared on the old "Camaro". Introduced himself as an FBI agent and asked interesting questions about strange things. As there is a hunter. Learned about it from an aunt, I have a local pathologist.

The attempt to follow him ended in complete failure. He burned me at once, although he did not show me. I kept following him until tonight, but he either got bored or had other things to do.

- Kid, what do you want? - Grabbing my back, he asked.

Of course, the question arose whether to tell the truth. Okay, you can, but not all.

- Ahjussi, I want to be like you! - I cried out enthusiastically on his face. He was skewed.

- Um, well, it's a lot to learn, and when you're older, you'll come work for us as an agent, help people and catch bad guys. - He shared his wisdom with me and even painted something like a smile, and now go home and leave me alone.

- You don't understand, Uncle. - I'm serious. - You're a hunter. - From the look on your face, I wouldn't have expected that from a kid like me. - I had demons kill my parents.

To his credit, he didn't make a fuss about things I don't know about.

- You don't want this little life, I'm not playing games here. - Seriously, the hunter takes a look.

And you can't explain that I don't have a choice. And to tell the truth about myself, he'll be the first one to stab me.

Your bloodsucker is probably on the north side of town, there's a basement in an abandoned house, nowhere else. I can show you. - he just wanted to say something, but didn't have time. - I'm small, but I'm not an idiot.

'Come on, Sherlock,' he snorted, 'and how did you know I was a hunter? 'Didn't look like I was anywhere to go. 'He asked thoughtfully as we walked to his car.

Which I just shrugged. Don't tell me I've seen a show about guys like him. And there's every other hunter in the old trough, agent or whatever.

We arrived at the scene after the sun had set and I had a bad feeling, which I immediately informed my temporary partner.

What I had to listen to a five-minute monologue on the subject - "I am a professional hunter of evil, Van Helsing himself will kiss my feet when I meet, and you are a little snot". I'm not talking about Hugh in the hat.

- So, stay in the car, lock up and don't come out until I get back, got it? - Tenth time he asked.

- Yes I understood, I understood, though leave the gun, that's all. I asked, well, suddenly. I was smitten with suspicious eyes.

Do you know how to use it? he specified, opening the glove compartment of the car. That's it, really worked.

- Computer games rule! I answered honestly. The hunter, rolling his eyes, silently gave me a weapon and stupidly disappeared into the darkness.

I'm sitting here, holding a gun in my sweaty palms. A small-caliber revolver, maybe a woman's gun, I don't know. The hunter is still gone, he's been gone for 40 minutes. Maybe he's already eaten and I'm next.

There was a silhouette on the side of the house out of the darkness, and I was glad, but as it turned out to be premature. Slowly, a young girl walked towards the car, covered in blood and without a hand, and to top it off, her bowels came out. It doesn't take a genius to understand, my partner did.

People with this set of injuries don't go for a walk. And since she's here and he's not, the partner's an ex-boyfriend. She never made it to my place, fell about a mile from the car.

I did not wait, suddenly I will rest and go on and I will not survive it. The vampire needs to cut off the head, but come close as she does not want. Compromise, shot my new friend a couple of times in the head from a short distance, a vampire can't be killed, but if he's got mush for brains, it's safer to chop her head off, which I did by borrowing a machete. There were four of them in the car.

The house is out of the way, I don't think we heard any gunshots, but we have to hurry. First I checked the basement, I know I took a risk, but leaving the hunter is not an option, in case I'm alive and I'm gone.

We don't abandon our own.
