
Purple Fountain restaurant

After half an hour of driving... we reacher at the front of the large wooden gate... surroundings here are exactly like Green Harmony Villas... lushful greenery... we gave the car key to parking boy.. and went inside by walking... first thing I saw.. colorful fountains are everywhere.... there is the purple stone path ahead of us...

I have to say.. theme of this restaurant is really high class.... we walk for few minutes and reach a large traditional chinese house with 5 floors whole building is of purple and white walls... which enchanting its beauty... .

" this is really beautiful place "

" it's one of the top 3 restaurants in the city... let's go inside.. here speciality is sea food " Mr.Lin said.. and we walk through.. and a pretty lady come to us.

she is wearing white color Zhongshan suit (Mao suit) ... she walk with certain charm.... one look and you can tell she is professional lady in her work....

" welcome to purple fountain dining hall sirs... my name is Han Zhu.. Manager of this restaurant... May I see your membership card ? " she said with a charming smile....there come lot of rich people and youngsters with good looks every day but I have never seen such a handsome man here...

" hello ms.han... we are new to this city.. so we don't have any membership card.. if you care to explain some important rules in here "

" oh I see.. both of you look new here... I have never seen you.. almost every rich figure of this city come here occasionally ... "

" we'll also came here Miss.Han.. who wants to miss such beautiful scenery here.. " I said while looking at her body...

maybe she for my meaning and smile like a sly fox...

" Damn.. is there special services are also provides here ' I thought while keep glancing at her buns...

" you are most welcome.. taking care of our customers are our duty and taking care of you is honor. ufufufu... " she said with a flirting glance.. but I know she is professional in flirty talks... there are lots of 2nd gen rich good for nothing came here. to try their luck..

I also smile at her... not saying a word...

seeing me not talking.. she starts to explaining membership system..

it's is those with SILVER CARD can dine in 1st floor every dish is in the range of ( 1,000 -- 100,000 yuan ) to get the card you have to spend more than 500,000 yen ...

GOLDEN CARD can dine at 2nd floor it is give to those basically with the worth more than 100 millions.. or someone who spend more than 3 millions

DIAMOND CARD can dine in 3rd floor .. basically those worth more than of 500 millions... every dish is exclusively served for them with luxurious boxes with multiple themes for their current moods...

then last.. PLATINUM CARD can dine in 4th grand floor.. there is artificial poss on forth floor and seperate round dining table is placed near it... they can enjoy every dish.. alcohols they like... these are are worth with billions... there are less than 10 Cards distributed at 4th floor..

and 5th floor is personal floor of owner of the restaurant...

.after listening all this... I sigh a bit..

white city is very big and advanced... rich people lifestyles are always different... different class different treatment..

" there is also 3 games set up by our boss "

it picked up my interest " what sorts of games "

seeing I am interested she smile more widely.... " there are 3 games.... first is.. Catch at least 5 fish with bare hands from the fountain... .

second is calligraphy... and last one is lifting the sword lifting... "

" I understand 1st two.. but what is sword lifting " I asked with a confused face..

" there is a very heavy sword in back of the restaurant... which is inside the big piece of the rock... of its hilt is outside... if anyone succeed to take out the sword from the rock.. he/she can get eat here unlimited for lifetime... but no one is able to succeed . "

after know this.. I really want to try my new strength...

" oh what is the story of such sword "

" that sword is from our boss family.. it's said that.. its their ancestor sword.. which at his time was a great general " she explain with great interest...

its seems like boss family is with great history...

" do you want to try it ? "

" Ahh.. nah.. I'll try it some other time.. today is only dinner "

then she take us to end of the corridor she stop at a box and take us inside...

there is only table for two..

there are scroll of calligraphy and beautiful nature painting hung on the wall.. which gives a sense of peace... every box here is soundproof ..

after we sat . I take the menu and see around 50 dishes... are here... and 10 of them are of 100,000 yuan....

" so what do you like to eat " Mr.lin asked while drinking some water... here water is slightly purple color...

" give us Deep fried pomfret... Marinated swordfish.. tuna fish....." one by one I name last 10 most expensive dishes .. after listening me.. she startle for a second but take the order... " would you like any drink "

" yeah.. 1960s Wuliangye 2 bottles " I said tasting purple water... it tastes yummy ... I like it.... my grandpa drinks many different kinds of alcohols .. so I also sometimes sneekly taste some... and now I am here.. I want to drink some...

after listening me Mr.lin frown a bit " little Feng you shouldn't drink strong alcohols.. you are still young ".... " i know Mr.lin don't worry i only drink a little.. anyway when we get time to come cities restaurants " ...

* sigh * " alright.. " he said..

" are you sure sir... 1 bottor of 1960s Wuliangye is of 980,000 yuan " miss.han asked... who drink casually such expensive drink casually and 2 like this... in 1 minute they give order of near 3 millions...

" anh.. it's nothing.. please brink 2 bottles "

hearing me saying this... she went out of the room...

" little feng what do you think bout that sword "

" huh.. well there is nothing special I think.. just a slightly heavy piece of metal.. buried under the ground .... I really want to try it taking out.. but next time thou... is there something wrong Mr Lin.. " .... he don't talk about random things... but he asked about that sword. there should be something...

" Ah I hear heard of the same sword like this many years ago... I also try to taking out that sword... but it only tilt a slightly then stop.. it seems only fated one can take out it.... well let's leave all this... and you should start preparing for your high school entrance exam which is at tomorrow at noon.. "

seeing him changing topic.. I don't ask anything further.... but entrance exam. I can pass easily... I am a genius at my middle school... many teachers favours me.. and girls like my performance and handsomeness..... but I still a pure virgin soul thou.... with EVA here there is no test I can't clear... right EVA?

[ yes... I can help you answer every question in exams ]

' hah... then I can enjoy my youth without caring study '

[ you can also answer yourself without my help..]

' huh. how ' hearing her I think i am intelligent but in only computers and science not in every subject thou...

[ by nano particles you can easily remember almost everything in one glance and with more modifications you can also increase your eyesight and see through things ]...

kyaaaa.... REALLY.. HOLLY SHIT.. ... EVA tell me.. you are not lying right..

[ I never lie to you sir ]


" little Feng ! what happened.. why are you laughing so much... " ... seeing me laughing like manic.... Mr.lin asked while shaking my hand..

I collect my thoughts but still happy from the bottom of my soul... " nothing .. I just remembered a joke... "

" seriously... what's wrong with you now days... you should train more... loosing emotions like this.. is not a good thing... what if we are in public... "....

" don't worry Mr.lin. I take care in future.." i said calying down. but happiness in my heart don't looking down.... it must be my last life karma... I can see from things... haha... pretty ladies... I am coming.. the.. X-ray Ranger.

suddenly door opened and varup is fragrant dishes came one by one.... and settling down... we start enjoying dishes..with drink ...

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