

"What do you do when you are not a temporary assistant?"

"I do this and that. Shop, read, design."

Aidan was trying not to look too disappointed at hearing that. Especially since he has been turning down girls for being princesses. She must obviously be referring to magazines when she says read. But he hung on to the one thing he thought might annoy him less.

"Design as in clothes?"


"Oh, anything I've seen? I think I would have remembered your name if I had come across it though." His brow furrowed while he tried to remember all the jewelry designers his mother is always going on about.

"I'm not famous but I hear my jewelry is. I use a different name."

"Which name? My mother probably knows."

"I'd hope so considering she's wearing one of my necklaces."

"YOU are Neha?" He couldn't have hidden the surprise in his voice even if he tried and he wouldn't have tried after hearing the laughter that erupted from her. She looked so much younger and radiant under the moonlight. They had arrived at the angel fountain his mother had insisted on having in the garden and he couldn't help soaking up her smile.

"You don't have to sound so shocked you know. I do pretty well for myself." She said while still giggling. Then she furrowed her brow and looked at him.

"You won't tell anyone about this right?"

"About you designing jewelry? I don't see why you are even hiding it. My mother would be ecstatic to hear about this." He was already planning to share the news with his mother because this was exciting news to him but he looked down at her and saw the panic in her eyes.

"I don't want anyone to know, I like my privacy. I don't even know why I told you, just keep it to yourself." She was upset and getting frantic. She was about to turn and make it back into the house but he took her hand. She almost jumped right out of her skin at the contact.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a secret. I promise I won't tell anyone. All you have to do is ask. You can trust me."

He rubbed his thumb on her palm and heard her breathing change. He felt a wave of awareness rush through him at the contact, he looked down where he held her hand and like some trance, he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed where he had been rubbing, he darted out his tongue to taste her. He heard her catch her breath and knew he wasn't the only one affected. Fortunately he remembered where they were and gently released her hand.

Toni could not believe what was going on, her heart was pounding so hard she felt like it was about to break through her rib cage. She hadn't expected him to kiss her hand and confusion was misting her brain because she could not even remember what happened before the kiss.

"Perhaps we should go back inside." Aidan said while leading Toni towards the house. His hand on the small of her back, she felt like she was getting a fever.


They had almost made it all the way to the house when she stopped suddenly. Aidan was deep in thought, reprimanding himself for taking such liberties with her but stopped and looked at her.

What if she changed her mind and didn't show up tomorrow?

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