
Danmachi: the cursed child

An orphaned child named Kinshi who grew up in a village north of Orario finds himself cursed by the girl he fell in love with after she died in a monster attack, let's see how he lives his life with an extremely powerful cursed spirit attached to him... her name is Rika .... I'm not good at summarizing, read the book, it's better.

Ity_0n · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

[Outside Orario]

In a bar we can see a man sitting at a table drinking aclool, the man is a tall muscular man with not too long black hair that reaches his ears and neck. He has blue eyes, thin black eyebrows, and a sharp scar on the right side of his mouth just at the edge of his lips. In front of him stands a mysterious person with a hood covering his face. 

"So, Toji, is this mission for you?" the mysterious person asked. 

"So, if I understand correctly, you want me to kill my student so that you can get Rika back," Toji asked with a straight face. 

"Yes, Rika is too powerful for a weakling like him..." the mysterious person started only to be cut off by Toji who looked at him with a bored expression. 

"How much will you give me for this mission?" asked Toji. 

"100 million Valis," the mysterious person replied. 

"...Well, I'll do it..." Toji said hesitantly. 

"So the modern day mercenary king hesitates to accept a mission," the mysterious person laughed. 

"Shut up..." Toji said as he stood up, "I'll do this mission, but if he survives, it means he succeeded in controlling Rika, after all my goal in taking him on as a pupil was to make Rika's consciousness disappear.... and when that happens, the only thing left for you to do is run... Geto Suguru, the monster controller," Toji said as he left the bar and left Geto with a maniacal smile. 

"Hahahahaha soon... soon Rika you'll be mine and Kinshi will disappear without even starting his legend of the cursed hero Hahahahahaha "Geto laughed as he disappeared from his seat, leaving only a table with two chairs.

[Back to Orario]

Outside the guild, we can see Shikamaru and Kinshi talking under the dark sky of Orario. 

"Well, everything is done, you can enter the dungeon ...," Shikamaru began before being cut off. 

"ATCHOU* I think someone's thinking about me," Kinshi sneered, looking around. 

"Ahhh what a pain, just go away, I'm tired of being with you," Shikamaru said shaking his hands.

"It hurts my heart," Kinshi said in return, holding his heart. 

"Yeah, whatever, you don't have to go to the fertility fair with your family," Shikamaru asked. 

"Oh, that's right, you know where it is," Kinshi asked. 

Shikamaru explained the way before he turned and left without saying goodbye to Kinshi. 

"Really disrespectful," Kinshi said with a drop of sweat on his head as he watched Shikamaru leave. 

Kinshi then turned and made his way to the hostess of the shop, when he arrived in front of it, he heard a noise coming from an alleyway, at first, he continued on his way to the hostess without worrying about what was happening, but then he heard something that stopped him. 

"Open that bad leg if you don't want me to use my magic on you," a deep voice said in the alley. 

Hearing this, Kinshi walked towards the alley with his hands in his pockets. When he arrived, he saw a tall man with gray hair wearing a t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms.

On the ground in front of him, a girl of about 15 with black hair and tanned skin that made her look like an Amazon had taken off her clothes, leaving her body bare for Kinshi to see. 

"Hurry before I make you disappear with my magic," the man insisted, pulling violently at the girl's arms. 

"No, leave me alone, you bastard!" the girl said, trying to move. 

"You whore, you're really not afraid, so let me show you my magic," the man said with a smile. 

The man then raised his fist and struck a wooden board next to the girl. 

"Crush Magic: Dislocation," the man said as he struck the board, causing it to turn into thousands of tiny cubes. 

The girl's eyes widened in surprise and fear at seeing such powerful magic. 

Kinshi, watching from a distance, decided to make his presence known by clapping his hands. 

"Clap clap clap... wow, what fantastic magic!" said Kinshi, clapping his hands. 

The man quickly turned around to see a child, which didn't worry him. 

"Kid, this is no place for you," the man said as he turned to look at the girl who had her eyes closed. 

"I know... I know, I just wanted to talk about your magic, then I'll leave," Kinshi said, raising her hands. 

"What do you want to talk about?" the man asked as he continued to remove what little clothing the girl had left. 

"How does it work? And what's its principle?" asked Kinshi.

"Tch... well, I'll explain, but then you have to leave, I have to finish something," the man said, looking down at his fist. 

"Idiot," Kinshi thought with a grin. 

"It's not real magic, because I don't need to cast any spells, it's more of a skill ..... It's called Crush and it can be used in a variety of ways, but they all have to do with destruction by crushing. It can also be used for defensive purposes, by destroying the opponent's attack, or by destroying the ground to absorb the shock of the attack when it's delivered from above, but right now I can only use it on objects because I'm not powerful enough," the man explained, continuing to look at the girl who wasn't moving. 

"So, if I've understood correctly, it can allow you to destroy everything.... Basically, anything you touch with any part of your body will smash objects to pieces, so you need to have a very high level of concentration to control it, but that's not all, you could even do a less dangerous variant that could be called disassembling..." as Kinshi said this, the man's eyes widened. 

"Ability to copy," Rika's voice said in Kinshi's head, making him smile. 

"Well, thank you for this skill," Kinshi said as he turned to leave before stopping and looking over his shoulder, he saw the girl looking at him with sadness and the man looking at him with anger.

"Slaughter him .... Rika," Kinshi said with an emotionless face before turning and walking out of the alley, leaving Rika and the screamers behind. 

Stepping out of the alley with his hands in his pockets, Kinshi walked straight into the "Fertility Hostess". As he entered, Kinshi looked around to see the Loki family in the middle of the room, all laughing together, which made Kinshi smile a little before he walked towards them with a cold emotion on his face, remembering what had happened just before. 

Kinshi walked over to their table before sitting down heavily on the empty chair, causing everyone in the bar to turn to look at him. 

"He's crazy..." said a random guy. 

"No respect at all," said a woman. 

"Who was he sitting with?" said another woman. 

Kinshi paid no attention to the speaker, instead turning his gaze to Loki and holding up two fingers. 

"I'm done .....," Kinshi began before being cut off by Loki who jumped on him and hugged him. 

"Kinshi~ what took you so long...sniff* sniff*" Loki stepped back before continuing, narrowing his eyes, "You smell like a girl..." 

"It's because of the guild, there were too many girls," he replied, turning his face away. 

"He wasn't lying," everyone in the bar thought before resuming their activities. 

After this dubious answer, Finn explained the rules of the bar and the names of the waitresses to Kinshi, who nodded throughout to show his understanding, then ordered food from an emotionless elf named Ryuu, the rest of the evening went well with Kinshi being asked questions about himself and his past, which he answered briefly without saying too much, he laughed so quietly, thinking about it, Kinshi realized that it was the first time in years that he felt comfortable around other people, which reminded him of the past. 

Remembering the past, Kinshi leaned his head back with his eyes closed for a few seconds, and when he opened them, he saw a man's private parts, which made him look up to see a man staring at him angrily. 

"What's going on..." Kinshi began before he was hit by the man's foot. 

The blow was so strong that Kinshi flew until he hit the bar hard, slowly recovering from the blow he saw that the rest of the Loki Famillia had risen to help him, he then looked at the man briefly before speaking. 

"Koff Koff.... why did you hit me, we don't even know each other," Kinshi asked as he wiped the blood that was slowly trickling from his lip, "Don't do anything Rika," Kinshi thought as he felt Rika's killing intent.

"Why did I hit you? it's simple, you're sitting with the Loki family, a weakling like you, you have no merit, I suppose you joined them because your parents are rich....but I don't care, what angers me most is that you're sitting next to the Princess of the Sword, your shoulders touch, but neither of you react.... I don't accept being rejected while you can touch her.... SHE'S MINE," the man explained angrily. 

"You must be about 15, but you're in love with a 10-year-old girl, and you're jealous about things like that....We've only known each other for a day, so don't worry," Kinshi said, sitting on the floor. 

"SHUT UP! BASTARD," the man shouted, kicking Kinshi without any reaction. 

"You're older than me, so you must know the basic rules of living in society," asked Kinshi, still sitting on the ground with blood pouring from his head. 

"Huh?" the man said, looking at Kinshi like a fool. 

"It's simple, I won't kill you and in return you'll be kind enough not to kill me, you can change kill to any other verb, but in simple terms it means not to insult the dignity of others, to treat your fellow man equally....yet you consider me inferior," Kinshi said, rising from his seat to find himself standing in front of the man, even though he was shorter.

"Of course, you're just a worm compared to me, a level 3 adventurer, but I deserve to be next to you," the man said with an arrogant look on his face. 

"I was told not to fight here," as he said this, Kinshi turned to look at Mama Mia, who according to Finn is the boss of this place, "Do you mind if I take care of him?" asked Kinshi. 

"No, go ahead, but if you destroy him, you'll pay," Mia said, narrowing her eyes and sending shivers down Kinshi's spine. 

"You know, people are nothing but tools to me, I'm willing to do anything to succeed, no matter how many sacrifices I have to make in this world, only victory counts," Kinshi said without emotion before putting his pistol shaped hands to his temple, "at the end of the day, I'll never have friends or girlfriends, only my object counts and that's why I'm going for it, for me everything else doesn't matter....... Boom" as he finished saying boom, everyone looked at him confused until Rika stepped out of the man's shadow to rip his head off, killing him instantly. 

Kinshi then began to walk, passing the now dead man without stopping, then passing the Loki family who were watching him, then leaving the bar under the shocked gaze of everyone before slowly disappearing into the dark streets of Orario.

[Pov Finn]

Seeing Kinshi kill an ancestor made me extremely angry, so angry that I wanted to shout at him, but as we passed by, I looked into their eyes.... I saw an immeasurable sadness, so much sadness that I felt so sad myself that I felt a tear rolling down my cheek, which I quickly wiped away before letting him go, deciding to talk about this event later at the mansion. 

[Fin Pov Finn]

When Finn came out of his thoughts, he saw that everyone among the executives had felt Kinshi's sadness and understood that his past was not as simple as he had explained about his dying love, Finn then ordered everyone to get rid of the body, then he paid Mama Mia for the meal and left with the executives of the Family. 

As they walked in total silence, showing that each member was deep in thought, a voice was heard softly. 

"I...want...to...help..." a little girl spoke, causing everyone to look at her, realizing for the first time that Ais Wallenstein was starting a conversation. 

"Why Ais?" asked Finn seriously. 

"He has the same sadness as me," Ais explained, trying to use as few words as possible.

"No," Loki said sadly as everyone looked at her in confusion, "He has more sadness..... so much so that he puts all his future in his objectifs to forget his sadness, but what I don't understand is that she is his objectifs, we know he wants to control Rika and allow her to rest in peace and then live her life quietly .... but that's not all, there's more to it..... I felt it in his words when he spoke of his objective, he must have an even greater goal, but what? that is the question....let's help him, after all he is part of our family," Loki explained with a smile as he continued walking, followed by his staff. 

"Well, we can't know, so let's help him...and one day he'll tell us," Finn said, smiling back with kindness as he thought of Kinshi's sadness. 

With a nod from all the executives, the Famillia Loki set off in the direction of Twillight Manor. 

[Pov Kinshi]

I was currently sitting on the edge of the top of the Babel Tower, looking out over the city of Orario, when Rika stepped out completely and looked at the city from behind me. 

"I promise ... I'll become **************** and I'll destroy this dungeon .... even if it means becoming the biggest villain in the world," I said without emotion as an imposing will came out of me. 

Then I stood up on the edge of Babel before falling forward and disappearing into the clouds surrounding Babel.


Hello, I'm Ity_0n, but call me Ity in the comments. 

I have several questions, first of all do you want Rika to keep her consciousness or not? 

Do you want a harem or a simple romance? 

Vote now: 


- Harem with only 2 or 3 people and with whom do you want it? 

-Romance and with whom

Thank you for reading this story and feel free to leave comments.