
Inner Struggle

Tension was building inside the restaurant as Kaede and Shuichi were having breakfast sitting at the same table as Kaito. Since they got to the restaurant Kaito noted that both of them were really quiet, more than usual. He could just notice that from time to time the pair looked at the other side of the restaurant were Maki was sitting at a table for two, not eating anything just thinking, and as soon as she surprised one of both of them looking at her, she gave them a killer glare. Kaito had his doubts about how did these two make Maki mad.

Kaito tried to break the silence between them by sharing with him what had transpired the night before.

"I don't know how you guys made Maki mad, but all this silence is driving me crazy, so I just might as well tell you what happened to me". Shuichi and Kaede looked at Kaito, paying attention to what he was just about to say.

"So, let's say that last night after Kirumi and I got to our cabin, she started to… how to say this? Give her services to me?"

*PFFFT* Kaede spit out the water she was just sipping on, landing all over Kaito.

"Okay! I get it! Wrong words! Sorry!" Kaito blushed as he realized what just came out of his mouth. "She started to treat me as if I was her master, believe me, that really set me off, I started arguing with her why should she do that and so, at the end she admitted that she wanted to help me grow as an astronaut and that she was sure that she could have a great influence in my training and my development"

Shuichi with a confused face replied " I don't see why this would make Maki mad" Kaede was surprised by how oblivious Shuichi was.

"I know right!" Kaito agreed with Shuichi, Kaede was just sitting there surprised by how stupid these two guys could be. "Well moving on, today I got here to the restaurant with Kirumi and she accidentally almost called me master, as soon as this happened Maki just left the restaurant, she seemed pissed off, so I let her be so she could cool down a bit" The same thought crossed Kaede's and Shuichi's mind as they heard Kaito story

"So, it is your fault she found us huh?" They both thought as they looked at each other as in to confirm what each of them was thinking.

"But anyhow, what's your guy's story?" Shuichi and Kaede just looked at the ground, blushing while trying to evade the question.

"Ummm... well…." Kaede muttered to herself,

"I..don't…know where to start..." Shuichi also talked to himself in a low voice. This made the couple remember what happened just an hour ago.

~ ~


"Wait!!! Maki I can explain!!" Kaede desperately tried to calm Maki down as she witnessed the pair in bed. The pair were lying on the bed with their underwear on. This made Shuichi the more nervous at that situation he desperately tried to cover himself with something so that Maki's eyes could not catch a glimpse of him.

"We were just sleeping! Just that! Please don't tell anyone!!" Kaede still in his underwear went from a fully relaxed sleeping position to a groveling position in her knees with her forehead in slamming onto the bed.

"I can't believe this, out of all the people, I just did not expect such a perverted attitude out of both of you!"

As soon as she said this, Maki left the room and slammed the door as she made her way out of it, this left Kaede and a mute Shuichi to figure out what to do next and try to recover from the shock of this sudden situation.

~ ~

"So, guys? Tell me what you did" Kaito was pushing the couple to tell the embarrassing story that could not be revealed for obvious reasons.

"Let's leave that topic behind, it's not important… for now, let's try and focus on how to make Maki feel better okay?" Shuichi glossed over the question as he changed the topic to something, they could all discuss.

On the other side of the restaurant, Maki was in complete silence, trying to sort out her feelings. "Why do I feel like this when I see Kaito with Kirumi, I know they are just roommates and nothing more, but I can't help feeling this pressing in my chest, it is so strange, but it hurts so bad" Maki was staring outside of the window as these thoughts crossed her mind. "And why did I got mad at Shuichi and Kaede this much...? Maybe it's because I... might want something like that... with him...?" Maki slightly blushed and shook his head to let that embarrassing idea go away.

"Hey Maki, mind if Gonta sits here?" Maki looked up to find Gonta looking at her while holding a plate full of food. "Do what you want…" Maki replied with a cold voice, Gonta did not deserve that treatment, but she was afflicted and did not have the attitude to watch her words.

"Gonta can notice that you are sad Maki, how about Gonta tells you a story of Gonta's home?" Gonta with an innocent smile started telling Maki about his home and all the reptiles that he considered his family. "Sometimes Gonta felt sad because Gonta could not talk to the other kids in his school, but every day when Mother Reptile saw Gonta like this she approached Gonta and caressed Gonta's hair with her claws. Gonta told all about it to Mother Reptile and she made Gonta feel way better after it!" This part of the story hit like a needle in Maki's heart.

"Someone, to talk to huh?" Maki said to herself in a low voice. "Hey Gonta, is it that good to talk to someone about your problems?" Maki asked Gonta with a serious attitude. "Of course! Mother reptile always listened to Gonta and after telling everything that made Gonta sad, Gonta started to feel happy" Maki look back in what Rantaro told him this morning, "You can count on us, please do not hesitate in consulting us", Maki let out a small smile and look towards Gonta. "Thank you Gonta, you made feel better, and I'm sorry if was rude earlier…" Gonta quickly replied Maki "Do not worry, that is what a true gentleman has to do!"

Maki finally stood up and grabbed a quick snack to breakfast, as time passed one by one each tutor arrived to take their own student to their daily session. Maki was sitting down eating an apple when Peko arrived at the restaurant. Maki stood up saying goodbye to Gonta as she walked in her tutor's direction.

"You ready to go?" Peko asked Maki as soon as she was close enough to hear her voice. "Yeah" Maki was still having second thoughts on trusting someone with her feelings, but she will not feel any better if she did not try.

Peko took Maki to the beach that was located on island number two. The beach had amazing scenery with palms and also there was a beach house near the coast. Both of them entered the beach house and took a seat in the nearby table that was set by the window, allowing both of them a clear view of the beautiful sea. Both of them remained quiet, looking around the beach house and outside into the beach.

Maki's determination was building up inside her, she wanted to break this silence. She mustered the courage and began speaking. "Um… there is someth- ",

"You know…" Peko interrupted her abruptly. "You and I are more similar than I thought" Peko looked into Maki's eyes and replied.

"How so?" Asked Maki with some confusion in her voice.

"We both like keeping our feelings for ourselves and no one else" As Peko said this Maki's eyes went wide open, it was as if she had just read her mind.

"Would you… mind if I talk to you about something…?" A shy Maki asked trying to build up the courage to tell her.

"Please do, that's what I am here for" A slight yet beautiful smile could be seen in Peko's face as she listened closely to what Maki had to say.

Hello Everyone! I hope that you liked this chapter, I think this is my longest chapter yet, I hope you enjoy it! And thank you as always of taking the time to read this novel! Thank you for your support and see you guys in the next chapter!

Sado13creators' thoughts
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